givi rack rant


UK Luchador
Aug 3, 2010
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Stockport, UK
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ARGH how can it be so difficult to fit the rack to my bike

first I managed to strip the head on the screw holding the exhaust cover on, managed to undo this with a set of mole grips last night.

i then set about fitting the brackets around the exhaust, but I couldn't get one of them in to save. If I got one bolt in then the other wouldn't go. I eventually thought I had it, only to end up knocking the cone bolt part down inside my frame.

Need to figure out a way to retrieve this, the only thing I can think of is wheelying the bike (something I can't yet do anyway). the other requires completely taking apart the back end of the bike. I did think of some bendy tool with a magnet on the end, but I'm not sure what I could use.

Bought the rack off ebay, clearly the last person gave up much earlier in the process than me.
ARGH how can it be so difficult to fit the rack to my bike

first I managed to strip the head on the screw holding the exhaust cover on, managed to undo this with a set of mole grips last night.

i then set about fitting the brackets around the exhaust, but I couldn't get one of them in to save. If I got one bolt in then the other wouldn't go. I eventually thought I had it, only to end up knocking the cone bolt part down inside my frame.

Need to figure out a way to retrieve this, the only thing I can think of is wheelying the bike (something I can't yet do anyway). the other requires completely taking apart the back end of the bike. I did think of some bendy tool with a magnet on the end, but I'm not sure what I could use.

Bought the rack off ebay, clearly the last person gave up much earlier in the process than me.

To retrieve the bolt....vacuuum cleaner with a tissue over the end of the pipe...that should suck it out...just make sure you plug up the drain holes at the front of the subframe before you apply the vacuum cleaner!!!

To get the cone from the rear sub frame your should be able to use a parts magnet. Get one of the retractable ones from a local automotive shop and it should be strong enough to life the part out.

My rack was difficult to line up all the bolt holes on as well. I ended up threading the bolts just a few turns until all of them were on, and then tourqued them all the way down. Even with this method, the last both (front right side for me) was still hard to get on.

A little patience, and a few beers ought to sort this out. Once it's mounted this is a pretty sturdy rack, and well worth the coin (especially if you got a good deal on it) :thumbup:
cheers, i'm going to have to buy one of those bendy magnet things, just need to figure out how long it needs to be

and givi better have made the part from steel :S

got the rack for almost half price on ebay, i thought it might have been defective, but looking at other pepoples's experience it's quite common. It's the right hand side one that I can't get on too. I started considering moving the exhaust back a few mills to try and get it on
The magnet will get it out. I did exactly the same as you, it took a few attempts, but I managed to get it out.
i used a parts magnet as well, i used a metal coat hanger and taped the magnet to it to get extra length, after 3-4 tries, i got it out.. the trick is listening to where along in the subframe it gets hung, then slowly maneuvering the magnet to get it out, slow and patiently
wonder if he ever got the rack on or not...

hehe, forgot to update

emailed givi and they sent me a spare conical nut, arrived the next day, so good service from them

took another look at the rack, and as i've seen mentioned i noticed the joint wasn't quite flush with the frame plug bit, so i attacked it with a metal file. I was then just about able to get the bottom mounting screws in place under the exhaust cover

finally got it all fitted, ready to put my box on when...

i discovered the "universal" plate that comes free with the givi top box is way to small to fit onto the monorack arms. so i need to order a £35 plate now to fit onto the rack.

on the plus side it makes it easier to cargo net stuff to my bike

i'm flying off to amsterdam tomorrow, and I'll be working there for a few months, so i'm not going to be using my bike for commuting, so the top box is fairly low priority now

would have been nice the other day when I ACF50'ed my bike, as all the stuff in my rucksack ended up smelling of smoke :)