FE's! Why are they illegal?

Sounds nuts to me, Just finished getting a U.S. fz6 through a very intensive certification process here in N.Z. that included every type of inspection & test you could possibly think of for meeting safety standards & guess what, the FE was not considered to be an issue..
The main reason they are illegal is because there is no number plate light!!!
Here in qld I know that any vechile needs to have its indicators 3.5 feet apart to be road worthy, so really no motorcycle is road worthy from the factory which means that if you put a number plate light on you FE it is legal. When I made my FE I road my bike to the local bike shop to show them and asked if they would pass it for a RWC and they said no worries, only because I put a real little number plate light.
The main reason they are illegal is because there is no number plate light!!!
Here in qld I know that any vechile needs to have its indicators 3.5 feet apart to be road worthy, so really no motorcycle is road worthy from the factory which means that if you put a number plate light on you FE it is legal. When I made my FE I road my bike to the local bike shop to show them and asked if they would pass it for a RWC and they said no worries, only because I put a real little number plate light.

My FE has a number plate light...still got booked! Was not the issue....was the 45 degree thing, and that's Australia wide.

ADR's require Motorbike Indicators to be 30cm apart, and that's Australia wide...

It is illegal to have no number plate light, either with a rear fender, or with an FE! But it doesnt matter about the number plate light if you have an FE....cause they ARE ALL ILLEGAL! Regardless of what clueless bike shop people may tell you....I know, cause i have been fed the same bull$hit by at least 2 shops! In the end, they just wanna sell you the FE!!!

Most decent FE's come with a number plate light...
In Adelaide it is illegal to modify your bike from stock in any way.....period. You can replace parts with stock or approved parts, but are not allowed to modify. This would also include Oggy Knobbs, or other frame and axle sliders, Pazzo's, you name it.

This is effing ridiculous. S.A.....The Nazi state.:( Enforcing trivial BS instead of doing useful things that will actually prevent harm to Human beings.

If the fender stops rocks, how come they wouldn't take me up on my offer of parking my back wheel in the garden in front of their glass doors at the cop station, and stoking it up to put it to the test?:eek: No takers. Told them I didn't want to hear anyone tell me they stop rocks anymore as we all knew they didn't and I don't like being lied to. Also suggested that the bike cops need to be carrying the required 45kg weight with them, as if they approach me again without one I'll be seeing them in court. "Want to enforce a trivial useless law? Fine. Do it right."

There's a good chance I upset some cops, but I was quiet and well mannered, so if they don't like being told, then they really need to stop lying to me, and not just use half the law to put my bike over the pits and raise some revenue. ...lol.:Flip:

Some people will say, that the law is the law....OK. It is illegal to slow down or inconvenience other road users (says so in our road rules book) so next time I'm driving a truck through a narrow crowded town full of tourists (Hahndorf) I'll be sure to obey the law and do my 50km/h.:thumbup: Who am I to argue with the law?:rolleyes:

Hmmm. Maybe should put this in the rant thread...lol.:BLAA:
I want to do the FE mod but I'm afraid to do it for obvious reasons.

I was wondering what happen if I do the mod and install something like the BMW GS mudguard?

Turn light will be in place, license plate will be in place and bike will have the mudguard too, just not the long ugly plastic, I can actually install a bigger reflector on that mudguard.
What do you guys think?
Has anyone actually fab'd up a FE designed to sit with the correct 45* angle, lights, proper indicator positioning etc, so they can't actually say it doesnt meet the laws?
Has anyone actually fab'd up a FE designed to sit with the correct 45* angle, lights, proper indicator positioning etc, so they can't actually say it doesnt meet the laws?

Yeah, Me!
View attachment 28074

Number plate light is present! Check!

Indicators are 30cm apart! Check!

Reflector in place, and not on the number plate! Check!

"Fender" is at 45 degree's to rear axle....it's pretty bloody close, and with the mythical 45kg load on board, i reckon it would be!

Might have to chuck the Missus on the bike...and take a measurement!!!

Also suggested that the bike cops need to be carrying the required 45kg weight with them, as if they approach me again without one I'll be seeing them in court.:

and with the mythical 45kg load on board, i reckon it would be!

Might have to chuck the Missus on the bike...and take a measurement!!!


The upside of this is they might start using little 45kg chicky's for bike cops...lol:cheer::cheer::cheer::BLAA:
The upside of this is they might start using little 45kg chicky's for bike cops...lol:cheer::cheer::cheer::BLAA:

Well, My PA is studying to be a cop...and she weigh's about 50kg's, and looks like a Centrefold model...in fact, she is! :eek:

Bring it on i say....just like in "A Night at the Roxbury"...."Officer Hotty....TJ Hooker"! Lol!

Well if you run, at least you can say "I just wanted to be chased by a pretty woman for once in my life". Go for the sympathy vote :p

LMFAO! I can just see it now..... "Your Honour, i have never felt so worthy, she was just so beautiful...."

Haha I can just imagine.
Funnily enough the female cops always seem to be the most polite and friendly, or is that just me? Far less likely to be in a bad mood if you get breath tested or pulled over for a check.
Haha I can just imagine.
Funnily enough the female cops always seem to be the most polite and friendly, or is that just me? Far less likely to be in a bad mood if you get breath tested or pulled over for a check.

I have never had to deal with a female cop by memory, or if i have, she was'nt very memorable! :D
Sorry to bring this thread back but and more news/progress on FE's ?

Would love to get something but doesn't seem to be worth the possible fine from the cops :/
Sorry to bring this thread back but and more news/progress on FE's ?

Would love to get something but doesn't seem to be worth the possible fine from the cops :/

As stated previously, NO FE's are legal...in fact, technically no mods are legal...according to the fine print in the ADR's!!!!

As for the fight to get FE's made legal.... :(

As for running the gauntlet of running an FE....a few of us have been booked, and taken it hard, and now have rear fenders again....deduct from that what you will!

having the pleasure of meeting some of the south aussie FZ6 guys
and seeing first hand the manner in which they maintain their bikes
I feel fully confident in saying they are far safer machines then the
crap box cars I see blowing smoke and dropping oil,
the cops should stop being de facto accountant's
and defect these cars that do more harm to the
health and environment than any Motorbike.


Old Hopper died a few weeks ago and a friend sent me a copy of Easy Rider. I saw it when it was first released. 2 guys went out looking for America and couldn't find it.

I went for a ride last weekend, in travelling mode, saddlebags, sleeping bag and Drizabone rolled up on the back. I like my Fazer, it is the ultimate freedom machine for me. The yammy slogan is 'Get done what you must, then do what you can.' Maybe a far cry from Easy Rider but in 2010, the bike really suits what I do.

Coming up behind a bunch of SUV's on the highway, I have the power to pass them all while they are locked in their Great Australian Dream.
Sure I have to wear a helmet, if allowed, from time to time I would not wear it, especially on a nice country road on a moonlit night.

I am a lawyer and believe in justice in this land. My ancestors laid down their lives for it, and I like our flag and Queens Birthday holiday. To keep the cops off my back on my touring holiday I have the rear fender, standard pipes etc. They still look at me, our bikes look hot standard.

I don't want them ruining my cruise so I stay legal and blend in as best I can. But, deep down..............

Rumps 2 cents
