First ride of the year...


Mostly Harmless
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hurricane, WV
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Well, it is thawing out here in WV and was able to take the FZ6 for the first time this year. All and all a great day…

72 degrees, sun shining.. Checked the tires, sitting at 35psi, so pumped them up to 38 just because I had already plugged in the air compressor. Oiled the chain, checked the oil and hit the road…

Road about 30 miles, stopped for lunch and a beer, then back out on the road.. RT2 and RT35 in WV are in good condition, but pretty straight, with lots of places to pass. So, needless to say, I didn’t stay behind to any cars for any length of time. But in doing so, there was stretches of roads that I ran over 3 digits, and at some of those speeds the FZ6 does vibrate a little bit more than I like..

So, after another 100 miles or so I stopped at a bar about a ½ mile from the house to have a beer to cut the trail dust. While walking in I noticed something all over my right pant leg. After further investigation, I realized it was oil. I walked back to the bike and that is when I realized that someplace over the last 100 miles I had lost my oil cap.

Well, it made a mess on me and the bike, but I guess I was lucky that it didn’t get to the back tire and that all the oil didn’t blow out. No clue how long it was out, but the engine never got hot nor did the oil light come on, so I am calling it a good ride….

Have any of you had your oil cap vibrate out before?

I know.. Awful wording for asking such a simple questions..
