Gutted FZ6 Exhaust


Junior Member
Mar 14, 2011
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Thanks to a friend of mine who pretty much did most of the modifying while I looked on, I've now got a second, heavily modified exhaust.

I haven't got a video yet, and work all day tomorrow, so won't until Monday at the earliest, but pics are below, and I will link in a video later.

It sounds wicked good :) nice and deep and a little lumpy.

I didn't take enough pictures, but EVERYTHING inside got ripped out, except a little of the rear baffle plate to direct the flow more centrally.

The outlet pipes were cut off, and the outer flanges (1 3/8") were cut out. The new tips are the same diameter as the outer flanges, at 1 3/8".

Took an afternoon and a $120 spare exhaust - overpaid a little (didn't know Humpy wanted to get rid of his until a bit too late). The short lengths were leftovers from a friends slip-on.

Well worth it.
Pretty much the exact same way I did mine and ya I love it! It sounds super aggresive and super loud without being "whiney" personally I dont think I would have it any other way after hearing many other systems. I have people compliment it all the time and ask if its a 1000 saying it sounds "big" but good job im sure you will love it even more as time drags on as well as the money you saved

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To the bloke thinking of doing it - it's definitely worth it. I went out to the shed when I got home from dinner, and started it up while I was looking for some screwdrivers for an ectronic job. Turned it off and went inside :)

You'll need all of the tools you would guess, and a lot of patience; there are three different chambers, separated by two solid baffle plates - which are tack AND bead welded in. Then there are 4 pipes - two outlet and two joining the three chambers; all of these pipes are bead welded completely around.

It's time consuming, and not at all easy but well worth it :)

More rewarding than buying some slip-ons, provided you like to stock look. And it still suits my FE and top - box :-D

To the poster of the original heavily modified exhaust - thanks for the detailed thread; it meant I knew what I was looking for before I went in.

And yeah, it sounds lumpy, a little coarse and angry. Love it :-D
I'm working on this mod to. Picked up an second exhaust from ebay. I have to find someone with a welder now, my only access is 6hrs away right now. Will post pictures in a bit but my cut is on the bottom as to not have to cut out the mounting hardware of the exhaust and deal with realignment issues.
Going to be a while before I get a video. This was my guide for starting the mod.
exhaust mod pics -

Like I said I still have to find a welder to weld things back together and then put it on my bike. I'm also leaving the country on work travel for a couple weeks at a time over the next couple months so prob will be spring when I get the exhaust on. :( Hopefully before then tho.

Current progress of gutted inside. This muffler is also about 12lbs before the mod. It's weight surprised me when I first picked it up.
Going to be a while before I get a video. This was my guide for starting the mod.
exhaust mod pics -

Like I said I still have to find a welder to weld things back together and then put it on my bike. I'm also leaving the country on work travel for a couple weeks at a time over the next couple months so prob will be spring when I get the exhaust on. :( Hopefully before then tho.

Current progress of gutted inside. This muffler is also about 12lbs before the mod. It's weight surprised me when I first picked it up.

Did you rip everything out without using a cutting torch? if so what did you use to cut it open?