First naked highway ride.

Iron Cross

Junior Member
Jun 23, 2011
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So took the bike out for a ride today, went naked this year and was so far loving it. At lower speeds, 70 mph and under, its awesome. There's a constant easy flow of wind hitting me, ganna be nice when it gets warmer. Then I hit a bigger highway, and punched it a bit. Once I hit 75-80, things changed a bit. My jacket was being pulled up, idk if it was because I wasn't wearing gauntlets and my vents weren't open, kinda like wearing a parachute. That and the gentle wind wasn't so gentle anymore, pushing me back.

Now...I knew this would happen. It was a give and take. I like the twistys more than the highway. Just wanted to know what other naked riders do at those speeds....any suggestions?
Yeah, I have adjustments on the bottom of my jacket that seem to help at highway speeds. Most of my riding is definitely <70, so I haven't really had too much of a problem with it.
Yeah, I have adjustments on the bottom of my jacket that seem to help at highway speeds. Most of my riding is definitely <70, so I haven't really had too much of a problem with it.

Yea my jacket has those too...never had to use them, well until now that is. There isn't a bigger windscreen for the VS-2 kits is there?
Yea my jacket has those too...never had to use them, well until now that is. There isn't a bigger windscreen for the VS-2 kits is there?

there is no stock option. you might have to get creative. let me know if I can be of any help.
The first rule of riding a naked bike...the higher the speed, the lower you get on the tank. This makes you more aerodynamic and you won't feel like you're getting pulled off the back of the bike.

I rode my FZ6 for 3 seasons before converting, and I can remember those first few rides afterward. The wide-open vision was amazing...but adjusting to the new feel of the wind hitting you full-force takes some saddle time. Once you get used to it, though, you'll never want to go back.

It's like being the nose on the front of a rocket. :thumbup:
The first rule of riding a naked bike...the higher the speed, the lower you get on the tank. This makes you more aerodynamic and you won't feel like you're getting pulled off the back of the bike.

Yea, I was getting as low as I could. Would putting FZ1 bars on help, seeing as they're a bit lower?
Yea, I was getting as low as I could. Would putting FZ1 bars on help, seeing as they're a bit lower?

It probably would, because it will automatically put you in a slightly hunched position. but I can't speak for the Yamaha style naked bikes but, honestly the wind bothers me less on my bike then it did on my vstrom. It really is smooth and the wind that does hit me seems to be in some sort of slip stream with 0 turbulance until i break the 120mph mark. With that slip stream effect its also quitter then the vstrom too
does your jacket zip to your trousers?

as said tight fitting as possible is best, never had any problems with my textiles or leathers

ear plugs help with the noise (especially if you have an arai helmet)
ghost rider rides a turbo gsxr1000 naked, and rips wheelies at like 200+mph i dunno how that guy hangs on...
+1 on ARAI with the visor open the whistling is insane. but with it closed i think it is fine.

+1 on the bird i just read that thred.

+1 on ghost rider. went out with my dad who has the new 2011 VMAX with no screen. i was doing 138mph and he came past me like i was doing 80mph! No wonder he his strong hands o_O
Watch out for birds! :thumbup:

didn't hit any birds...but the bugs were out in full force!

I think I'll just have to get used to it and make some adjustments. Anyone know what year FZ1 bars would fit a 2007 FZ6? Or will any pretty much do?
I also had my bike out on the highway for the first time today in naked trim. To be honest, I wasnt really all that bothered by the wind. Up to 70mph was fine, between 70 and 80 I can feel more wind force than I used to for sure, but its not too bothersome, and after 80 is when I really noticed it. Simply getting a little lower, though, seemed to alleviate the issue.

I assume height is a factor as the taller you are the more exposed to the elements you will be. I am 5'8" so my shorter stature may make dealing with the extra wind less of a big deal.

Big ups to Vishnu! The VS2 kit looks fantastic and I got a lot of looks when I was riding. I recommend Motogiro's headlight relay mod to all. I now have a bright 55/60 watt H4 bulb that correctly switches between high and low beam.
There are adjustable windscreens that mount to standard handlebars. I forget the make but they block more wind if you wanted to do a long highway haul.

Edit- here ya go. Maybe try one of these

+1 on the heavy jacket. leather is much better than textile

Cool thanks...I'll have to look into these, at least for longer trips. Looks like they'd be able to go over the little flyscreen on the VS2 kit too.
Definitely a huge difference in amount of push from the wind in different riding positions. Around 80, it's a push, but everyone is right about tight fitting gear, or proper gear. My jacket has armor built in, which seems to make things feel a bit more stable in elbows, shoulders and chest. But as soon as I lower my position over the tank, i immediately feel the bike accelerate with no change in the throttle. vrrrooom!
I'm 6'4" and with the stock FZ6 windscreen the wind hit me mid-torso and up. Went to a MadStad screen and it's much better. I do sit taller than most, I s'pose. NJ might have bugs but TX has BUGS. It's nice and sucks cleaning the front of my bike after every ride. Nice because those bugs hit my bike & windshield instead of me. Sucks because there's so many of them.
+1 on the right fitting gear. Also if you dont wear ear plugs things feel crazier..

Still not anything close to what this guy went thru..

[ame=]F15 Ejection at Supersonic speed - YouTube[/ame]
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