Halo 3: ODST

I'm about to jump on the bike and go get it now :D

(We're a few hours ahead of you though). The irritating thing, a few mates on my friends list were playing it last night, yet my store wouldn't release it until today.

I'm getting it. 5 hours to go for me. Soooooo excited! I've probably logged more hours of Halo 3 than anyone else on this site.
I did some 4 player Firefight last night. Good fun with 3 of your mates ploughing through wave after wave of aliens. Went for nearly 2 hours, got up to set 4, wave 3 (I think), we all got the achievement for getting 200,000 score. Was only on a fairly easy setting, would have been quicker on Heroic as you get more bonus points.

Well worth it if you're a Halo fan, the solo game starts off a bit slow, but gets better when you get into the daylight missions.

Yeah it is a blast. Sucks there is no public matchmaking though. My GT is anarchy256 if anyone wants to play. I'm usually up for firefight if I'm online.