hit and run...


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Jul 18, 2008
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So I was about to hop on my bike to get to class (already 5 minutes late), when from a distance I notice something resting on my seat...Closer, I realize that its a footpeg - MY FOOTPEG. I look down to see that it had been ripped off (the right side) when a car had probably rammed into it. It was on its centerstand at the time. I check the otherside for damage...It had fallen over...but thankfully only a couple minor scratches - the handlebar took the brunt of the fall. And yeah, thats bent to sh*t. So now i'm lookin at replacing that footpeg (which probably requires replacing that whole right side bracket), and a new handle bar!
I thought I would vent my frusteration here.
On the up side, whoever knocked my bike over had the decency to prop it back up! Just not enough decency to pay for what they did (MY insurance aint covering it!)
Anyone have any experience buying/replacing those things?
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The footpeg is easy to swap. Just pull out the cotter pin and remember how the spring goes. The new one does NOT come with the rubber pad, so make sure to save it.
Bass Tards

I wish rectal herpes on them and a dog with horrible horrible gas all the time.
freaking a$$hole!!!! That pisses me off! Sorry that happened man.
Where was the bike parked? Unless there is specific motorcycle parking, I try to avoid parking in parking lots at all costs. just have read too many threads where riders have had their bikes knocked over by some cager who wasn't paying attention. And everyone of them took off, making it a hit n run. I always try to park on the sidewalk, or directly in front of the businesses doors. Parking lots are for cagers. Unless I see designated place for motorycles to park, they have pretty much left the decision for me to park wherever I want, and it ain't no parking lot.
So I was about to hop on my bike to get to class (already 5 minutes late), when from a distance I notice something resting on my seat...Closer, I realize that its a footpeg - MY FOOTPEG. I look down to see that it had been ripped off (the right side) when a car had probably rammed into it. It was on its centerstand at the time. I check the otherside for damage...It had fallen over...but thankfully only a couple minor scratches - the handlebar took the brunt of the fall. And yeah, thats bent to sh*t. So now i'm lookin at replacing that footpeg (which probably requires replacing that whole right side bracket), and a new handle bar!
I thought I would vent my frusteration here.
On the up side, whoever knocked my bike over had the decency to prop it back up! Just not enough decency to pay for what they did (MY insurance aint covering it!)
Anyone have any experience buying/replacing those things?
Man I don't know where you were but if it was a store than you should had went back in the store. I would had asked to speak to security and explain the situation to them. Then I would had asked for them to see if they had the car on the surveillance cameras If they wouldn't do that I would call police either way. If they wouldn't check the tapes I would tell the cop also. Also me being a noob I may not understand right off. But why the hell is your insurance not covering it. I mean if someone hits my car I am turning it in and be damned if they don't have the damage repaired. If they refused to service you for what the hell you are paying for every month I would cancel right that mintue.
So I was about to hop on my bike to get to class (already 5 minutes late), when from a distance I notice something resting on my seat...Closer, I realize that its a footpeg - MY FOOTPEG. I look down to see that it had been ripped off (the right side) when a car had probably rammed into it. It was on its centerstand at the time. I check the otherside for damage...It had fallen over...but thankfully only a couple minor scratches - the handlebar took the brunt of the fall. And yeah, thats bent to sh*t. So now i'm lookin at replacing that footpeg (which probably requires replacing that whole right side bracket), and a new handle bar!
I thought I would vent my frusteration here.
On the up side, whoever knocked my bike over had the decency to prop it back up! Just not enough decency to pay for what they did (MY insurance aint covering it!)
Anyone have any experience buying/replacing those things?
O one other thing was your bike on the center stand when you parked it or the side stand? Not after it was hit but before it was hit.
sucks man sorry to hear `that. something similar just happened to me a copple of week ago, when i parked my bike at school and some stupid lady somehow hit my bike. luckly the frame slider took most of the damage, minor scraches, but the little wh... just took off without saying anything!!!
Bass Tards

I wish rectal herpes on them and a dog with horrible horrible gas all the time.

I'm with Wright' on this one.. Freakin bastards. But I'll take it a step further in addition to having rectal problems and a dog that farts, they deserve to have their intestines ripped out and wrapped around their neck, then hung from a tree, dangling over a pit of fire in front of Jstein's and Sportriders house. In other words a fire pit in hell :)!!!!!!!! People's cowardness and dishonesty truly miff me.

That is such a drag. like somebody else mentioned I park where i'm not supposed to park like on the sidewalk in front of the store by the entrances. I just mad dog the people who give me funny looks. I could care less what pedestrians opinions are of me, I'm not about to get my wheels knocked over by an idiot and ruin my day by parking legally.

Good luck with the repairs.
they deserve to have their intestines ripped out and wrapped around their neck, then hung from a tree, dangling over a pit of fire in front of Jstein's and Sportriders house. In other words a fire pit in hell :)!!!!!!!! People's cowardness and dishonesty truly miff me.

hmmmm....what's a tree?
ill sell ya my bars.. i have new ones on order.. for my streetfighter.. dont know how much they go for.. but ill hook u up.. just pm me.. and i have alot of the stock parts as well... like if u need mirrors or something like that. just pm with everything u need and ill let u know what i have.:welcome:
I checked the surrounding area for cameras but there were none to be found. It was on the centerstand at the time of the accident - I had just lubed the chain an hour earlier. I was parked perpendicular to a sidewalk, right next to the entrance to a quiet parking lot. That driver had to have been blind (or just a terrible driver) to have hit my bike. My insurance only covers damage done to OTHER vehicles (the bare minimum insurance). Frame sliders! I hear they do wonders...I'm in the market for a set.
My insurance only covers damage done to OTHER vehicles (the bare minimum insurance)....

Have you asked your insurance company, or just assuming because you have no collision coverage? Do you have comprehensive coverage, i.e. coverage for things like theft, vandalism, etc.? I believe my comprehensive coverage would apply here because the bike was damaged while parked. Just a thought....
The same thing happend with one of my scooters once. It was parked in a parking lot and someone tried to back in to the space and didn't notice the scoot. She left a note, but couldn't figure out how to put it on the center stand so she leaned it up against a tree. Also, she put my helmet on the ground, upside down with the note inside it. It rained all day and I came out of school several hours later to find my scooter leaned up against a tree, and my helmet full of water with a note floating in it. I was super pissed till I noticed the note.

I only asked the girl to pay for the brake lever that was broken, the rest was cosmetic and just added to the "character" of this particular bike. Now, like others have said, I park on the sidewalk...
I had someone either back in or go full frontal on my bike when it was two weeks old as it was parked in a lot. I came home in the Nissan and went over to her and noticed that it wasn't quite where I had left it. It was much more parallel to the curb when it used to be at more of a 45 degree angle. Then I checked the pavement out and sure enough there's a scrape mark about a foot and a half long from where the kickstand had originally been on the ground, to where it was now. Thankfully there was no damage. Though, if it had been facing the other way on the sidestand, down she would have went. I have since installed framesliders. But it went to show me that bikes are like nice guitars. You love them with all of your heart, but brand new ones are bittersweet. All shiny and new, but you know something is going to get scartched or a little banged up somewhere. There's nothing you can do about it, and being in a band, I learned to enjoy myself more once the guitar got a few marks here and there. Makes you less anal about things and you relax and focus more on the experience, rather than worrying about a little wear and tear. I guess in terms of bikes, going down in the parking lot once or twice is going to happen. In my experience so far, if bikes are made to look brand new throughout their life, then we wouldn't let them out of the garage. And what fun would that be. Nothing wrong with a little character here and there. Just like what they say about scars; they're like tattoos, but with better stories. :D
Bummer. People suck.

Mine's been knocked over twice in the almost two years I've owned it. I don't have dedicated parking at my apartment and so have to park wherever I can find space on the road. Yeah, sucks. The first time the lady left a note (and paid for the parts), the second time the person didn't.

The second time was when they bent the bars on my bike. I think they're about $40 or so. If I'd have known (thought about) about the Fz1 handlebar "mod" I'd have just gotten those. You might check 'em out.

We just had a discussion about which stand to use when parking -- center or side. I will only park it on the center stand now. YMMV.

Since I drive a car, too, I can't/won't issue a blanket "cagers suck" comment. But some car drivers are really clueless and should, quite simply, not be allowed anywhere near the wheel of a car.

I would assume from your minimal insurance coverage that you paid cash for your bike.(?) Mine's financed and there's no way that the bank would've carried the note without full coverage. Not that I used it for either of my incidents. I'm not going to give the company a reason to raise my rates over smallish incidents.
Would have a motion/vibration/shock sensor alarm with two-way have tipped you off? I have the two-way FM and if I'm relatively close I personally get the vibration/beeping from my keypod in addition to the bike audibles. You gotta be relatively close, however, in order to be in range. Where was your bike, at you home? If so, you probably would've been alerted and you could have CAUGHT the freakin' Class A-HOLE in the act. Sorry to hear about your misfortune! I, now more than ever, will try to find a sidewalk, etc., instead of a cage parking space.