I.C.E. tags anyone??


winter soldier
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Oct 16, 2007
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Edison, NJ
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A colleague of mine who happens to be a volunteer firefighter/HD rider showed me an I.C.E. wallet card that he carries with him. I've seen dog tags that you can pretty much buy at any kiosk stand, but unfortunately those won't fit all neccessary medical information or contact person listing.
Originally I placed a sticker on my helmet with "Emergency Contact : then phone number of my wife" but have long since removed that. I usually have my work ID with me from both hospitals and attached to it a flash card with my medical info stored in it and labelled it, I.C.E.
What forms of ID do anyone else use to convey your medical history if in case you're unable to after a crash? A wallet full of credit cards, a few bills and a driver's license is NOT enough!!
A few important things to remember:

Home address and phone number
Immediate contact person(s)
Any pertinent medical history i.e. surgeries, allergies, etc.
Blood type, religious restrictions may matter not during emergency
Spoken language(s)
Religion if any
As mentioned by Eric: Implanted medical devices i.e. pacemakers, defibrillators, nerve stimulators, etc.

There are sites that sells this tags with pc friendly software, one such site is this:UTAG Digital Dogtag - UTAG ICE Card & UTAG Sport
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My mobile phone contacts are marked ICE 1 to 5. But the most useful thing is probably my European Health Insurance Card in my wallet. From that you can trace all my contact details, medical history and next of kin, and get free medical treatment anywhere in the EU.


You never know - they might catch on in the States one day ;)
yea I have the same card, good thing health insurance is pretty good, getting somewhat expensive, but still way better than the current US system.
Hmm, I should get something like this.
I have a Medic Alert tag that displays the name of the mediacal condition I have, and there's a card with more info about it in my wallet, other than that, I only have my drivers license in there.
Always have my phone on me, so all the important people are in there... but a stranger won't know who's important, will they.

Thanks for the idea, I'm gunna print something off and laminate it, and have all that in my wallet... Just in case.

A good reminder, I don't carry anything of the sort... :spank:

The bicycle magazines usually have a couple places in the back that will make bracelets with all your pertinent info.
Always have my phone on me, so all the important people are in there... but a stranger won't know who's important, will they.

There was a bit of a campaign after the London Tube bombings to have ICE details on your phone, so for example it says ICE 1 Home, ICE 2 Dad, ICE 3 Great Aunt Agatha, etc.

The reason for doing it that way was if some paramedic in an emergency has your phone, they don't have to scroll through all your contacts to try and decide who to call.
I wear one of these around my neck when on the bike: Utag ICE. You can put loads of info on the USB stick, and can get the normal metal dog tag engraved as well. I was given it when I did the BikeSafe course with South Wales Police last year.
Newer phone have the "I.C.E." feature built in, unfortunately my phone predates this. The only disadvantage to any electronic device i.e. phone is you never know if this will survive a crash, I suppose this also applies to my USB flash drive idea. Like Stumbles commented, printing out the info and having it laminated works the best. Motoport/Cycleport has this as an option on their jackets. So having a laminated medical info card in your wallet is probably the best way of conveying a medic alert.
When I rode bicycles I wore one of these Road ID® They have a newer version which allows you to customize and update your data rather than having a new tag made every time. I guess I should start wearing it again when I ride.
texcollect, I've got one of the dog tags from Road ID as well, although I've been considering upgrading to the interactive one so I could update my data without having a new tag made. This thread just reminded me of that, so I need to get on it! :thumbup:
There was a bit of a campaign after the London Tube bombings to have ICE details on your phone, so for example it says ICE 1 Home, ICE 2 Dad, ICE 3 Great Aunt Agatha, etc.

The reason for doing it that way was if some paramedic in an emergency has your phone, they don't have to scroll through all your contacts to try and decide who to call.

Adding ICE contacts to the phone contact list is a good idea, but I have a cell phone provided by my employer, and it is company policy to use a phone lock code to secure all information on the device. Thus, for me, having ICE contacts on my phone is useless.

The best would be a globally recognized standard for providing essential information. Any electronic device (phone, USB stick, other) can fail during an accident, but a credit card sized card with a uniform layout and an agreed upon information base (in lack of a better word) would work and is as good as failsafe.
Surely contact details would be useful, however I talked to a paramedic here in Denmark, and they would newer give you blood without determining your blood type first, - no matter what kind of info they can find on you.
Guess if you have special allergies, - like intolerance to certain drugs, it could be a heads-up for the medics on site, but otherwise nothing but your name and social security number would be useful here in Denmark. (And those are on the drivers licence card you always carry anyway ...)
Tattoo'd on my arse. :eek: They'll find it eventually. ;)

Seriously, I have I.C.E. in my phone but recent policy at work, as stated above, rendered it useless with a PWD. So, I have a card in my wallet with the info, two people to call and my meds listed. Also states that I have no allergies, blood type and no metal inside me (in case an MRI is needed).
You guys are well prepared for the worst. I got a phone which a password. No license as i lost it while moving house. The only thing in my wallet is my bank card and cash, of no use to anyone other than a theif lol

I will have a lonely stay in hospital if i get that far lol
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