Handlebar install Q's


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Jun 5, 2010
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Finally got my hands on a FZ1 bar, thinking of taking the plunge to install it myself next week.

As I'm not the mechanically proficient type, I have some stupid questions:

1. Seeing how there's glue on the stock clutch-side grip when removing the grip, do I need to glue it back on the FZ1 bar? If so, what type of glue?

2. If I go with aftermarket grips (like Rizoma or Driven), how are they mounted? Can I leave the stock grip on the FZ6 bar or do I need to take the grips off to remove the other components?

Finally got my hands on a FZ1 bar, thinking of taking the plunge to install it myself next week.

As I'm not the mechanically proficient type, I have some stupid questions:

1. Seeing how there's glue on the stock clutch-side grip when removing the grip, do I need to glue it back on the FZ1 bar? If so, what type of glue?

2. If I go with aftermarket grips (like Rizoma or Driven), how are they mounted? Can I leave the stock grip on the FZ6 bar or do I need to take the grips off to remove the other components?


1. If you have an air compressor, you can get some compressed air inside the grips and slide them off that way. Or you can cut them off, if you're just going to get new grips anyway.

2.(a) I don't know specifically about the Rizoma or Driven grips, but most other grips can be held on with some hair spray, believe it or not. Just spray a light coat on the bar and some on the inside of the new grips before sliding them on, and then let them dry for a few minutes.

(b) It would be easiest if you did remove the grips on the factory FZ6 bar to get to the rest of the components.
Nearly impossible to pull clutch lever off without removing clutch grip off.
You don't have to cut the grip off, even if you don't have air compressor. Slide a think flat blade screwdriver under it and spray some WD40 under it. Stick the screwdriver all the way in and move it all around the grip to break the glue.
It'll slide ride off.
In the past, I've installed grips with some rubbing alcohol. Far less messy than glue/hair spray. Now I used compressed air.
Good luck (it's a pretty easy project).
I don't know about the Driven grips, but I've got the Rizoma ones and the clutch side grip is held on by 2 tiny set screws on the underside of the grip, right by the turn signal control housing. The inside of the Rizomas is smooth aluminum and they're every so slightly larger than the bar itself, so the hairspray idea wouldn't work. Besides, the set screws work perfectly (mine have been on for over a year and the clutch side grip has never moved except when I switched out handlebars).

And you can change out the bar yourself...believe me. If I can do it, anyone can! :D There are TONS of posts on here about installing the FZ1 bar (re: the 1 hole you need to drill on the throttle side for the control housing nub), so do some reading before attempting it and you'll be just fine, trust me.
Thanks for the tips guys. Going to try it this week sometime, probably going to try and salvage the stock grips for now.
I did the fz1 bar conversion about a month ago. I used a screw driver to work the glue loose on the left side grip. It came off fine and was able to reuse the grip. When I put the grip back on, I didnt use any thing and it is firm and tight.
Thanks everyone for the help! The mod is indeed easy, including a stop at the hardware store to get titanium drill bits and prep/adjustment it was done within a couple of hours.

I guess I've always had this taboo feeling that I could inadvertently disconnect something and come to a gruesome end when the brakes stop working, but of course the bike components are built to withstand handling.

The early verdict on the bar is as most people said: awesome! Along with the TS seat I have, I could feel a much better seating position and much easier to get down in turns. I think the stock bar gives too much of a sweeping motion feel when turning. Stock bar and maybe riser = good touring position. FZ1 bar = more sporty riding = WIN!

Best $50 I've spent in a long time! :rockon: