I hate Pedestrians

You missed the point of that phrase. Obviously the glass is still the same either way. It's all about perspective. You either see things positively or negatively. Personally, I like to see things in a positive light, but you are making it very difficult for me to do so in your case. You speak of the need to earn respect and not be given respect, yet you do nothing but talk trash on people's posts which continues to cause you to lose respect from those around you, especially me. Just because you may not respect someone does not entitle you to derespect someone.:rolleyes:

I do nothing but talk trash? impressive. I have how many posts now? you're good if you can come up with that brilliant deduction in such a short time frame.

Respect will always be a contentious issue...I respect those who earn it and thats not going to change, just the same you choose to lose respect for me because of my thoughts on the matter. (how did you even have any respect for me in the first place? you don't know me at all)
I won't get in a e-dick contest with you over it. The better man wins.

oh and on a side note....I'm sitting in the middle on the positive/negative crap....I go both ways depending on the situation. You'll learn that over time as my post count increases.
I myself have experienced both sides of being a pedisterian pissed at drivers and being a driver mad at dumb ass pedisterians. My feeling at least for where I'm from is if drivers followed the rule to yield to ped's and people on foot actually went to the cross walks and waited for the signal, everyone would be alot better off.
I myself have experienced both sides of being a pedisterian pissed at drivers and being a driver mad at dumb ass pedisterians. My feeling at least for where I'm from is if drivers followed the rule to yield to ped's and people on foot actually went to the cross walks and waited for the signal, everyone would be alot better off.

This is very true and in an ideal world would work beautifully. Only problem is people generally aren't paying attention to what is going on around them. Whether on cell phones or listening to ipods or fiddling with the radio in the car... too many distractions with not enough brain power.
I do nothing but talk trash? impressive. I have how many posts now? you're good if you can come up with that brilliant deduction in such a short time frame.

You further strengthen my point. You have had very little activity on this forum and the little activity you have had so far has been very negatively toned. As I said before, I am happy to have you here as all perspectives are welcome, but be nice about it.

SidewallPuncture said:
Respect will always be a contentious issue...I respect those who earn it and thats not going to change, just the same you choose to lose respect for me because of my thoughts on the matter. (how did you even have any respect for me in the first place? you don't know me at all) I won't get in a e-dick contest with you over it. The better man wins.

Once again, I've already stated that I respect people until they give me a reason not to. If you feel that makes me the lesser man or not "the better man" in this discussion, then you are welcome to your opinion and I kindly will disagree with you. I'm not denying that respect can and should be earned, but that doesn't mean you should disrespect someone just because you don't know them. This and this alone is my point in this discussion. I'm stepping off my soap-box now because I too am tired of this futile conversation that realistically is mere difference in perspectives.
so much talk about respect and disrespect.. is it really that big of a deal. if you have valid comments and opinions (that arnt based on calling people a$$hats) then im sure everyone will "respect" your posts. maybe even give you props. but if your just going around being a dick about things, well. no props for you.

i mean really, not to p!$$ on anyones parade but do you really care about someone expressing their opionion on a message board thats half way across the country or world?? the step is this high. ill give you "props" if we can all get over it and just play nice.
I'm not denying that respect can and should be earned, but that doesn't mean you should disrespect someone just because you don't know them.

I don't believe I disrespected him on the basis I don't know him. You very well may have done that with me though.

I simply stated he has not earned any respect from my side. He's sitting in a neutral area at the moment. His responses will dictate which direction he heads on the respect scale.
I simply stated he has not earned any respect from my side. He's sitting in a neutral area at the moment. His responses will dictate which direction he heads on the respect scale.

You are correct everyone is entitled to his own opinion and as long as they don't get personal or seriously start disrespecting others they are very welcome here.

On a personal note I've chatted with Nelly both on the forum and in the pub, I've also riden with the guy. In my opinion a top guy who knows plenty about riding. In his own words he's not too hot on the mechanical side of stuff, but he's very honest about this too. Nelly has been on this forum for a while now and has certainly earned my respect. All I can say is that I hope you can (positively) contribute as much to this forum as Nelly has done.

I'm not going to post further in this thread as it is really flogging a dead horse and we're all entitled to our opinions, IMO it really seems futile to keep feeding this thread any more.
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You are correct everyone is entitled to his own opinion and as long as they don't get personal or seriously start disrespecting others they are very welcome here.

On a personal note I've chatted with Nelly both on the forum and in the pub, I've also riden with the guy. In my opinion a top guy who knows plenty about riding. In his own words he's not too hot on the mechanical side of stuff, but he's very honest about this too. Nelly has been on this forum for a while now and has certainly earned my respect. All I can say is that I hope you can (positively) contribute as much to this forum as Nelly has done.

I'm not going to post further in this thread as it is really beating a dead horse and we're all entitled to our opinions, IMO it really seems futile to keep feeding this thread any more.
Thanks Cloggy,
I have not responded further to this thread as I have made my point. Please be careful of pedestrians who are wearing ear phones.
Other than that, I am always happy to hear other peoples views especially if they are able to invoke a thought changing process to my road riding.


PS I have a Haynes manual now Cloggy and looked at my plugs today.