Do you use your FZ6 mainly for commuting or pleasure?

Business or pleasure. What do you use your FZ6 for?

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The problem I have with commuting on my FZ is that when I arrive at work,
I just want to keep on riding and to heck with work!
Especially on those really nice days.
Neither, I guess.

Up until a year ago, it was a 98% commuter machine, rarely ridden on weekends. Now that I telecommute exclusively, it is still rarely ridden on weekends, but also doesn't get ridden much during the week.

I'm conflicted about it. My (deplorably rare) usage patterns now classifies it more as a toy. But I still treat it like a commuter bike -- no mods, not fastidiously cleaned. The reasons why I bought it don't hold water these days, and it doesn't quite feel special enough to be a pure toy.
Right now it is my pleasure ride but as soon as I get a few months of riding experience I plan to start some short highway jaunts working my way up to commuting to my job 25 miles from home.
Mine was for pleasure and work. It really helped bring a good attitude to work and a stress reliever before I get home. I really enjoy riding the FZ6. Actually, I just love riding in general.
i obsessively use my fz6 for both. I will look for reasons to ride. When its nice out, i ride all day. Then ride to work, then ride after work to wherever i'm going. It's my daily pleasure commute machine.
I ride the FZ to and from work every day for about 8 months of the year; rain or shine. I wouldn't call it commuting though... it's enjoyable (commuting implies drudgery, no? ;)

I don't get out much for pleasure riding... evenings and weekends are mostly close to home with the fam.
Finally someone chose Neither. I just bought it to stare at and tend to - I don't ride it . Well done gearheadstu for being a true nutter:rockon::rockon:
Sure you can ...

Why not?

A bike and a car are totally different, - they don't even have the same laws ...
Sure signs, speed limits etc. are the same, but you can learn that just as well on a bike as in a cage ..

Interesting. In the US, we don't get a specific "cycle liscence", we get a cycle endorsement added on our operators liscence. At least that's the way I think it is in every state that I've heard of, but what do I know. You have to get your operators liscence first which makes you learn the rules of the road, and then you can get endorsements added on to it. But that's the extent of my knowledge.