Headers are different colors


Junior Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Westminster, MD
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Alright so I was looking at the headers on the bike yesterday and I noticed some strange coloring. 3 of the four headers were slightly blue up near the exhaust ports and one of them wasn't. I feel like they should all have some bluing.

I have not noticed any appreciable loss in power, I am just trying to figure out what could be causing the issue.

I am leaning towards a richer or leaner fuel condition at the injector.

Any input to the problem would be greatly appreciated.

I did just recently install a PC3. I used the stock bike map.

The bike is an 04 with 33,000 miles

Thanks for the help

Did the bluing just start at 33K? most bluing happens on Ti pipes but to a lesser extent on SS and it usually occurs in the the first thousand miles or so. Although its not something I would worry about unless there are other signs of something wrong.

All the discoloration is, is the metal heating up and cooling down, a process kind of like tempering. Unless suspect that you are running lean I would worry. If it makes you feel better take the plugs out and inspect them for signs of running too lean.
I am sure that the pipes have been blue for a long time. I am just trying to figure out why one pipe is more of a neutral color.

The second one from the right is the one I am referring to.
I can be one or more of a thousand things. I wouldn't worry about it.

If it would make you feel better than pull the plugs and look for differences. Then check the throttle bodies to make sure they are synced, there was a great write up on how to make a mamometer on here. That's only if you want a piece of mind.

Also get a custom tune for the PC, stock/zero map may be fine but why spend $250+ on it and then not spend the extra to get it mapped.

My pipes are different too on my track bike and street bike. Both of which I push alot harder than you do your FZ and no ill issues with them.

But like I said if its gonna annoy you in the back off your mind than do those first to things I mentioned and start from there. Obviously the plugs will be the easiest one to do first.