Did the unthinkable...


Feb 19, 2009
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Jasper, GA
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Seems I can't break myself of the "soft old shirt and windex" cleaning of
some surfaces. No wonder my bikes always have scratches. I learned this
once and for all last night. Brand new FZ6. Bug snot on the windscreen.
Used a soft old cotton shirt and some windex to get it off. Windscreen all
scratched to heck now. Bummer. I'm never doing it again on any part of
any bike.
What do you all use to get scratch-free clean & bug free? Also, are there any
cool windscreens made for this bike that aren't taller?



Seems I can't break myself of the "soft old shirt and windex" cleaning of
some surfaces. No wonder my bikes always have scratches. I learned this
once and for all last night. Brand new FZ6. Bug snot on the windscreen.
Used a soft old cotton shirt and some windex to get it off. Windscreen all
scratched to heck now. Bummer. I'm never doing it again on any part of
any bike.
What do you all use to get scratch-free clean & bug free? Also, are there any
cool windscreens made for this bike that aren't taller?



Microfibre cloths, - new ones!
I use windex and microfiber or papertowels, and just let the windex set on the bugs and then wipe gently...spiderweb/light scratches can easily be polished out with decent polish. I know I'll never keep things from getting scratches. I just try to keep em light enough to hide with a nice couple of coats of polish/wax...
Ouch! Sorry to hear about that.

I only use detergent and water to clean the windscreen. If I'm just spot cleaning, I get a small terry towel damp with warm water and rub a couple of drops of dishsoap in. I gently wipe the screen until the bugs are gone (can feel it getting smooth), then dry with a clean dry towel.
you should be able to get the scratches out with a good plastic polish (eg novus multi-step) unless you want a new screen anyway. On the cleaning front, agree with purpose made products and letting them soak. I drape/rest a wet towel over the heavily bugged areas while I clean the rest of the bike/car and let them re-hydrate before I clean with a micro-fiber wash sponge and frequent rinsing
Cool. Lots of great ideas to remember.
Micofiber cloths, yes, I've heard of those. I've got to remember to look in the nearest auto parts store of Home Depot for that kind of stuff. I really want to keep this bike looking its best. In the meantime, until I can afford a new windscreen, I'll look at plastic polishes for sure. At least I can try to bring it back a bit. Looking straight at it, you couldn't tell. But bend down where light hits in just that way, wow, there they are.
It's funny, I covered the bike with towels and was so careful as I replaced the fork springs and oil. I didn't scratch anything or make any mess. Then I come off that victory with the dufus maneuver...:spank:

Thanks guys,

If you immediately start scrubbing off dried insectae exoskeleton, it won't matter how soft a cloth you use, the dead bug itself will scratch your plastic, guaranteed.

When I clean my helmet shield, I wet a paper towel and drape it over the shield, let it soak five minutes or so, then gently wipe the bug guts off in one smooth motion. I then dry the shield (dab with a kleenex) and follow up with a quick spritz of Plexus and a microfiber polishing cloth. I know some folks think paper towels are evil, but my shield looks as clear as the day I bought it two years ago.

My bike' windshield, I spray with Aerostich's bike cleaner and let soak while I unwrap the hose and wet my chamois. Most of the bug guts come off pretty easily; I don't sweat scratches in my windshield as I never look thru it! Guess I'm not a very aggressive driver. :rolleyes:
i use the waterless motorcycle polish's and they work great, also the Powerbronze double bubble is the same size as stock, just has the bubble:

Where did you get your windshield at? Also, what color is that considered, smoke or dark smoke? I like that windshield a lot better than the puig.
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i use the waterless motorcycle polish's and they work great, also the Powerbronze double bubble is the same size as stock, just has the bubble:


You know people shouldnt live where it snows that much right man????

Lots of water and some soap to get the big bug chunks loose and off. Then plexus with a microfiber cloth.

Botch, paper towels *are* evil...:spank:
i use the waterless motorcycle polish's and they work great, also the Powerbronze double bubble is the same size as stock, just has the bubble:


What's that white stuff!!! :eek:

You surely don't ride on a day like that?

Do you get a government refund from your registration for "Two Wheeler Can't Ride Days"?

In all seriousness, you are doing it hard. :(
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