I hate Pedestrians


International Liaison
Elite Member
Jul 8, 2007
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Co Offaly, ROI
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Riding to work this morning I was coming around a very tight corner in 2nd gear. The road is very slippery as the busses slop diesel all over the place.
A young man wearing an I-pod looked at me then just stepped out.
I had already clocked him wearing his I-pod and I was only doing about 20MPH. I hit the horn which he didn't hear, and I stopped about six inches from his leg. The front wheel slid and I had to release the brake in order not to drop the bike. The rear brake was fine.
He then turned around and called me a self-gratification WTF:spank:.
I tell ya, I was so pissed, the cheek of the lunatic.
Needless to say I was overwhelmed with an immediate urge to warm his backside with my boot.
I wish J walking was illegal here.

Shoulda been doing 10MPH and you would have easily given him a safety net of 24inches.
It always amazes me that people trust everyone to stop - whether it's walking out, pulling half-way across the road and then waiting to turn into the opposite lane, whatever. I certainly don't trust a total stranger to be paying attention enough to not run me down.

Glad to hear it in this instance was only a problem of principle for you - one of my coworkers ended up doing a slow-speed crash under similar circumstances when he happened to start his braking on road paint in one of those slippery areas. It turned out to be expensive since his daytona 955 didn't have sliders and he broke a mirror, cracked a section of fairing and dinged up the exhaust.
I hear you...Its still amazes me that people don't undestand of what it takes to be a rider. Its not like we have cages around us like in cars, and we have to lean to turn, etc. People think bikers are no thing...pshh just a biker.
And lots of people don't like bikers and they cut us off on the highways, and these stupid pedestrians due the same lame things as well. I would yell at that stupid pedestian for sure, or even worse I would whoop his ass...:spank:
maybe not...but still.
Well good thing you save it last second and you did not crash. In which it makes you a good alert rider.
Keep on riding ... keep on.:thumbup:
Next time after you stop and slap it into neutral: put the kickstand down, dismount, headbutt pedestrian (keeping your helmet on), saddle up, put kickstand back up, and ride away.
J walking is illegal here but they also recently passed a screwy pedestrians have the right of way anytime as long as they show intention.

so if I had been in your shoes in my state I would have broke the law for not yielding to someone that was walking towards the street... cross walk or not..

The police do stings here where they find a random piece of road and set up an undercover police officer as a pedestrian. Then about 3 troopers sit around the corner and wait for a car to drive by. When the car gets close the person suddenly starts to walk across the street.

If you don't stop in time then you get a ticket.... I have seen this first hand right out side of my office window. One day it lasted for 5 hours on a street that would be stupid to cross (5 lane road with no cross walk)...

I understand the importance of safety but sometimes I wonder.
It always amazes me that people trust everyone to stop - whether it's walking out, pulling half-way across the road and then waiting to turn into the opposite lane, whatever. I certainly don't trust a total stranger to be paying attention enough to not run me down.

Glad to hear it in this instance was only a problem of principle for you - one of my coworkers ended up doing a slow-speed crash under similar circumstances when he happened to start his braking on road paint in one of those slippery areas. It turned out to be expensive since his daytona 955 didn't have sliders and he broke a mirror, cracked a section of fairing and dinged up the exhaust.
That what gets me, I have to pay insurance to be responsible and be accountable in case of accidents. Any a55hole can use the pavement..
J walking is illegal here but they also recently passed a screwy pedestrians have the right of way anytime as long as they show intention.

so if I had been in your shoes in my state I would have broke the law for not yielding to someone that was walking towards the street... cross walk or not..

The police do stings here where they find a random piece of road and set up an undercover police officer as a pedestrian. Then about 3 troopers sit around the corner and wait for a car to drive by. When the car gets close the person suddenly starts to walk across the street.

If you don't stop in time then you get a ticket.... I have seen this first hand right out side of my office window. One day it lasted for 5 hours on a street that would be stupid to cross (5 lane road with no cross walk)...

I understand the importance of safety but sometimes I wonder.
LOL thats funny "They have to show intention", I intended to be stupid and cause you to crash...
Next time after you stop and slap it into neutral: put the kickstand down, dismount, headbutt pedestrian (keeping your helmet on), saddle up, put kickstand back up, and ride away.
As much as I would have loved to have slapped him. I would end up losing my state registration and it would just not be worth it.
Having said that if he carries on with the same level of disregard for his life. he may well end up in the ED with me on the end of his catheter............

Sorry did I just say that, I was only thinking out aloud. Think deep professional thoughts lol.

J walking is illegal here but they also recently passed a screwy pedestrians have the right of way anytime as long as they show intention.

so if I had been in your shoes in my state I would have broke the law for not yielding to someone that was walking towards the street... cross walk or not..

The police do stings here where they find a random piece of road and set up an undercover police officer as a pedestrian. Then about 3 troopers sit around the corner and wait for a car to drive by. When the car gets close the person suddenly starts to walk across the street.

If you don't stop in time then you get a ticket.... I have seen this first hand right out side of my office window. One day it lasted for 5 hours on a street that would be stupid to cross (5 lane road with no cross walk)...

I understand the importance of safety but sometimes I wonder.

This is called entrapment and is illegal. If I found out the pedestrian was a cop, I'd get a lawyer and sue them for it.

Glad to hear you had your whits about you Nelly. That could have been an easy low-speed oopsie. I'm impressed you kept your cool. I have to be honest, I would have headbutted the guy with my helmet still on.
you should've done a brake slide like in the movies, and grilled him with back tire.

I had some of the same type try and F with me one time while I was in my truck. it was raining out and the were doing the " I'll take my sweet time" to cross the street. once they crossed ,I passed them went up the street made a U-turn and rode the gutter line as I past them. did I mention it was raining and the gutter was flooded. hope they knew how to swim.:thumbup:
This is called entrapment and is illegal. If I found out the pedestrian was a cop, I'd get a lawyer and sue them for it.

Glad to hear you had your whits about you Nelly. That could have been an easy low-speed oopsie. I'm impressed you kept your cool. I have to be honest, I would have headbutted the guy with my helmet still on.
I hadn't thought about that, maybe he was actually trying to get me to hit him. Then claim the old whiplash compo.


I'm really pleased you handled the bike well and didn't crash :thumbup: It's so infuriating when people act as if it's your fault when they were the ones at blame, but well done keeping your cool, it's not easy at times like that :thumbup:
I hear you...Its still amazes me that people don't undestand of what it takes to be a rider. Its not like we have cages around us like in cars

And pedestrians have even less protection than a bike has. They don't even have the luxury of 400lbs of extra mass a bike offers.
Where I come from the law is clear, "Operators of motor vehicles must maintain control of their vehicles at all times." In wintertime, cars go sliding on ice and rear end other cars or sliding into intersections and get sideswiped. This is the drivers fault. Why? Because they fail to adjust their driving to the road conditions and the loose control of their vehicle.

So... You SAW the pedestrian. You KNEW that the conditions were slippery. You saw that the pedestrian would not hear your auditory warnings. And you almost ran the guy down. He has every right to be pissed at you.

Your responsibility for road safety does not end at your own hide. It extends to all those that share the road with you. Including little old ladies, kids kicking balls and i-pod-Deaf pedestrians. A wise driver is AWARE of their environment, a defensive driver ANTICIPATES danger. A responsible driver keeps their vehicle under control.

It sounds to me like you expect the world to stand still and clear a path for you to drive through it. Get a grip! You should know darn well that 99% of pedestrians, like 99% of car drivers, know squat about the dynamics of driving a motor bike. But YOU do! You know what it takes to stop your bike in those conditions. So back up a bit and think a little about your situation and ask yourself who's at fault here. Did you take all safety precautions to protect not only you, but all those around you?

In the final analysis, you had a near miss. It is good that you managed to control your vehicle to avoid an accident. Learn from this and further hone your skills. Now you know for a fact that idiots standing at the side of the street, staring at the other side have a high probability of wanting to cross. They assume that they can do so safely, and they are often oblivious to the dangers around them. Do not make the same mistake as they do, be tuned to the dangers, stay sharp and make the necessary adustments to your diving to preserve the safety of all who share the streets with you.
I don't think you guys are keeping the right perspective here. Nelly did maintain control of his bike and did manage to stop before hitting the pedestrian. He did all of the things you are claiming he did not.

What you are failing to see is that the pedestrian jay-walked which is illegal in its own right. Not only did he jay-walk, but he didn't even bother to look to see if a vehicle was coming, had headphones in preventing him from hearing danger coming, and then was a punk about the whole thing. I think Nelly is fully in his right to beat the living crap out of this guy for being a doush-nozzle.

Both of you guys (SidewallPuncture & BKKFZ6) are new around here and I welcome you to the forum. I'm glad we have a constant influx of new guys here to both learn from the veterans, and to teach with your own knowledge. With that, keep in mind most of us on this forum have been riding for a very long time and are very experienced riders. This includes Nelly and I suggest you show him some respect, he deserves it. I doubt most people on two wheels would have been able to make the stop that he did in this instance.
Having said that if he carries on with the same level of disregard for his life. he may well end up in the ED with me on the end of his catheter............

Sorry did I just say that, I was only thinking out aloud. Think deep professional thoughts lol.


Just casually forget the lubricant on insertion... and inflate bulb a little early. See how he likes it.