Have your wife/significant-other asked you to….


Junior Member
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
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Wife and I were talking and discussed the bad economic news from my company… ie, slow sales, lay offs, pay cuts… etc. we agreed it would be a good idea for the family to be more conservative and prepare for possible tough times. So we talked about selling one of our many cars, cut back on entertainment, hobbies and clean/clear out clutters around the house.

Nonchalantly, she muttered “Why don’t you sell the motorcycle?” :eek:DOH!!! I heard that loud and clear. :eek:WHAT!! Did she just call my FZ6 – ‘the motorcycle’? How dare!!! And even the thought of getting rid of something I enjoy driving to and from work???!!!! I looked back displeased and disappointed at the same glance… end of conversation. LOL. :spank:

The love of my life, mother of my 3 children and I love her to death. Funny how this is the same girl who wanted a new LV purse a few days ago….
So, have your significant other ever mentioned to get rid of your bike or the FZ specifically? What was that like? How would you feel?
Heh... I think that the wife would know better than to make such a horrible suggestion. As always, she comes first in my life, and the bike comes second. But I always remind her that it's a close second and she should mind her ways or the scales could tip a little. LOL! :D
I wouldnt be happy with out a bike. The only thing that I think could possibly replace a bike would be a airplane.
If my wife mentioned it, I would ask her to sale her new(er) car because we could get more for it and get her an even older car. I think we would come to an agreement real quick not to mention it again. By the way, she loves her car.
Re: Have your wife/significant-other asked you to….

This happened to me as well, partially my fault and economy. I owe very little on the bike, but with economy and being a single income family money is tight (mods:(, mods:(). So after much or less thought I softly mentioned that I may need to sell :eek: the bike. Suddenly, I saw a sparkle in her eyes. You see when I purchased my bike and took it home, only the phrase of "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" came to mind. As you can tell my wife was and still is dead set against her competetion, lol. But later on I decided to work extra hard for my family (wife, kids and bike... sorry no dogs in the house):D
She repeated my stupid thought once more when we talk about possibly moving out of state. By then the bike would have been fully paid and I'm ready for the FJR.:Flip:

If it comes down to it, the bikes are not taboo. But it's one of the great things we share, so we'd give up a few other things before touching the bikes.
Hasn't come up for me although I think my wife wouldn't be sad if the bike was gone - I definitely would be. In reality, if things got really bad it would have to go before necessities, but it's such a small amount of cash for me (2004) and a one time benefit that it wouldn't make much difference in the grand scheme so it would only be in desperation.
I would only ask that of Rob if he asked it of me. And we would have to be pretty hard up for money if we were to sell the bikes. I did ask him to part out his jeep yesterday though, but that was because it is going to need more $$ into it to get it inspectable than it is worth. We can always get another used one when we have the money.
Back when I was married, my motorcycle was considered expendable when weighed against taking care of bills, etc. Now I'm single and my priorty changed. I'll give it to my son or one of my grandchildren whenever I am no longer able to ride it any longer. Like a behest in my will......I'll ride till I die. GRUMPY
I sold my SV650 before we got married to help pay for our wedding and our house and I spent a year without a bike. That will never happen again. Didn't realize at the time how much the bike really meant to my freedom. I think I went into depression for a bit during that summer. Let's just say I will sell everything in the house before the bike goes. Can't imagine being without a bike again.
I DO have to sell the bikes. But only because we can't afford the £111 it costs me per month (for another year). Hopefully I'll have a couple of grand left to buy something half decent after. It was my decision (based on running out of money 3 weeks into the month for the past few months!!)

But, if she did tell me we couldn't afford any bikes I'd make sure her horse went too. That doesn't cost anything yet as it lives at her parents but it's worth a few grand
i have spoken to the girlfriend about this. granted she will probably end up becoming the wife, but basically we came to the agreement that the bike isnt getting sold anytime soon and we would review the "bike situation" when kids are closer to being in the picture. I figured that was a good way to leave it since now i know it will be a few more years till we have to "review" the situation :)