Gun pulled for a wheelie

Well... As Federal LEO, I ride the fence on this one... Jumping out brandishing his gun like that was VERY unprofessional. I would have had my badge/credentials out. However, outside of that, the take down was well executed with a marked car and officer on seen immediately.

Reality is:

1 this guy WAS reckless driving
2 there was a marked car and officer on seen as well
3 as jacked up as the law is, unknowingly recording in Maryland is a felony

It's easier to keep yourself out of these situations by not showboating in the middle of traffic...
Nah, you wouldn't get too far.....because you would have already presented yourself as a threat to society for pulling the wheelie past the bus at a high rate of speed and you would have known the marked cars behind you were with the unmarked car that just pulled you over. The detective never even pointed the weapon at him because he complied and if you're ever in that situation I hope that you also comply.

Be honest...If you just pulled a wheelie past a bus at a high rate of speed then saw the marked car turning in the loop to come stop you, you would thinks it's a kawinkydink that someone in what looks like an unmarked car is there to rob you? I would think I just got busted and shut it down.

Keep in mind he just committed an offense in front of officers and this is a hot pursuit after high rates of speed. This isn't just a traffic violation.

That's unrealistic to believe your going to stop your bike and then launch it at a law enforcement official risking your life against someone who is trained to stop you, not wound you.
A gun is a weapon that's used for deadly force so he doesn't have it at the ready to wound you and if you launch your bike toward him he is trained to stop you with deadly force. The intention of using a gun is not to wound you.
It's to kill you! The word used in the court room is "to stop" so it doesn't sound so violent, but it means to kill. If there was an intention to wound you he would have maybe had a taser or maze. There is no police training to wound you although there are shooters skilled enough to do so.

Then the officers told him not to air the video and he ended up spending a lot of time and money to get other charges against him thrown out when the prosecutor's office went after him afterward for putting it up on Youtube.

Yeah, they knew it'd get tossed out by the judge but they knew it would cost him so they filed. They get paid the same.

No doubt he also gets special attention paid to him now.

We all like to push the envelope but if you get flagged you should be mature enough to take your punches and I believe this guy lost the battle from the very beginning.

Also, there are a lot of good LEO's out there and your demeanor can play a paramount part in how your interactions pan out.

Be safe and happy!:rockon:
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Dont unmarked cars have sirens & covert lights in the usa.Also I dont think the dude was tryin to run(if he was he would have passed the stopped traffic) & I think the officer would have got the same result if he pulled his badge instead.JMO
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I listened closely in another interview linked to the video as the suspect stated "I didn't do anything wrong" and chuckled to myself.

People that ride like this on the street give motorcyclists a bad reputation, especially if he lied about continuing to record.
Dont unmarked cars have sirens & covert lights in the usa

I understand it is state by state typically, but the way the officer was dressed suggested he was off-duty and pursued the cyclist and got a uni'd to assist in the stop.
Well... As Federal LEO, I ride the fence on this one... Jumping out brandishing his gun like that was VERY unprofessional. I would have had my badge/credentials out. However, outside of that, the take down was well executed with a marked car and officer on seen immediately.

Reality is:

1 this guy WAS reckless driving
2 there was a marked car and officer on seen as well
3 as jacked up as the law is, unknowingly recording in Maryland is a felony

It's easier to keep yourself out of these situations by not showboating in the middle of traffic...

I believe his stop was good because he was at immediate risk and may have had to stop the bike which had already posed a risk. If you think about it, it wasn't the average traffic infraction and there was high rate of speed involved. If there was the high probability of him taking off, (which there are many) the officer might want to stop him at that moment and there's not time to show an ID at that specific moment, so I put it in the LEO's favor. The LEO did say State Police. The rider had a marked car behind him and saw him in the turnaround.

By the way this video and discussion has been on the forum before...:D
I listened closely in another interview linked to the video as the suspect stated "I didn't do anything wrong" and chuckled to myself.

People that ride like this on the street give motorcyclists a bad reputation, especially if he lied about continuing to record.

Just another ?,If you cant record people in that state,how do the cops gather intel on the crim's ?:confused:
Just another ?,If you cant record people in that state,how do the cops gather intel on the crim's ?:confused:

In some states LEO's are always on duty and he may not have been in an unmarked state car at the time. I think the law (specific to that state) on the no recording had to do with recording them without permission. The charge was overthrown. You can record private stuff for intel with a warrant through the courts.
I would have hit the gas as soon as I saw the gun come out.

better hope you dont get pulled over by this cop then

[ame=]YouTube - Police Officer Shoots Unarmed 24 Year Old Motorcycle Rider In The Back[/ame]
Nah, you wouldn't get too far.....because you would have already presented yourself as a threat to society for pulling the wheelie past the bus at a high rate of speed and you would have known the marked cars behind you were with the unmarked car that just pulled you over. The detective never even pointed the weapon at him because he complied and if you're ever in that situation I hope that you also comply.

Be honest...If you just pulled a wheelie past a bus at a high rate of speed then saw the marked car turning in the loop to come stop you, you would thinks it's a kawinkydink that someone in what looks like an unmarked car is there to rob you? I would think I just got busted and shut it down.

Keep in mind he just committed an offense in front of officers and this is a hot pursuit after high rates of speed. This isn't just a traffic violation.

That's unrealistic to believe your going to stop your bike and then launch it at a law enforcement official risking your life against someone who is trained to stop you, not wound you.
A gun is a weapon that's used for deadly force so he doesn't have it at the ready to wound you and if you launch your bike toward him he is trained to stop you with deadly force. The intention of using a gun is not to wound you.
It's to kill you! The word used in the court room is "to stop" so it doesn't sound so violent, but it means to kill. If there was an intention to wound you he would have maybe had a taser or maze. There is no police training to wound you although there are shooters skilled enough to do so.

Be safe and happy!:rockon:
I agree with what you are saying and it seems you read something about this article that had more information on it than what I read.

I am a Federal LEO myself, I don't know for sure, but I think that Maryland State Troopers are always on duty. The trooper had all rights to do step out of his personal car and make the stop.

I know that he should have had his badge out and not his gun and identified himself upon exiting his vehicle.

I know what a weapon is used for I have been trained as a MP in the Army and by the Federal Government at FLETC. It was unjustified in that situation.

Mind you I would never be in this rider’s situation, as I never ride reckless as this guy was. I was simply stating, from the article I read and the little bit of the video I saw, that if I saw a guy step out of a personal vehicle drawing a weapon of any kind (after I was riding like an @$$hole or not) and the first words out of his mouth are not POLICE. My first thoughts would be to get out of there.

I know my hands would have been in the air as soon as the weapon was place in the situation.
By the way this video and discussion has been on the forum before...:D[/QUOTE]

oh my bad :spank::D

Also, I wasn't able to watch the second video till now. (the computer I am on does not always load videos)
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I agree with what you are saying and it seems you read something about this article that had more information on it than what I read.

I am a Federal LEO myself, I don't know for sure, but I think that Maryland State Troopers are always on duty. The trooper had all rights to do step out of his personal car and make the stop.

I know that he should have had his badge out and not his gun and identified himself upon exiting his vehicle.

I know what a weapon is used for I have been trained as a MP in the Army and by the Federal Government at FLETC. It was unjustified in that situation.

Mind you I would never be in this rider’s situation, as I never ride reckless as this guy was. I was simply stating, from the article I read and the little bit of the video I saw, that if I saw a guy step out of a personal vehicle drawing a weapon of any kind (after I was riding like an @$$hole or not) and the first words out of his mouth are not POLICE. My first thoughts would be to get out of there.

I know my hands would have been in the air as soon as the weapon was place in the situation.

I understand what you're saying and I think where the difference in perception about the weapon comes from the moment at hand.

If your a LEO and someone is in the process of threatening others where you would use deadly force to stop them when would you shoot? At the moment of threat or do you identify yourself first? The LEO can't read his mind, the engine's still running, the rider starts to pull back even though he knows he's lit from a marked car behind him.

I believe there's an understanding of intent with a handgun but not with a vehicle.

Even though this is repost it's still a good one!:rockon:
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I understand what you're saying and I think where the difference in perception about the weapon comes from the moment at hand.

If your a LEO and someone is in the process of threatening others where you would use deadly force to stop them when would you shoot? At the moment of threat or do you identify yourself first? The LEO can't read his mind, the engine's still running, the ride start to pull back even thought he knows he's lit from a marked car behind him.

I believe there's an understanding of intent with a handgun but not with a vehicle.

Even though this is repost it's still a good one!:rockon:

I understand the still running motorcycle is considered the "smoking gun" in this situation and that the Trooper was the one in the situation.

If the rider had hit the gas and made it a chase than any attempts to stop a speeding motorcycle would then become deadly force. With that in mind then I would say yes have your weapon out to stop it from coming to that.

I also think it would be too dangerous to other to fire a weapon in that area, as almost all direction has other civilian as your back-stop.

I see your point as well. I will just say that a badge would have been nice. lol

It is way to easy to be a third party watch and I will stop:spank:

Though, who I work for would have had a field day with me if I did it. They are way too sensitive about any use (or presentation) of force.
Would it have been too hard to identify himself immediately?

Even if it was just vocal.:rolleyes:

If the guy hasn't seen any marked cars, then he is thinking what I'm thinking.....another effing nutter playing games with a car:eek:. I'd have backed my bike up too, so I could get away from the guy. (whether I'd done something wrong or not).

The hands are on the clutch etc, so it's a cinch the guy's not going for a gun in a hurry. At least he didn't point the weapon at the rider. :rolleyes:
Another Robo-cop wanna-be who takes his job way too seriously.
+1 for truth, cop just need to relax. IMO another power hungry cop with something to prove, all too familiar in CA.

Nearly running him over trying to cut him off/pull over, unnecessary
Jumping out of a car with gun drawn and no immediate verbal queue, unnecessary
Grabbing someone and physically jolting them when that person is obviously compliant and not resisting, unnecessary

Serve and protect, just not your ego.
I have actually called the police (once) while continuously running on a congested freeway with a biker riding like this. This is what gives bikers a bad name. Most folks would be surprised how nice most of us are - however it's only the idiots and thugs that make noise.
If any of you ever find yourself in a similar situation I strongly recomend keeping your hands in the air or at least in front of you in the officers old freind of mine has half a calf muscle because he reached behind his back to support himself as he was kneeling down like the officers were telling him to do when he got stopped on his Harley.the LEO behind him was holding a shotgun and put one in his leg because he thought he was going for a weapon.Carlos got around $40,000 for his wound,and the officer was fired.He could have been killed.

Getting shot seems too painful. Hands in the air after kill switch will be my motto. I've been fortunate to never intentionally pop wheelies or get flagged by the 5-0.

But I haven't ridden my FZ6 yet, EVER...BECAUSE IT'S 30 DEGREES IN MINNEAPOLIS!

sorry for the winter rant.