Forum app for iPad?

Not sure what you mean, but I have an I-pad and I have no problem logging onto the forum. It uses a Safari application, it works.
Not sure what you mean, but I have an I-pad and I have no problem logging onto the forum. It uses a Safari application, it works.

He means an actual app. Safari just displays it as normal. An app like tapatalk changes how you see and use the forum. It makes it tidier on iphones and ipads.
Is it possible to have an actual FZ6 forum app?
Before you laugh and make fun of me, I have seen many many apps made in hours.
He means an actual app. Safari just displays it as normal. An app like tapatalk changes how you see and use the forum. It makes it tidier on iphones and ipads.

Not just tidier, but an app reduces the data traffic by a factor and it is much more responsive than the regular web interface via safari. By reducing the data traffic it also reduces cost if on a cellular network. :thumbup:
I'll be interesting. Eventually I'll get one of those, I might wait for the second generation to be released

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not just tidier, but an app reduces the data traffic by a factor and it is much more responsive than the regular web interface via safari. By reducing the data traffic it also reduces cost if on a cellular network. :thumbup:
I've not got a clue what you are saying but it sounds brilliant, I luv my iphone and I luv fz6-forum.:D
You mean like tapatalk? I use that on my droid, i know iphone has one too.

Yes, I mean just like Tapatalk. As my initial post said: "Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk". ;)

I like Tapatalk on the iPhone so much that I would like the same functionality on my iPad, but the developers have no immediate plans to port Tapatalk to the iPad in the foreseeable future. Hence, I'm wondering if there are other, similar apps for the iPad. Of course, the forums I'm following (this forum and a forum I'm running myself) must be able to support the apps.
My prayers have been answered. Here's what I found in todays Tapatalk news letter:

Tapatalk Forum App on iPad

If you have been following us (@tapatalk) on Twitter, no doubt that you have already found out our next version of Tapatalk will have native support on iPad (and iPad 2, of course!). No more "2x" mode with pixelated interface. If you have already purchased Tapatalk Forum App on iPhone, you will be able to sync it with your iPad for free - the iPad version will arrive around second or third week of March pending Apple approval.​

Finally! :rockon:
Popeye70, like you I am eagerly awaiting on iPad native version of Tapatalk.

And if the moderators ever decided to develop an iPad/iPhone/Android app for this forum (and the sister sites as well), I'd love to be on the dev team. I've had YEARS of experience developing mobile applications...
Just to let everyone know - the iPad native Tapatalk app has been out for a week or so. It's a dream to use, so much better than following this forum using the Safari browser. Suddenly I have a reason to keep the iPad. :)

If you have already paid for the iPhone native Tapatalk, Tapatalk for iPad costs nothing. Just download and use. Don't know if the same applies if you have bought Tapatalk for Android, though. I'm sure someone will tell us if he/she knows.