First Annual Deals Gap FZ6RC Meet 2008

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I'm sure the Ferry will cut come sime off my trip, thanks for the link.

I'll be riding the 2007 Red with Two Brothers, and saddle bags. I have quite a few mods so far, and am sure will have a few more by next year.
Blue with fender elim, stickerectomy, well that an d you will just know your bike.
That is a mean sounding machine Bill. This is going to be a blast.
The last bike that come blasting past in yellow WOW!!
i just did a mapquest and it tells me i have a 11 hour ride. If anyone is comeing from Florida and want to meet up somewhere let me know.
i just did a mapquest and it tells me i have a 11 hour ride. If anyone is comeing from Florida and want to meet up somewhere let me know.

how many miles is it??? I am seeing 752 miles that is more like 12 or 13 hours.

I will let you know as it gets closer how I plan to go.... I am thinking heading to north GA on thursday and then ride the GA mts and arrive on Friday then heading home straight shot back...

They have routed you through Ocala..... we can talk as it gets closer...

When on the interstate how fast do you normally travel???

how old are you???

blah blah blah.... PM me and we will see..
ok all, just to let you know what me and WRIGHTME are looking foward to. I have call SUPER SREET BIKE and SPORT RIDER magazine, also YAMAHA, DYSANI water COKE (ok no laughing) about the upcomeing 08 FZ6RC. So far they want a little more details about the date, where, how many bikes etc..
So i'm hopeing that they would be interested.

I have friends that do big trips and get people to sponsor. Yamaha is always good. Normaly my friends get them to Donate stuff for prizes. FYI. :Sport:
LOL, i was roughing it, 11 12 13, its well worth the ride. I just wish it was this comeing weekend. Really looking foward to this RC, for the ride, and to meet you guys. I might ride up there b4 the RC just to do it.....agian, and agian.:Sport:
my wife is up there now (hiking) when she comes home I will sell the idea... should be no problem....

the only issue is time (possibly) I am spending 2 weeks in Holland in early May.... should work though.... I will know by Monday

Lucky You.......Amsterdam is a blast! Ever been there before? Beautiful country too. But you're going to get hammered currency wise because our dollar sucks! We are getting so many people from Europe here in Vegas, especially from the UK, where they're getting everything over half price. They're getting over $2 for one British Pound.
Have you guys checked out Fontana Village? This is where we host our FZ1 Rally each year. We should be able to get them to block a section of rooms or cabins. Check out the website....Fontana Village Resort. A Great Smoky Mountain Destination!..

The 2008 FZ1 Rally will be June 6,7,and 8th.....this is the same day as the SV Rally and Fontana is trying to do a Bike Rally the same weekend.

May should be perfect...

Scotty J.
Ok I am waiting on paypal to transfer the funds to my bank account. It should be done by thursday.
After talking to Ron and thinking on what Mike said, we are going to go with the Ridge. It is the one with the larger garage. It has 7 singles and a couch.
Treetops and The Ridge Vacation Rental, Graham County NC 828-479-8400

The rate with tax is 203.50 a day three day min. for a total of 610.50/ 7 people
87.22 each plus food.
As it stands now with only 5 people paid assuming no one else pays. (not likely lol)
it would be 122.10 each plus food. Still that is less than $45 a day.

We will have access to some roll away beds, or people can bring sleeping bags, and there is the couch.
Say one more on the couch for a total of 8
Three or four more in sleeping bags or roll aways for a total of 12.

Food costs will depend on the number of people. My lady friend is still trying to get off work. If she is able I will be bringing the truck with the bike in it. So I will just stop and get food. Vegitarian as well if Shaggy makes it. LOL

Anyway this is the update as far as I know up till now.
Nope if everybody who says they are going pays, we are good to go. If nobody else who says they are going pays we are good to go. It changes the cost $25-40 one way or the other.

Anybody wanna carbide stud the tires and go ride in January? LOL
Looks like yall are going to have alot of fun. I wouldn't mind going myself, however I am not sure how the timing would work out with a possible summer job and other such activities. I might be able to get some of friends here at Charlotte together and we might meet yall up there. We have been trying to figure out when we are going to get a trip up to do the gap and to do some white water rafting as well.

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