Idea Temps

Idea Riding Temps & Sunny or Cloudy

  • Below 50

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • 50's

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • 60's

    Votes: 14 20.6%
  • 70's

    Votes: 43 63.2%
  • 80's

    Votes: 22 32.4%
  • Above 90

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Sunny

    Votes: 31 45.6%
  • Cloudy

    Votes: 9 13.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i just took my bike out for a spin to see how my new fz1 bars are. It was 4C/39F. My hands are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezin!

My usual rule of thumb is anything over 10C/50F.
Anything above 50, easy decision. Below that, it depends on how much I want to ride to put the extra layers on.
I like it to be cold enough that the bike runs great but not so cold that it's unpleasant. So..maybe like 60's.
I personally like it a little warmer partly cloudy in the low 80's. That way the sun isn't constantly baking you but you are plenty warm even in the low and river areas. I would rather be sweating than to be shivering!!
I picked 80's for the low 80s and with a little cloud cover so the sun isn't beaming down on me.
I'll ride if there is no ice on the roads, also probably not much colder than 11 degrees... that is my all time low, might have to try a bit colder just to see how bad it is.
Any Temp above 50 with no rain is ideal. It was 54 this morning on the way in, and sunny. It was wonderful. Made me think about playing hooky from work, but I was a good employee :D.

However, I will ride down to the mid 30's as long as it is not raining. I just have to wear more clothes.
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My ideal temps are 80's. Over that it get's too hot for the leathers.
As far as the lowest, I noticed that under 20 and I get too much frost on my face shield, and my hands get frozen fast.
As long as it's over 50 I'm totally in.
ill ride in anything over 50F with the right gear.. but my ideal temp is like 70-75F... not to hot, not cold... perfect ridding weather :)
surprised at the cold weather some of you will ride in. I don't like to ride at anything under 55. I get up in the morning and will ride if it is at least 35 but only if it supposed to be above 55 later that day, and I usually don't enjoy the ride in much. As I said on an earlier post, give me 80 and partly cloudy and I am happiest.
If my bike will start in the morning, then I will be riding that day.

The only days I don't is when we get these humongous rain storms on the Gulf Coast.