How would you define a "good" rider?

I noticed something similar to this. My first trip on a section of road I never had been on before taught me to look ahead before you turn. I was bad before my schooling for turning and looking after. Problem is if you don't look ahead, you may miss the truck just about to reach an intersection or a kids ball flying toward the road, which can lead to a disaster. I nearly died as a result of missing the truck turning because I wasn't looking. He could not see me but I sure could have seen him if I looked. Changed the way I rode, and motorcycle school greatly helped with this.

Excellent, glad you were able to benefit and see the difference! It can be really tough to break the "look and turn at the same time" reflex but once you are able to it opens a whole new world.

Now, do you think that once you have sort of "gotten" something, like looking into the turn BEFORE you actually turn, that you don't have to work on it anymore or are there some skills, like visual skills, that require constant improvement?

Someone who wears all the proper gear. but more importantly why are they riding, is it to show off to friends, is it pure love of the ride, commuter. to race at tracks, the right combination of these and others can show how good of a rider your really are. But the wrong combination could say otherwise.
First question;

Good riders are pretty comon, they are the ones who ride within their limits. But I think you are asking about those few riders who are somehow better than most others. Given two riders with the same desire and opportunity to practice and improve, the better rider will generally be the one with more self-confidence I think.

Second question;

When I did an advanced driver training class many moons ago, there was an exercise that involved chasing another driver around a skidpad. There were 3 cones defining the inner limits of the circle and 3 more for the outer limits (in staggered placement, not like 3 'gates'). The only way to go fast was to look 2-3 cones ahead and choose your line, meaning you were mostly not looking in the direction of travel of the car. There was a painted line around the skipad too, but the cones were placed to form a different 'line' so that we didn't have a chance at focusing on the painted line in front of us, we had to look at the cones end deduce the optimal line.

This would probably work for bikes too.
You are asking what defines a "good" rider....and that answer is easy.

It's a rider that is above above average in ability. We ride a Sportbike so you take all Sportbike riders and ask yourself are you above the average compared to all of them.

I don't really think that is the real question though. If you want to know why some guys are better than's because this game is mental and the good riders figured out most of it mentally. The great riders...mastered it.
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