FZ6s needed for Super Streetbike Magazine


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2009
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Whats up everyone, I've been a longtime FZ6 fan and got the itch several years ago when a friend had one, damn it was a great bike and now that I have my R6 I'm wanting something more practical, a la the FZ6.

Long story short, Super Streetbike Magazine is doing another owner's feature in the coming issue. This month (we work several months ahead) we'll be highlighting the FZ6 and wanted to hear about your ownership experience.
If any of you are interested in getting you and your FZ6 into the magazine, please send me a few high-res pics in addition to filling out the template below.

Thanks for the help, if you guys have any questions please drop me a line! I look forward to talking with you guys and hopefully seeing a few of you in print. Also, R owners fear not, give it a few months but I'll be back for all of your info as well.


Please e-mail pics and text to: [email protected]

Model Year:
Miles Done:
Best Upgrade (Why):
Favorite Aspect of The Bike:

Mods: thanks for the help, this feature should be great to show other riders how great the FZ6 truly is.

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Re: TL1000Rs needed for Super Streetbike Magazine

Also, we're looking for all examples, so clean, dirty, rashed, stock or modified–everyone is welcome.
Lastly, this is about YOU and your bike so if you can be in the photos it's all the better. You can be riding, posing, cleaning, working or whatever!

Thanks all
Sweet, I'm a SSB subscriber and I've been wondering when/if you guys were ever gonna do an owners section for the FZ6. We've got some awesome bikes on here, I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of photos!
Just a suggestion. Why don't we have the BOM winners for the last 6 months represent us and all of our FZ6 Glory.

They represent a very diverse lot with everything from naked to full-faired. What do you guys and gals think?
Just a suggestion. Why don't we have the BOM winners for the last 6 months represent us and all of our FZ6 Glory.

They represent a very diverse lot with everything from naked to full-faired. What do you guys and gals think?

If they wanted their bike in the mag that would be a great idea.......too bad Wavex's last FZ isn't still among the living......................and mine isn't done yet......someone send me some cash! :D

All kidding aside there are a lot of great looking bikes here, show him how we represent! :thumbup:
When were you looking to get this information? I would love to submit my bike as an entry, but I need a few days for the weather to cooperate to get some updated pics of me with the bike.
When were you looking to get this information? I would love to submit my bike as an entry, but I need a few days for the weather to cooperate to get some updated pics of me with the bike.

Sometime this week would be great, thanks everyone for helping out. This should be a great feature!
I'll do it. Anyone have any pics of me at the latest Dragon Meet????
Nice...I'll get something out later this week :rockon:

I'll do it. Anyone have any pics of me at the latest
Dragon Meet????

This is the only one I have of YOU and it's from last year. Let me know if you need the file.
