Hit a Goat


Junior Member
Aug 27, 2009
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I never thought I'd be starting a thread with that title!

Had a great ride out today. About 80Km, stopped for lunch then off again.

Another 30Km into the ride and started up the mountains, some seriously tight hairpin bends so I wasn't going too fast.

Came around a corner and straightened up to find a small group (four or five) of goats grazing at the roadside. One side of the road was sheer cliff (upwards) and the other pretty much the same downwards.

As soon as they heard me there was a blur of goats. I grabbed as much front brake as I could, felt the ABS kick in for the first time and hit one of the goats with the front wheel as it tried to jump over me and the Armco. Luckily, I managed to keep the bike in a straight line and bring it to a halt.

I was absolutely shocked... parked the bike, kicked the stand down (stalled it) and stood there shaking for a bit.

No sign of the goat, no blood and no damage to the bike so I guess it was only a glancing blow.

I wonder if my new exhausts (LeoVince) would have alerted them to my arrival sooner...?
Good to hear your alright! Its always hard to say with animals, none are that smart (including the pedestrian variety) and they are likely to do the worst thing possible no matter what.
Shame the goat got away though, I hear its great on the BBQ and would have made a good celebration feast for being unhurt, and undamaged!
Good to hear your alright! Its always hard to say with animals, none are that smart (including the pedestrian variety) and they are likely to do the worst thing possible no matter what.
Shame the goat got away though, I hear its great on the BBQ and would have made a good celebration feast for being unhurt, and undamaged!


It would have been cool to arrive home with the goat tied over the tank! :thumbup:
I think this is the first "goat" hit. Do they make helmet road kill stickers of goats??? :D
I have a special place for goats! :D


Unfortunately tho, on this occasion it got away... :banghead:
First of all I am glad you are OK but secondly


Then I saw that you are on Cyprus and can understand why you hit a goat.

I hit a fox the other night, same as you a glancing blow but it is a frightener.

I hit a goat, thats one for MCN, you ought to sent it home.
