Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

Damn, I gotta cook dinner for the herd today, (which is my-speak for go to the shops and get 'em something :rof: ). I'll be heading down to Henley Beach about 7pm though, coffee night with the RidingSA crew at The Coffee Club, opposite Henley Square.

Why you have to live so far South???

Damn, I gotta cook dinner for the herd today, (which is my-speak for go to the shops and get 'em something :rof: ). I'll be heading down to Henley Beach about 7pm though, coffee night with the RidingSA crew at The Coffee Club, opposite Henley Square.

Why you have to live so far South???


I ride through there every day on the way to work doing swim suit checks...lol.

I live down south to get away from all the riff raff...LMAO:Flip::D

A day like today you should head down to Henley beach road via Glenelg....lol.:thumbup:
Might have to have a look at Riding SA if they get out and do stuff, although I really don't have time for another forum and would have to be a:Lurking::rof::rof::rof:
Might have to have a look at Riding SA if they get out and do stuff, although I really don't have time for another forum and would have to be a:Lurking::rof::rof::rof:

They are always asking for "Spur of the moment rides", some just for a cruise or a "learners" ride, but also get the "quicker" rides happening.

Check it out. They do coffee meets Nth, Sth, East and West... generally preceeded by a group ride of some sort.

I'm gunna head down to see the missus for her smoko break at Lonsdale at 9pm... she is working arvo shift today :jawdrop:

Oh yeah, I shall be taking in the beach views on the way to coffee tonight :rof:

Going for a ride in an hour or so. Heading south from Christies beach road to the Esplanade for swim suit checks:cheer::D and will zig and zag along the Esplanade as far as Sellick's and then up Sellick's hill. From there It'll be one of the back ways to Victor, Then back via whatever route seems best. It'll be a 200km-ish round trip. Any takers? (Sorry Jamie:()


Man i would be hilarious on a ride today......Would be all over the shop, dizzy & light headed.....painkillers.....

Have a great Ride Mike, stay upright.

Did your phone battery go flat Mike??? All I got was "radar's everywhere", then you cut out, then disconnected.

Anyway, went down to Henley beach and met a few from the ridingSA group, pretty friendly, but I ditched and left just before 9, rain was a coming, and I wasn't a stayin'.

So, I didn't end up going down to Lonsdale anyway.

Cheers for the warning though :thumbup:

Did your phone battery go flat Mike??? All I got was \"radar's everywhere\", then you cut out, then disconnected.

Anyway, went down to Henley beach and met a few from the ridingSA group, pretty friendly, but I ditched and left just before 9, rain was a coming, and I wasn't a stayin'.

So, I didn't end up going down to Lonsdale anyway.

Cheers for the warning though :thumbup:


Well, were they a nice bunch dave? Joined that forum last week, have really posted at all, still trying to work out how it works!
Yeah, they're a pretty good bunch of guys/gals.

The forum does take some getting used to, it doesn't work as well as this one.

Red.Hot (Sharon) is the site's owner (I think), she was there, and very friendly. I can't remember names, but there was about 15 people there, 5 women, all pretty cool.

Yeah, they're a pretty good bunch of guys/gals.

The forum does take some getting used to, it doesn't work as well as this one.

Red.Hot (Sharon) is the site's owner (I think), she was there, and very friendly. I can't remember names, but there was about 15 people there, 5 women, all pretty cool.


Girls and bikes.......girls on bikes, and more than one in the same spot! :eek:

Very cool! I'm there!

Thanks for the tip Dave!

Oh yeah, and there was some Xmas festival at Henley Beach tonight... with the weather the way it was today... Umm, lets just say, Eye Candy would be an understatement... :rof:


Aaaagrh....and to think i cant freakin ride for 6 weeks! Sunday's now officially suck in my World till the end of January!!!!! Beginning to develop a real resentment for that irresponsible Cager last weekend!!!!

Wanted to swim in my Pool today.......whinge whinge, whine whine...at least the local Video shop business is picking up!

Suppose i can always cruise the beach in the XR6....at least they cant see that i am "lame".

Might have to push back the seat, get out the gold chains, wear my cap backwards, get some really bad wrap around Sunnies, an Air Horn, and a big fat Sub, bang out the Doof Doof, and wink knowingly at the eye candy......

Yeah right!

Might have to push back the seat, get out the gold chains, wear my cap backwards, get some really bad wrap around Sunnies, an Air Horn, and a big fat Sub, bang out the Doof Doof, and wink knowingly at the eye candy......


Just what i was going to do with my bike...lol:eek::D

Sorry to anybody that called or I called on the weekend.
My phone carrier/ISP is currently experiencing difficulties.....difficulties keeping me outta their faces:spank::Flip::stupidpc:

I'm usually pretty easygoing but get real friendly with a duck they're pushing their luck. Could hardly log on all weekend (not the first time) and when i go to ring the number for service probs, I can't get a signal.

I let them know today I thought it was garbage (while they were trying to swindle...I mean sign up new customers) and the new customers got to asking questions about coverage...LMAO.:Flip::Flip::D

Might be getting a land line soon if it persists....OH,no...lol...online gaming.
Forgot to mention, because of the nice weather their were coppers everywhere, raising revenue. Been a bit tight for them so far with the slow start to summer so they were out in force...lol.

Didn't stop people pulling out in front of me and lane changing next to me, even though those people weren't speeding. Maybe they should have a cruddy driver cull...lol.:rockon::cheer::thumbup::D
Forgot to mention, because of the nice weather their were coppers everywhere, raising revenue. Been a bit tight for them so far with the slow start to summer so they were out in force...lol.

Didn't stop people pulling out in front of me and lane changing next to me, even though those people weren't speeding. Maybe they should have a cruddy driver cull...lol.:rockon::cheer::thumbup::D

nope, they should just ban all cars! period! let bike riders have the road...even if i cant ride one right now!

That reminds me, I let them know over at ridingSA that you wouldn't be able to make the bike run for the Lobey Xmas parade... leg in plaster and all. I said that you would confirm it.


Thanks for doing that, and reminding me to let them know......get a new plaster in the morning, have worn out my first one already!

Off to Macca's to get a photo of a newspaper and my ODO and then going for a 'D' Road ride I reckon. Only a couple more stamps to go and i get a free coffee at Victor...LMAO.

Anybody keen?:rockon:.....let me rephrase that:eek:....anybody able to go? I'm sure I can think of one person who'd be keen.....sorry dude.:(

Too much on today, but next week is looking good.

Gotta go down to Glenelg and collect the car, re-arrange the TV's in the house, have put the new one up, now to move the old one to the bedroom and our bedroom one to my daughters room... Then party again this arvo :thumbup:

Have fun out there big-guy... ride safe.
If you didn't have that poofy plate on your bars, I'd chuck you the cam mount, but... Oh well :rof: :Flip:

Too much on today, but next week is looking good.

Gotta go down to Glenelg and collect the car, re-arrange the TV's in the house, have put the new one up, now to move the old one to the bedroom and our bedroom one to my daughters room... Then party again this arvo :thumbup:

Have fun out there big-guy... ride safe.
If you didn't have that poofy plate on your bars, I'd chuck you the cam mount, but... Oh well :rof: :Flip:


My slick and groovy looking plate on my bar clamps is no problem:Flip:. Some of us non-drinking types (did you hear that one Jules?...lol:thumbup:) Stayed home last night and threw some ideas around for a plan 'B'. Trying it out today.
Camera will be the let down I think. Mount should be OK.:rockon:
Have fun with the musical TV thing...lol.

Ok boys....you ready for this.....who wants to come for a ride on Saturday!!!!!!!!

Yep, will be back on the bike tomorrow!!!!! Just nned some handle bars!!!

Yep, have spent all day straightening the bike!!!

Gary is a freaking legend!

More in another thread, but for now...who wants to go for a ride on the weekend????
