Excellant thead started on 3/12/2010 f/exausts


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Apr 21, 2010
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western mass.usa
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As in which one is best.Lots of data & some great audio vid,s.I just couldn't glean the basic answer.What brand of Slip-on's [ if any ] will provide even a modest gain without installing a Power Commander or re-mapping in any form.I realize you can't create miraculous gains with only changing one given component.I'd just like to know the best choice [ for better sound & even a small H.P. or more important ,Torque gain ] without additional mod's. Any help,Please ? Thanks.
LeoVince include a cat eliminator mid-pipe so have the best chance of improving your power, ceteris paribus. There's a thread showing various power and weight changes with most brands of pipes.
Thanks guys,That at leaset narrowed it down to two.And it answered myQues. about not having to do [ & spend ] additional $$$.Again,thanks,I'm not looking for miracles,just better sound & a bit more push. Westmask
Keep in mind that when you change the mid pipe in addition to the cans you prolly want to go with a Power Commander and a dyno both around $300 each. That's $600 you'll want to add to the price of changing out the mid-pipe. If you want to just do the cans then you won't need a PC and Dyno.
Again,thanks,guys.Motogiro,I do appologize for not clarifying what you answered [ in spite of my insufficint knowledge ].I should have stated I just wanted the " cans" & not the whole system,especially cat-delete's.I live in a "Gestapo " state & the fines are INCREDIBLE for doing away with what I assume are mandatory D.M.V & EPA regs in this " Junta" where I live [ It's not called "Taxachussetts" w/o a reason !!! Ireally only want a bit more F-1 sound & torque & thanks to you all,I think I know which way to go_Okay,one last Que. , Who's got the best prices ? Thanks,tons, westmask.:Flash: