History, tell us about your place.


Euro Mod
Elite Member
Oct 5, 2007
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Alkmaar Netherlands
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As we quite often get into talking about historical stuff I was curious about the better and the lesser known history of where your live. If this bores the crap out of you switch off now.

The Netherlands the basic facts:History of the Netherlands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Timeline Netherlands

here's one for the Americans New Amsterdam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of my favourites being dual nationality and working for the Dutch Navy
Anglo-Dutch Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Dutch (Netherlands) were one of the (smaller) groups fighting Napoleon at Waterloo Battle of Waterloo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The dutch 80 years war against the spanish. Dutch Revolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The good times, one of the most sucessful Dutch companies:
Dutch East India Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The bad times, the disaster year Rampjaar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I've said before if this stuff doesn't "float your boat" just ignore it but if so maybe you would like to post your own concise or long winded history of your country, state, city or town...
My home town is 30 odd miles west from our nations capital London. 300,000 residents give or take a few.
We are lucky to have two great urban legends.
The first is, we have a statue of queen Victoria in one of the main streets, it was built to commemorate a vist she paid to the town. Allegedly she asked for her statue to be placed looking out of the town and not into it (as is the normal case with the monach and her subjects). Apparently she didn't like the town lol.

The second,
We have a lovely park in the centre of the town built on the ruins of the Abbey, when Henry the 8th decided to divorce his wifes he had to create the church of England. He needed cash to do this so basically ransacked the catholic churches abbeys. The lion was errected in 1886 to comemorate the men of the Royal Berkshire battalion who died in the Afgan campagin.
Urban legend has it that the lions legs are wrong, it is walking with them moving in an un-natural way. Allegedly the sculptor was horrified with his error and comitted suicide.
Well I come from a small village in the east of Ireland called Dunshaughlin, this is the english name given to the village, in my own language it is called Domhnach Seachnaill (pronounced Dow-knock Shock-nill...Kinda!!)

It was home to the nephew of St Patrick (Seachnaill)...and I'm sure most of you guys know St Patrick being mainly from Europe and America on this site!!

My village is located very near to the most historical site in Ireland and from which the whole island of ireland (before the english invaded!! :p :p) was ruled by the "high king". The region is called the Boyne Valley and consists of the Neolithic tombs and the famous "Hill of Tara" which are all at least 4,008 years old!!

If your interested info can be found here: (god bless wikipedia!!!)

Dunshaughlin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brú na Bóinne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hill of Tara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Battle of Tara Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (its not Tara Hill!!!, simply the Hill of Tara...obviously someone got mixed up with Tara in the USA!!)
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Texas has a very colorful history. It is the only US state that was once an independent country. The people of Texas are a true mix of many different cultures which evolved into a "cowboy/ old west" culture. Today, contrary to what some people believe, Texas is as modern as any other American state, but it's people like to hang on to its culture.:thumbup:
History of Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although not from Birmingham it is now my home.

The first official mention of Birmingham occurs in Domesday Book in which the Manor of Birmingham is thus described:— ‘‘Richard holds of William four hides in Bremingeham. The arable employs six ploughs; one is in the demesne. There are five villeins andd four bordars with two ploughs. Wood half a mile long and four furlongs broad. It was and is worth 20s."

That is from 1086AD

Today it is the second city. It has more canals than Venice. It has changed from a rather dowdy place in the past 10-15 years to a modern and very agreeable place to be.

Home to spaghetti junction...

whew this may take a bit...
Sarasota, Florida.
this is where old folks come to die thanks to Bertha Honoré Palmer
and where freaks come to live thanks to John and Mable Ringling.
the ringling mansion is only minutes from my house and is a very beautiful art gallery now.
for being underwater originally we have quite a rich history!
Sarasota, Florida - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
also we are near where they say hernando desoto landed a long time ago but they don't know for sure.
we have one of the nicest white sand beaches in the world Siesta key
come visit some time you'll love it!
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convict settlement, this is where mother england use to send convicts to work, one big pirson

sounds like my kind of place!

i have heard that women outnumber men in australia, is that true to your knowledge?

if it is true then it is definatly my kind of place!:thumbup:
When I was in the Navy back in the early 70s, Australia was a popular port of call. Any where in Australia. The word was that in importance Australian men put beer first, money second, and women third. The Australian women knew that American sailors men put women first, beer second, and money last! I was told this by a woman from Australia, but I don't know if this was actually true or not because I never got to sail to Australia. Sure did want to go!!!!

disclaimer---this was during my bachelor years.:D
ye but did didly squat, they got to indonesia and made slaves of them, you need to ask a women how we think i know beer is importent money keeps falling out of my pocket and i adore my missus
ye but did didly squat, they got to indonesia and made slaves of them, you need to ask a women how we think i know beer is importent money keeps falling out of my pocket and i adore my missus

LOL, I didn't know if there was any truth to it. All I knew for sure was that Australia was a popular country for Americans to go!:thumbup: :D I heard the people there were great!
I am originally from Wales in the UK, but now live near a place called Villedieu-Les-Poeles in Normandie, France...

The place was given to the Knight's Templar by King Henry 1st of England in the 12th Century or so, and was the centre of copper making in france for a long time... it has a very interesting history, being one of the few French towns not destroyed at least partially in WW2.

Villedieu-les-Poêles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

*Very* picturesque, and as it is only 20km away from the amazing beaches of Granville, there are some great riding roads. One is honestly like a mini Nordschleife!
I am originally from Wales in the UK, but now live near a place called Villedieu-Les-Poeles in Normandie, France...

The place was given to the Knight's Templar by King Henry 1st of England in the 12th Century or so, and was the centre of copper making in france for a long time... it has a very interesting history, being one of the few French towns not destroyed at least partially in WW2.

Villedieu-les-Poêles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

*Very* picturesque, and as it is only 20km away from the amazing beaches of Granville, there are some great riding roads. One is honestly like a mini Nordschleife!

Looks like a great place, I really love the French towns and villages, they really know how to preserve them. Thanks for the link :thumbup: