FL trooper pulls over a Miami police officer


The Pillaging Tatar
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Jul 1, 2010
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Greenwich, CT
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this is priceless. I have a lot of respect for law enforcement (even though, I got my first moving violation ticket ever recently :banghead:), but doing 120 mph to get to an off-duty job?

She is pissed:eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yStiufMfIl0&feature=player_embedded]Florida Trooper pulls Miami officer over for going 120 mph - YouTube[/ame]
Good! That's a funny video.

I respect police but not those that think they are above the law just because they are behind the wheel of a cruiser and have a badge.

It should be illegal for any police officer to exceed the speed limit without having their siren/lights on. I was almost run off the road at night on an interstate when a cop decided he would do 100mph with his headlights OFF to try to come up behind a speeding Toyota Solara to clock him. I was just changing lanes when suddenly he turned his headlights on (I never saw him till then) and almost forced me into a ditch as he flew by only inches from my car.
It should be illegal for any police officer to exceed the speed limit without having their siren/lights on. I was almost run off the road at night on an interstate when a cop decided he would do 100mph with his headlights OFF to try to come up behind a speeding Toyota Solara to clock him. I was just changing lanes when suddenly he turned his headlights on (I never saw him till then) and almost forced me into a ditch as he flew by only inches from my car.

...and of course this was probably a VA trooper. They are seriously the worst with nonsense like that -- happened to me on 264 one time.
if you listen to the very last bit, it sounds like he is a repeat offender, so he finally got nailed.....finally
I personally think he should loose his shield...

Agreed. As a police officer you should be expected to stay under the law you uphold, not abuse it. I know of a lot of guys I went to school with who joined the force because they liked having authority over their fellow man, not because they wanted to serve and protect. It seems that men who were bullys in school, A-holes in Highschool, D-bags in College (or didn't go to College, joined a VFD instead) are the ones who end up as police officers.
I was following this on another forum with a good number of cops who say that he probably won't get that much leniency because he should know better and if they don't punish him it makes them all look bad. You can't blame the FHP for pulling him over, as she says at the end she thought it might have been stolen.
That cop is going to provide two good reasons why agencies will want to eliminate the things that some LEO's get to enjoy.

Take home cruiser
As a retired Florida Police officer of 25 years, I know just that chase alone is a 3rd degree felony.

I suspect that officer is probably new and won't be an officer for long as he obviously doesn't have any common sense...

And yes, it makes the rest of police officers look bad.

Glad she finally caught him, dumb a.........
And yes, it makes the rest of police officers look bad.

That got me thinking as to just how selfish and foolish that speeding cop was/is! He's focused on himself, and not at all how his actions can make his department, and cops in general look. Luckily, he got caught, and this story made the news. This is good because now everyone can see a good cop not tolerating such nonsense! Too bad so much of the crap cops have to deal with goes unnoticed. Everyone just remembers that first ticket, and forms a strong dislike of cops afterwards. Not that I like tickets or anything, lol, but still!

That cop that got caught really sounded like your average crook that just tried to ditch the cops, with all of his lame "excuses"! "I didn't know you where behind me!" Followed by "I didn't know it was me you where pulling over!". Which is it?! Either you did or did not notice the flashing lights on your bumper for sever miles! :rof:
I wonder if that speeding cop has pulled anyone over for speeding? You have to wonder what his definition of speeding is?
Absolutely. It was on I-66 in Fairfax County.

+1 I have had a couple close call situations my self with Fairfax on 66 on my way to the beltway.
Though, I never have that problem as soon as I cross over to MD and head up I-270.
We almost always have that one Officer in the Dept. that makes the rest of us look bad.


It was one cop in this instance, not ALL of Florida. As an FTO (Field Trainging Officer) for a good part of my career, I pounded into the new guys heads, rules, reg's and LAWS. Doing something stupid is really not worth your career nor your integrity.

While working, I normally didn't exceed 10 MPH over the limit (except for emegencies) so I didn't write any speding tickets for anything LESS than 16 MPH OVER. I wouldn't write someone for something I do myself, period..

As in most work places, most folks do the right thing but you'll usually find someone who doesn't have common sense and is just ignorant. This guy snuck by thru the system and it finally caught up with him...
It was one cop in this instance, not ALL of Florida. As an FTO (Field Trainging Officer) for a good part of my career, I pounded into the new guys heads, rules, reg's and LAWS. Doing something stupid is really not worth your career nor your integrity.

While working, I normally didn't exceed 10 MPH over the limit (except for emegencies) so I didn't write any speding tickets for anything LESS than 16 MPH OVER. I wouldn't write someone for something I do myself, period..

As in most work places, most folks do the right thing but you'll usually find someone who doesn't have common sense and is just ignorant. This guy snuck by thru the system and it finally caught up with him...
I agree that there needs to be some common sense applied to enforcing the law. Or we would all be criminals.

It was one cop in this instance,

As in most work places, most folks do the right thing but you'll usually find someone who doesn't have common sense and is just ignorant. This guy snuck by thru the system and it finally caught up with him...

Agreed, there will always be some bad apples in every profession, even doctors and lawyers.

That FHP Trooper gets my trooper of the year award. Is there any animosity between agencies, FHP vs Miami-Dade, or the Sheriff's Dept? Arresting and humiliating somebody from another agency could provide a rift. Not saying that this cop should have been treated differently, he definately deserved it. Just wondering? Is anyone in Florida feels that they are above the rest?
Agreed, there will always be some bad apples in every profession, even doctors and lawyers.

That FHP Trooper gets my trooper of the year award. Is there any animosity between agencies, FHP vs Miami-Dade, or the Sheriff's Dept? Arresting and humiliating somebody from another agency could provide a rift. Not saying that this cop should have been treated differently, he definately deserved it. Just wondering? Is anyone in Florida feels that they are above the rest?

There is / was (when I working up until 12-06) a general professionalism between most agencies, at least in SW Florida. Something like the above, would NOT BE TOLERATED.

In fact, we often called in FHP to work most police car vs civilian auto wrecks, just so there was no favoritism.

Folks would call your supervisor with your car # if you were 15 over and you'd get called on the carpet if you were on a legit call or not...

A verbal or a paper disciplinary action would be put in your personal folder. If you had many of the same violations, it'd catch up with you...

The blue and white was my car from 2000 until about 6/2006, the black and white up until my retirement (PIA to keep clean)
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