fz6 2009 smells funky

sexy minx

Junior Member
Dec 10, 2010
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tunbridge wells
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hi all,ive got a 2009 fz6,pretty hard to explain,but here goes. she smells really bad,cant tell you what it smells like,but it aint good.it not the brakes or anything likke that,it seems to happen when shes getting warm,its like a burning smell, the type of smell that you get if you stand by a boiler vent outside ya house.any ideas would be good.thanks sexyminx
If the bike is very, very low mileage it will have some preservatives on the pipes, and the radiator.... when it gets hot some of that will 'cook off'. The smell will lessen with every ride.

More miles will cure what ails you. :)
If the bike is very, very low mileage it will have some preservatives on the pipes, and the radiator.... when it gets hot some of that will 'cook off'. The smell will lessen with every ride.

More miles will cure what ails you. :)

thanks,ive done about 2500 miles, she never did it when i first got her,i try and get out whenever i can,most weekends,even when its raining,id never go out otherwise,with the rain we get over here lol:thumbup:
It could be dirt or grime build up burning off the headers. It notice a burning smell like that when I'm riding on wet roads. I know you said it happens when it's warming up, but you may also notice a burning smell from the chain rubbing on the plastic chain guide. It could be nothing--stick your face near any hot engine on a bike/car/truck and there's a little smell of something burning...
My 2007 w/CA emissions, 17,000k on cold mornings and only on the first start of the day just recently began to smell funky off and on. It smelled acrid, so I checked the battery no problems, it was like burnt acorns. I know that sounds wierd, but it was a bitter sweet smell. It did it for three weeks for two or three times and stopped. Still have not figured it out. I take really good care of her and have not noticed any problems. I forgot to mention it smelled strongest forward of the fuel tank, which why I thought battery.
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It could be a coolant leak. I had that on my bike. It would weep when it got warm and as it evaporated I could smell a coolant leak. Couldn't see it even though I looked. Then a friend saw it as we were riding. He saw the green fluid droplets when we were side by side and stopped. Tightened the hose and all was good. Check you coolant hoses...
Hmmm. Not sure if you're describing that revered "new bike smell" or something morbid.

So lets do morbid... :D... Sounds like dead bugs, etc. warming in the rad fins. That smells anywhere from morbidly rotten to questionable at best. The smell I get is somewhat like a buisy highway after a nights rain brings the frogs out... (Eeewww... frog paste). Damp weather almost gets my gag reflex, a good run and some dry weather seems to cut the smell factor huge.

Just a thought...
Could be road debris being flung off the front tire and onto your header pipe...especially underneath the engine. Pine needles smell quite nice when burning off the header pipe, but when I followed a manure spreader ....well you get my point!
Could be road debris being flung off the front tire and onto your header pipe...especially underneath the engine. Pine needles smell quite nice when burning off the header pipe, but when I followed a manure spreader ....well you get my point!

+1 on that!!
I wouldn't worry about it, just like Def said probably something kicked up from the road.

Could just be the idling-cold-engine-fuel-mixture-not-tightly-controlled thing. There can be an odor to that. If so, also a normal phenomenon. What is fuel quality like there?
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I find eucalypt leaves land on my headers and get stuck there and burn sometimes. Its a more pleasant smell though.
I've had a not too good smell the last few times I've ridden, but thats after being at work all day, and working at a butcher atm I can smell pretty bad :p

The new bike does have a real smell to it for quite a while, but it gets better.
As Kazza said check all along your headers and exhaust and make sure nothing is stuck on it.
I was in a rush one day to get home and rode into the garage and onto a tarp, I ended up with melted plastic all over my headers, and it smelt terrible and took AAAAAAGGGEEESSS to clean (/sadface). Owner of the tarp wasn't too happy either, but it was left in a stupid place!
Im gunna suggest the same as Motogiro , coolant has a sweetish sorta funky smell when it burns so i'd start there :thumbup: But your right , really hard to help out with a smelly problem without being there ;)