how do you take your tea???

I likey my tea with sugar and milk.
I likey my coffee like I like my women. Black and Bitter.
I definately drink too much coffee (black....I'll never understand why people put all this stuff in perfectly good coffee.). However, in Iraq there was more tea than coffee where I was, so I got to where I ejoyed a good strong, hot Chai straight.
Earl Grey for me, infused in a proper pot complete with tea cosy served with rindles lemon Ta.
You folk from Blighty have made me love Earl Grey.
When we went to Portsmouth the cooks bought hella bunches of it. We were required to throw every thing from over seas overboard before we got back to the US. We kept the tea.
I dont like tea, I like coffee. And I like my coffee like I like my men, ground up and in the freezer :D
SPLLUUUURRRFFFF!!! <== the sound of me spraying iced tea all over my monitor.

I live on iced tea, usually 1.5 gal/day. I make it sun-tea style (family-sized tea bag in half-gallon jug of water) but I don't put it in the sun, just straight into the frig; it tastes much cleaner that way.
I'll drink hot tea with sushi, much better than Kirin (I can't believe I just said that!) :thumbup:
who'd of thought there were so many connoisseur's of "tea"