Epic West Coast Trip Summer 2010

Date is set.

July 30th 5pm I leave home.

August 15th I return home with a smile that will last until somewhere in mid-December.

I expect to be in the vicinity of Los Angeles sometime around midway through that trip. I won't make it all the way to Los Angeles though as I will be avoiding built up urban areas. I may do the loop in reverse though and come down the west side first through oregon then back through nevada and the grand canyon on the way back. But I may well stick with the original direction. That could be decided by people's schedules here, as well as me trying to decide which way I want to head out of alberta. Heading west initially is great anticipation and excitement right away, while heading south is patience but wide open skies.

I will show my breasts to anyone that turns out. Might be a great time to coordinate a big ole group ride!! Great weather, great riders, great food, great roads.......wow....it's getting closer. Bloody hate Alberta so much I swear.
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Date is set.

July 30th 5pm I leave home.

August 15th I return home with a smile that will last until somewhere in mid-December.

I expect to be in the vicinity of Los Angeles sometime around midway through that trip. I won't make it all the way to Los Angeles though as I will be avoiding built up urban areas. I may do the loop in reverse though and come down the west side first through oregon then back through nevada and the grand canyon on the way back. But I may well stick with the original direction. That could be decided by people's schedules here, as well as me trying to decide which way I want to head out of alberta. Heading west initially is great anticipation and excitement right away, while heading south is patience but wide open skies.

I will show my breasts to anyone that turns out. Might be a great time to coordinate a big ole group ride!! Great weather, great riders, great food, great roads.......wow....it's getting closer. Bloody hate Alberta so much I swear.

If I'm still not working I'll meet up with you. Should have the R1 back by then.
We should be able to get some SoCal riders up and out for this.

Calling all SoCal Hoons Calling all Hoons! Let's meet up with Lone!!!!
If you decide to get anywhere close to the SF Bay area I'd make it a point to hook up with you for a ride. I'm envious of your trip. :BLAA:

And subscribed...
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Any idea the approximate date you'll be heading through Northern California on the way back? I'd love to meet up if possible. If it's on a weekend, I can almost certainly make it.
dates are based entirely on making it home by the 15th. if it is 70% of the way through I am hoping to be there 70% of the way through the trip. Ive not worked out the travel time yet and some legs might get cut out if i find i am falling way behind schedule. I don't think I will though.

Total distance is set at 9,200km (~5700mi) for now. Assuming there are 12 days of non-stop riding, and I cover an average of 800km (~500mi) per day, that leaves me 2 days to make up lost ground due to days I don't make 800km and 2 days in the middle to run naked through the streets of some small town someplace.

If I have to I can shave 500km off here or there when the need arises by sacrificing scenic detours and using primary highways.

I am just going to set checkpoints. By such day I need to be here, by such day I need to be here, etc etc etc.

And the good thing is I'll be trying to sleep every night in a tent so I won't need to worry too much about getting to the next town or city. Can just stop when I get tired and sleep.
Any idea the approximate date you'll be heading through Northern California on the way back? I'd love to meet up if possible. If it's on a weekend, I can almost certainly make it.

I'm with DefyInertia. I'm free almost every weekend during riding season. :thumbup:
I'm starting to think I should try to take the shortest route possible to California as the best roads seem to be near the west coast. I really want to see the grand canyon and bonneville salt flats though. Might skip on the salt flats perhaps. I'm sure theyre pretty flat.

I'll reassess the distances and times involved soon.
August 6, 7, 8, 9 is looking good for Northern California, or NORCAL as we locals call it (LOL).

Btw the 8th is my birthday.....mwahahahaha. Someone's not paying for gas allllllllll dayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

haha just kidding!
Don't feel like you have to see everything on this trip...you're young and have lots of trips in your future.

I'm with DefyInertia. I'm free almost every weekend during riding season. :thumbup:

Hey wanna hit the Sierras June 19/20? Longest weekend days of the year and everything should be open by then. I'm thinking about camping Saturday night. I had an ADV ride planned on the KTM but my friend can no longer make it....

August 6, 7, 8, 9 is looking good for Northern California, or NORCAL as we locals call it (LOL).

Nice...that's the weekend so I'm hoping to meet up :thumbup: However, I will have just returned from 2 weeks in Thailand so I may be swamped at work. I will do my best and would love to buy you a beer for your bday :thumbup: