How far south do I need to go?...


Junior Member
Mar 19, 2013
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Kingston, ON
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Hey all,

I've got a couple reasons for this post, 1. I'm Canadian, 2. I miss riding, 3. I have a week off coming up soon, 4. I'm planning a ride to the bottom of Argentina (not on the FZ6) in 2 years leaving Canada in January at some point.

So, I was wondering how far south I need to get before I can start riding comfortably without worrying about snow etc. I consider sub 40 degrees too cold really for my regular riding gear.

I know it depends greatly on the weather patterns and changes year to year, but if anyone has any incite for general trends that would be great.

Here in Georgia the average temp has been near that 40F mark. There isnt any snow but I hear Florida is nice Blah
If you are trying to find average LOW temps in the 40's(F) in January you are going almost to Florida or Texas to find that! Here in Virginia normal January Highs are 45F and lows about 29F. You won't be far enough south to enjoy riding until you make it to Florida, Louisiana or Texas.

As far as Snow. Once you get into Virginia down the east coast you almost never find snow on the ground. If you follow the Appalacian mountains down you will find snow as far south as Tennessee and SC.
On the coast it should be much higher further north. Maybe you won't get 70s and 80s during the day like in SoCal but the nights shouldn't be that bad.

For SAGs I looked at Bakersfield and it's in the mid to upper 40s at night. So you could probably start going north from there and see where it starts dropping off.
Interesting question.

I live in West Virginia in the north-west section along the Ohio River, and last year I was able to get out and ride (20-60 miles) several times each month through the winter in days where the high was at least the 40's. But those days were few and far between in Jan & Feb.

In Jan-Feb-March, on average, the mid-west and eastern mid-west (Mi, OH, WV) will be cold, the Appalachian mountains will be colder and more likely to have or get snow. The eastern states will be a bit warmer.

For your long trip your best bet is to come south along the east coast. Catch I-95 near NYC then south to either I-20 or further to I-10 to go west. You'll be tempted to take I-81 south (and it's a nice road). But south of PA it runs just east of the Appalachians and will be in valleys most of the way through Virginia. If you take I-95, try to time your travels to avoid rush hour traffic near the metro areas: NYC, Phila, Baltimore, DC, Richmond because 95 gets brutally, ugly, busy near the cities.

Regarding your near term plans, are you planning to ride the bike south or trailer it? (Or rent?) If you're riding and the weather isn't awful, you should be able to get on the road around noon and stop by sunset or soon after, so that will limit how far south you can get in a week. If you're trailering just keep going till you get to where you think it's nice.

Note that you will probably think a certain temp is acceptable while the locals there will think you're crazy. Not meaning to pick on Yamihoe :rolleyes: but the weather forecast this week near Atlanta will have lows in mid-upper 30's and highs near 50. I could ride in that, happily.

National Weather Service (Also look at the graphical display on the right side below the maps.

If you get out on the road at noon and get back near sunset you'll be in the upper 40's most of the time. You will also be the only bike on the road, except for the few who ride in any weather. (Vegasrider)

If you just want to ride - and flat and straight is OK, go south and stay east. But if you're picky, you'll agree that the best riding is in the mountains. :thumbup: Sadly, for that you'll have to wait till mid to late spring. Or maybe it's nice in the Andes this time of year. (I've not been there.)
Regarding your near term plans, are you planning to ride the bike south or trailer it? (Or rent?) If you're riding and the weather isn't awful, you should be able to get on the road around noon and stop by sunset or soon after, so that will limit how far south you can get in a week. If you're trailering just keep going till you get to where you think it's nice.

Thanks for all the replies

I was thinking of riding down... haha, I guess I could throw my bike in the back of my truck, but loading and unloading might get hairy when I'm on a solo mission.

I think me being on the eastern side of Canada doesnt help either, I know for at least 8 hours south of me there is still lots of snow.
82 in Austin today. Sunny and beautiful.

Minus 5 "THANKS" for that! :shakehead::shakehead: haha! Altho I can't complain these past few days at 55 - 60°F! :thumbup:

In these parts - come Feb the skies are clear and temperature down. Less bugs, no rain gear, but expect temps from +20° to +40° and colder in the east as get into the desert.
46F (about 10 degree's cooler than normal) at 7:00am with a cold front that just came thru right now. Should be high 70's today and sunny.

Orlando Florida (mid state), is about (when a COLD front comes thru) is roughly the cut off point to stay above 32 degree's. Northern Florida can see snow...

I was cutting the grass, mowing yesterday in shorts/t-shirt but I'm about 3 hours south of Orlando, SW coast.

You need to come as far south as Australia

Forecast for next 7 days.... (Celcius not Farhrenheit...)

To convert - Celcius x 9 / 5 + 32


You need to come as far south as Australia

Forecast for next 7 days.... (Celcius not Farhrenheit...)

To convert - Celcius x 9 / 5 + 32


Nice to hear someone speaking my language! Ive been converting to Fahrenheit for ease of everyone else reading my post... I'd love it if everyone spoke in Kelvin though...

I wonder what it would cost for a flight to AUS, I can check the FZ6 as my one piece of checked baggage right?...
Math....errrr, I just google

Celsius to Fahrenheit table

So for us Scott its been between 22-23 Celcius....:thumbup:

That still doesn't help Craig!!! :spank: (well the link does!)

Where the heck is my foot / inch ruler??

Okay, broke down and clicked for us lazy ones, 71 F
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Go West young man, go west. I'm in Northern Nevada (Reno) Got into the
60's most days this month. February is usually wetter and colder.
My hubby was in Northern California the last few days working. In the 70s there.