Header/exhaust wrap


Junior Member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Troy, NY
hey everyone,

I was thinking about doing black exhaust wrap from the headers all the way to the start of the mufflers. I was just wondering if anyone else had done this to their bikes? And what type and size wrap did you use? I was looking around and trying to figure out exactly what I need to do the whole thing.

We've used it on endurance bikes in the past. One mfg that comes to mind is Thermo Tec. Lockhart-Phillips carries it. It comes in black and 2"x50' rolls for about $60.00 usd retail. If I remember correctly, you shouldn't use it with titanium exhausts.
Exhaust wrap looks like **** and will destroy your headers in no time, if you're more concerned with the heat, do it the right way, the Ceramic coating way.
We used that Wrap on all our drag bikes..performance gain is slight at the best , it's much more effective on 2 cycle power plants.... if you do the wrap the pipes will turn blue in no time ( wrap removed ) not to mention if your street rideing the wrap will pick up all sorts of dirt and debri...and cleaning , well thats a real pain in the arss...BINDARDUNDAT...just my 2 cents....Daryl
Red is on it, ceramic is the way to go.

I've got wrap on my Buell, I think Wavex does too. Mine is simply to attempt to keep the heat away from the Crown Jewels and inner thigh, and to attempt too keep my fuel cooler. If its 105 outside it really doesn't matter.

I'd say skip it unless you want a Rat bike look, which is cool.

Oh and Fred has it on his turbo bike. I haven't asked but I assume it is more for looks and keeping the bare pipes from burning his leg.
Thanks to all for the advice. I was really looking to do it as more of an option to cover up the dark tarnished headers which are impossible to keep clean. And i'm also looking to pretty much black out the bike. The headers just always looked off to me with the engine and frame being a matte black.

Does anyone know if a powder coating would work? I found a place in the area that does that, but I'm not sure if that would work with the heat put off by the headers.
Powdercoating MIGHT work on the midpipe, but definitly will not work on the headers. I worked in a P/C shop for 5 years and tried many different things. Ceramic coating is the way to go, not only will it look cool, the pipes will run way cooler.