Garage Queen got to stretch her legs....:)


Junior Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Loganville, GA
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Yesterday in the Atlanta area, it got into the 60's. It's been months since I've been on my bike. After checking everything out (tires needed air), I took the Garage Queen for a spin. Wow, it felt great and she purred just like a kitten. I didn't go far since I had other commitments. However, I took it the long long long way to the gas station and back. It felt AWESOME!!!!!! I'm on vacation from work right now and plan on doing some more riding in the next couple of week.

I also got the opportunity to take a 08 CBR600RR for a quick spin. Lots and lots of power and is the first bike I have ever been on with those handle bars. I guess I can say I have been on a true crotch rocket now, huh? For me, it was not comfortable what so ever. I took it really easy and enjoyed the experience.
ARRRG! I'm totally jealous! In my neck of the woods all the roads are completely white compacted snow and ice with 6 foot snowbanks on the sides of the roads.
Plus my area floods really bad in the sping time and we've had a HEAVY winter.
:( my bike still sits silently in the corner of my garage...
So super jealous, it's might be 40 here in the next couple of days and I would love to go out, but aside from the weather I also have a flat tire. I feel like I'm dying a little bit as the winter drags on here. I just keep daydreaming about a new set of PR2s next month, if I can wait that long.
I also am jealous. Even after the snow goes in April/May here I still will have to wait for a decent rain or two to wash away the leftover salt and sand they use for traction here. I hate winter... On the plus side though, it gives me plenty of time for motorcycle literature, and modding :thumbup: Gotta get through it somehow, eh??

So super jealous, it's might be 40 here in the next couple of days and I would love to go out, but aside from the weather I also have a flat tire. I feel like I'm dying a little bit as the winter drags on here. I just keep daydreaming about a new set of PR2s next month, if I can wait that long.

You should hold out and give the PR3's a whirl, then you can post up a review for us :D
You poor people. I feel sorry for you guys, not being able to ride 12 months a year :(

Glad you brushed the cobwebs off her, although, next time, :needpics: