Detailing Motorbikes


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2012
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Essex, UK
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For years I've had sports cars (still have one now) and have a massive collection of cleaning products and all sorts of towels for every occasion.

However it suddenly struck me that cleaning a bike is a whole different game.

I've got everything I need to clean the paint work and chrome parts, but Id like to know what people use over the rest of the bike, for example when I've cleaned the black plastic parts they dry smeary

Just wondered how people clean their bikes and what routines you have?

Mr Sheen is brilliant on plastics.

Meguires - fantastic products for bikes.

As for washing the bike, we use CT-18 truck wash.

BTW, I don't actually clean my bike at all - that's what my husband is for.

(thanks Prebstar xx)

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I use a soap called S100, it cleans so good the bike looks like it came off the show room floor:thumbup:
G'day Dazza,
Sounds like you know a fair bit about getting stuff clean, so I might be telling you something you already know... But I hit the bike with a oil based degreaser first on the grubby bits (sans plastic bits), then a water based one, polish, lube, and the bike comes up beaut!
I don't get to do this very often, but it's satisfying to see a decent change.
Got all my know how from the tube
[ame=""]from the tube[/ame].
Most important bike cleaning lesson:

Always start with the chain! If you don't you will get your clean bike dirty with chain grime! Kerosene works awesome for cleaning O-ring chains and is recommended by Yamaha.

Once the bike is clean I use a high quality synthetic polish (Zaino) to polish the painted parts, windscreen and all lights. A high quality non-wax based polish will repel insects if used on your headlights and windscreen!
Wow thanks for all the great ideas guys and gals :thumbup:

I'll have to check them out and see how I get on.

Now people have mentioned WD40 I must admit I had not thought about this on the bike as I used it all over the cars engine bay and underside, its an amazing cleaner of grub.

The bike has done so few miles thats its not all that dirty yet, but I've got a real OCD with dirt on both the car and bike and want to keep it looking like its come out the showroom.
+1 on the Zainos. I try to "dust" the bike every week at least - regardless of if I'm riding it or not. Monthly I'll wipe it down with a damp rag with a little bit of Zaino's car wash. Then I'll hit it with a little polish (z6? I'd have to check) as that'll take care of any "streaks". It's so little surface area that it's quick to follow up with the polish/protector. Then I'll usually hit it with their Gloss Enhancer - partly because it looks good and partly because I love the smell. :)

I also love the smell of their car wash soap - smells like bubble gum.
1.Clean chain(kerosene+toothbrush)
2.wash- meguire's wash and wax
3.clay- 3m 38070 (twice yearly)
4.polish- mothers pure polish)
5.Seal- Meguires M21 sealant)
6.Wax- Mothers pure canauba wax)
7.Polish Header- mothers metal polish
8.lube chain
9.take picture for fapping