Do after market exhaust help with being seen

No, not until they change the laws of physics.

Like a friend's shirt says, "If you think loud pipes save lives, just think what learning how to ride might help"
Take an ambulance as an example..... as they are coming up on you from behind, you hear them and move over (their siren is sounding forward). However, if you stop and think about it, as they pass you and continue moving away from you, the sound gets significantly softer immediately and dies away very quickly. It is the same thing with pipes.... except the noise is blasting out of their a$$ away from you to start with and then at you after they pass.

What he is saying that the sound level itself is not changed, the way the sound is perceived is though, the frequency changes, the speed of the sound waves, which creates that effect. Therefore the DB's themselves are not changed, they physically can't unless somehow you have a magical muffler which adjust its sound on the fly lol
Loud pipes don't really help at all.
If you REALLY want to be noticed get a headlight modulator..people will literaly move out of your way then..
This is unfortunately illegal in the UK and Ireland, we do get the pass switch on the left bar though. It's great to give the old traffic a flash to move them out of your way.

I saw this new thread and immediately thought, "This dead horse again?"

I say it does not. Cars and trucks nowadays are so well insulated they can't even hear my siren on my patrol car when I'm right behind them in traffic (with lights flashing too). Some are oblivious until they look in the mirror.

You can't rely on anything except your abilities. Ride as if no one sees or hears you. Take precautions: don't sit in drivers' blind spots, watch everyone making a left turn and anticipate they'll go in front of you, watch the side roads and driveways.

I stop people for speeding once in a while. I sometimes hear from them, "I didn't even see you" when I was in plain sight or they passed me on the road when I was doing the speed limit. If people are that stupid then there's nothing you can do to keep them from running you over.
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As I was saying, Thanks to Professor Sheldon Cooper, the Doppler effect.
Seriously guys it don't work. We have all been buzzed by the fast bike passing us, and your senses only kick in to their presence when they are level with the wing mirror. If if I'm to be totally honest, these type of bikes have scared the
5hite out of me and I was just minding my business in the correct lane.

I also believe that the loud pipe brigade are dearly trying to hold onto their obnoxious pipes, Basing their frail arguments on anecdotal evidence, as the rest of their world is moving to legislating on noise pollution, ie another nail in the motorcycle coffin.
Neeeeeeeeeeow (The Doppler effect).
I saw this new thread and immediately thought, "This dead horse again?"

I say it does not. Cars and trucks nowadays are so well insulated they can't even hear my siren on my patrol car when I'm right behind them in traffic (with lights flashing too). Some are oblivious until they look in the mirror.

You can't rely on anything except your abilities. Ride as if no one sees or hears you. Take precautions: don't sit in drivers' blind spots, watch everyone making a left turn and anticipate they'll go in front of you, watch the side roads and driveways.

I stop people for speeding once in a while. I sometimes hear from them, "I didn't even see you" when I was in plain sight or they passed me on the road when I was doing the speed limit. If people are that stupid then there's nothing you can do to keep them from running you over.

Exactly! :D
As I was saying, Thanks to Professor Sheldon Cooper, the Doppler effect.
Seriously guys it don't work. We have all been buzzed by the fast bike passing us, and your senses only kick in to their presence when they are level with the wing mirror. If if I'm to be totally honest, these type of bikes have scared the
5hite out of me and I was just minding my business in the correct lane.

I also believe that the loud pipe brigade are dearly trying to hold onto their obnoxious pipes, Basing their frail arguments on anecdotal evidence, as the rest of their world is moving to legislating on noise pollution, ie another nail in the motorcycle coffin.
Neeeeeeeeeeow (The Doppler effect).


[ame=]The Big Bang Theory - The Doppler Effect - YouTube[/ame]
This is unfortunately illegal in the UK and Ireland, we do get the pass switch on the left bar though. It's great to give the old traffic a flash to move them out of your way.


No one does that here, nor do they use the "passing lane" as a passing lane...
If you were to flash them like you do, you would most likely just get some form of digital communication... ( ..!., )
The modulator flashes constantly so they do move for it for some reason...
I like my bike to be more quiet.

here's the thing,

louder pipes will project the sound mostly to the back of you. So no, people won't neccessairly here you coming.

My another fear is that super loud pipes might even distract the drivers of cars and they might make a sudden move that might cause an accident.

I also like to tour a bit so if I go to a national park i don't want to wake the whole forrest with the loud obnoxious pipes.

I have Scorpion slip on exhaust. It's kind of laud but not really.

Here's one situaton where louder exhaust has helped me a bit.

take today for an instance. I live in NYC so traffic jams are an expected part of my daily commute. So here I am sitting in a stand still traffic on a bridge.

When the traffic is stand still or moving 5-10mph I will split lanes to save my clutch hand from the pain of constantly engaging it to to save some time too.

Sometimes when i see a car that is for no reason moving really closes to the center lane divider thus taking all the room for me being able to lane split past him. I will get as close to him and rev my engine to let him know that I am there and it would be nice for him to move a little bit away from the center lane so i could get past him.

Other than that I see no point in louder exhaust other than for somebody's "pleasure".

Let's keep it real people we are not riding GP race machines, you can't make a race bike out of the FZ6. It's like putting a big a$$ spoiler on a Honda Civic and being a "ricer".
I've always had bikes with aftermarket exhausts - until I got my FZ6.

The problem is that the FZ6 is too quiet, as evidenced by the greater amount of pedestrians that just step off the curb because they can't here me coming.

Will they ALWAYS be heard? No.

But even if only 1% of the people that I might normally crash into hears it and checks their stride, then the exhaust has paid for itself in spades.

Animals hear me coming - and sure, whilst the MAJORITY of the noise is projected to the rear - you can't tell me you can't hear the difference when the bike is oncoming....

Sure, it's just louder to the rear - but give 'er a blip and people to the front take notice too.

I've got a set of Scorpion cans on order and will be fitting them ASAP.
