Guy confronts cops parked illegally

:rof: I'm amazed they didn't haul him in for some made-up charge.
They played it pretty cool. Probably just because the guy was obviously a nut. If the camera man appeared to have a shred a credibility, they probably would have hassled him.

Now what we need to do is import this guy to the states to retrain our entire police force. Crime rates would plummet!

[ame=]Police brutality[/ame]
:rof: Busted !!!! Love the end bit when he slips into a sort of Jack Nicholson character...... Hollywood , where the streets have name but the cops dont..... YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH :D
This is going to be unpopular, but I see police officers setting a bad example all the time and wish they were better than that. Talking on cell phones is another one I see ALL THE TIME, but then they gladly give out tickets for the same thing.

I have nothing else against the police, I just wish they would set a better example by following the laws they're trying to enforce.
This is going to be unpopular, but I see police officers setting a bad example all the time and wish they were better than that. Talking on cell phones is another one I see ALL THE TIME, but then they gladly give out tickets for the same thing.

I have nothing else against the police, I just wish they would set a better example by following the laws they're trying to enforce.

Completely agree..and someone will always come up with some BS justifying scenario like, oh well what if they were going to stop a crime at the liquor store, what if it was your mom in the liqour store!!! :eek::eek:...well, mom wasn't there and they werent stopping a crime, thats the reality.
This is going to be unpopular, but I see police officers setting a bad example all the time and wish they were better than that. Talking on cell phones is another one I see ALL THE TIME, but then they gladly give out tickets for the same thing.

I have nothing else against the police, I just wish they would set a better example by following the laws they're trying to enforce.

The problem is the motivation to become a police officer these days is no longer "to serve and protect"...instead young men (many just finishing up with the marines :cough:) want to become a police officer so he can feel superior to his fellow man.

I have nothing against Marines or Police officers but I know a lot of douchebags from highschool who went that direction because it's the best profession for inconsiderate douchebags! You honestly don't make a very good cop if you are a nice guy.
You honestly don't make a very good cop if you are a nice guy.


Um, yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that..

Um, yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that..

A good cop these days generates money!

A-hole cops create more revenue by giving out tons of petty citations (speeding 5-over the limit, your window tint is 5% over limit, your license plate is crooked/improperly mounted, etc.)

A nice cop (if there is such a thing) is not going to give out as many petty citations for marginal offenses and therefor will not create as much revenue.

A good cop should not be out looking for revenue. A good cop should be keeping the populace safer.

Unfortunately for many state police it's more like duck hunting...keep very still and hidden and shoot the poor little family in the minivan flying by, just trying to get back from a 10 hour drive with screaming kids in the back seat...

I've almost been run off the road by a state cop who was doing 100mph+ on the interstate AT NIGHT with his HEADLIGHTS OFF so that he could sneak up behind a speeder and clock him! These kinds of tactics endanger the public!

I have zero respect for state police after the experiences I've had with them....another time I was ticketed for no front license plate...the thing of it was I was doing the speed limit in the right lane while being passed in the left lane by a Cadillac that was doing 20+ over the limit...the cop was sitting in the median and ran me down for a $20 equipment violation instead of giving the Caddy a reckless driving citation (which is what 15+ over would be in VA). I was profiled because I was driving a sport car and was a white male aged 16-30, no doubt in my mind. My lack of a front tag is not endangering anything or anyone...reckless driving is. [/END RANT]
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makes me think of this clip

[ame=]‪bike lanes‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
The problem is the motivation to become a police officer these days is no longer "to serve and protect"...instead young men (many just finishing up with the marines :cough:) want to become a police officer so he can feel superior to his fellow man.

I have nothing against Marines or Police officers but I know a lot of douchebags from highschool who went that direction because it's the best profession for inconsiderate douchebags! You honestly don't make a very good cop if you are a nice guy.

Ditto (and I'm an ex Marine - '75 - '79). I think, more generally, what you said probably could apply to "ex military/MPs" (?) who leave active duty and immediately become a LEO. One of my pet peeves is the militaristic/"SS storm trooper" appearance and mannerisms they maintain once they become a LEO; the state (storm)troopers are the worst.

Speaking of which - and I may be recalling his background incorrectly but I thought I think I remember him bragging about being a pOElice officer in other posts - yo, reading this (LOL)? :BLAA:

Oh, and don't EVEN get me going on vehicles with the "thin blue line" on their vehicle/license plates :spank: :Flip:
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Mind you it takes a brave man to thrust a camera in a cops face and say"Excuse me officer is that the best place to park and buy your jelly Do-Nuts"???I in all honesty would just think What a kn**.....And walk on by.

But would you????
Why is it that whenever one of these videos surface, it's always a nutjob behind the camera. Do normal people not have video cameras and a zeal for justice?

Nothing against this guy. But I feel the video would carry more weight if he didn't sound drunk, and didn't sound like a complete hippy.