How cold is too cold for you?

I've ridden at 27F twice. Each was a morning where it was supposed to get warmer in the afternoon. That was my limit. Actually, a bit warmer is now my limit. Everything was fine except for my hands. My thumbs, in particular, were in some serious pain by the time I got to work. I'd like to keep it at 40F or above. Sometime you have to go a little colder when the season is as short as it is here in Minnesota.
Went riding in 15 degree weather with windchill of -9 the other day. On the highway at 75mph it was very cold - a small area of exposed neck was stinging (luckily at 75mph my ride was only 8 minutes on the highway and total of 20 minutes). My Gerbing heated glove thumbs were not warm enough...Now, I am grounded by snow...8-((
Went riding in 15 degree weather with windchill of -9 the other day. On the highway at 75mph it was very cold - a small area of exposed neck was stinging (luckily at 75mph my ride was only 8 minutes on the highway and total of 20 minutes). My Gerbing heated glove thumbs were not warm enough...Now, I am grounded by snow...8-((

Cool (no pun intended :D). I was out this last Saturday but I waited until it warmed up to about 20ish (I think 25); there was wind chill but the ride wasn't bad at all. I ensured that my heated jacket was zipped all the way up to cover that little bit of neck area.

I did about 40 minutes on my cruiser and about 30 minutes on the FZ6 (I call these highway miles as maintenance miles only). The nice thing about impending snow is that the temps move up out of the teens.

We put some pipes on my buddy's 1300 Honda last Feb. We finished around 10pm and we all went out for a victory ride down to the local watering hole. It was 27*F when we left and 22*F when we left the bar. I had on Carhartt coveralls and my hunting gloves....but it was still a bit chilly at 65mph.
A few weeks ago temps were around 5 F somewhere in the minus temps with the wind chill,only have about a mile to where I catch my vanpool so just bundled up. Nice and dry for that week then the snow and ice came so had to catch a ride with someone else. We are back to the the high teens for lows so its back on the bike until the snow or ice comes again
It really doesn’t' matter as long as road conditions are good and you wear the right gear. Example is I rode through 50F in a down poor at 70mph highway speed with no rain gear which = butt freeze-in cold! With this wind chill and not having rain gear =d poor planning on my part!
I rode my RoadStar w/ no windshield to work one day when it was 14F degrees. I was layered up & stayed pretty warm all except my hands. I had snowmobile gloves over silk glove liners over latex gloves & was still cold!
Way too cold Dhx24.... But not for the Steg;)

I did a test ride yesterday a 40F and I was freezing no fun at all.
I have to agree, it's never to cold. I recommend good gloves, I used to ride to work before sunrise and at temps of 14 F. As long has your hands don't go numb you be able to maintain full control.
To me there is no such thing as "bad riding weather" or a bad time to ride, with the exception of ice on the road
I ride to class on a regular basis with the temp. being around 35F, but I used to ride in a bit colder weather when I first got my bike. I won't ride when it's below freezing, though.
(It's not the cold that gets me, it's those 147 mph windchills! : )
When I was in high school I had a Honda which only had a kick starter. (I rode every school day of the year, no matter what) One morning it was nine degrees F. When I kicked the engine over the crank (white metal) just said "dink", (in a really high-pitched sound like glass breaking)! Since the ground was covered with ice and snow I could not push the bike off either. I guess nine degrees F is too cold!