Gate 38 @ Reagan National May 23

That's freak'n awesome. Thanks for posting!!
We are loosing our WWII veterans at a rapid pace. Whenever I see one in the grocery store, etc...I always stop and talk to them and thank them for their service. It's amazing how quickly two veterans of different foreign wars can immediately relate to each other. If you see one of these heros, please take 5-10 minutes to thank them for being part of the greatest generation.

As a service member, I must say its always nice to be thanked for service to the Nation. I've been blessed to serve for 18 years in the US Army and as I march towards the end of my career I feel lucky to have the experiences I've had and to have served with the folks I've served with. A day hardly goes by during my in uniform commute that a stranger doesn't come up to me to randomly thank me for my service. This is easy to take for granted but I never do. I always thank the stranger for their support and let them know how much it means to feel like you have the support of your countrymen behind you. My father did not feel the same support when he returned from Vietnam and he still talks about that feeling to this very day. Even though 10+ years of war has lost popularity among Americans, the American Soldier/ service member remains one of the most respected professions in the US. For that, I say thank you. Thank you for the support to our fighting men, women and their families.

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So very cool. After watching T.V and listening to radio, after a time I get saddened and think no one cares anymore and then something like this comes along and reminds me that the many quiet and good people out there will always ( when it really matters) outshine the few who steal the spotlight.