Dear neighbour... by anonymous

Is there a grumpy old lady anywhere near by? I just bought my house in June and there is an elderly lady across the road, I have tried to wave, say hi etc she just ignores me. 1 neighbor across the road next to her and the neighbor to the right of my house has had her complain about stupid things such as they had too many cars in their driveways, bicycles on their lawns, etc. I have found many elderly complain about many things they have no business complaining about. They are miserable so they think you should be too. I would say as others have as long as you aren't doing what they are complaining about then I would just discard it. What if you owned a diesel truck? it would be just as loud or louder.... My neighbor to the left of my house is in a band and you can hear them inside my house. I have asked them to turn it down and have talked to the cops about it, we are outside the city limits so there is no sound laws where I live....
Lol, cause of Mr and Mrs Anonymous?! Not happening, lol :)

For them, yes. Also for the rest of the neighborhood, the people who live on your way to work, that car next to you at the light with their windows down, and the ones you pass on the freeway. Also for you, unless you use earplugs on every ride.

You can't be too surprised that the attention whoring loud pipes you put on drew attention, and some of it was negative. :don'tknow:
LOL!!!! The third one on the person's list is especially funny. I swear, it's like everyone who has kids expects everybody with vehicles to kill the engine, get out/off, and push it by when their kids are out. One of my friends' lived on a street that had a bunch of families, and they acted like they were traffic cops. I even got lectured by one once because she thought I was going "too fast" in my old bug, just because I revved it up a bit when shifting. I told her, "here's an idea, try not standing in the middle of the dang street when having conversations". Seriously, her, a like 4 other adults, plus about six kids were just standing right in the middle of the street! The worst part was I was going pretty slow, way under the limit in fact.

+1 to people equating loud exhaust with "speeding". I got that all the time in my Mazda when I had a loud exhaust on it. I'd be going 5-10 UNDER the limit, not accelerating, and I'd have pedestrians motion for me to slow down. I used to think, "WTF? Do they not have eyes?". Morale of the story is, people suck. Just ignore them and go about your business. :D
I read your thread on GTAM, did not realize you have FZ6.
Do you have stock pipes or aftermarekt?
Mine has Leo's and it is loud. And I can't coast to my garage - it is quite steep uphill :D
OK, I just read your sig - you have Leo's too but with cat in place. So it should not be too loud. Just make sure your bike is in safe place - you never know what the next step will be.
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I really dont get why people get so offended by loud exhaust.....most bigrigs have a higher db level at idle and i dont see aanyone telling them to quit there jobs, or complaing about being woke up, or just crying about it period. Something is always gooing to offend someone else, especially in our times now where people sue you for having a tree that leans in there yard and blocks the morning sun that they used to love. All you can do is just make sure you are obeying the laws and go about your buisness and tell anyone who dont like your exhaust to go **** themselves

Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk
I really dont get why people get so offended by loud exhaust.....most bigrigs have a higher db level at idle and i dont see aanyone telling them to quit there jobs, or complaing about being woke up, or just crying about it period. Something is always gooing to offend someone else, especially in our times now where people sue you for having a tree that leans in there yard and blocks the morning sun that they used to love. All you can do is just make sure you are obeying the laws and go about your buisness and tell anyone who dont like your exhaust to go **** themselves

Sent from my R800x using Tapatalk

Not to mention the farmboys with the diesels with the stack out the top...
I se several bikes going on regular on my street
Gixxer 750 with Yosh- awesome sound
Night Rod, I think stock pipes- great deep throaty sound
My bike -obviously best sound ever
Some cruiser with straight pipes - just loud and obnxious. When guyg just got it - first week or so he used to wake up the whole street. I was OK -it is sound of bike after all but I guess someone complained and he took it down a notch.
I never had any complaints about mine and as far as I know - nobody complained about gixxer and night rod
My neighbour complained about my bike even with a stock exhaust !
What a wanker :Flip:

Coming from someone who used to mow his lawns at 8pm when my kids where in bed I,m not surprised !
Got home from work last night to find an anonymous letter sent through the regular mail. It says:

"Neighbour- please have respect for your neighbours!
your noisy bike is disrespectful to us who work shifts!
our children are not safe when you speed as you do down their streets!!"

Hard to deal with anonymous cowards, but here's what I have to say:

1) I never ever went with more than 30-35 kph on my or any other residential street.
2) I did install my Leo Vince exhaust last week, but I've never ever revved it up on my street or my driveway. Yes, it is noisy, but so are the lawn mowers that everyone is using.
3) There are 3 families on my street, who have little kids. One of this families is mine and my own kids. I've spoken with the other two families, and they don't have any complaints or any worries about my bike.

Can somebody tell me what this anonymous letter aims to accomplish? That I should sell my bike or what? That I won't ride during the day cause somebody might be sleeping or what? I really don't get it, what the hell is happening to this world!
Loud pipes pi55 people off.
Bad from that he has accused you of speeding in residential areas.
Have you got the Db killers installed?

The same exact thing happened to me about 2 or 3 months after I got my scorpion cans - except I leave at 4am, and the neighbor knocked on my door.

First off, my neighbor was an ignoramus saying that i REV my engine in the early hours of the morning, and tear ass up the street going 1000mph, and they can hear me for miles.

So I tried to explain the concept of the bike doesn't move unless you apply gas, which revs the engine up. I never once pulled the clutch, and rolled the throttle - at 4am. And another concept, he could not seem to grasp, was that despite the fact that the mufflers make it sounds like a rocket going 1000mph, it simply isn't true. For some odd reason, bikes sound like they're going way faster than they actually are.

So my thoughts on the matter? (and I'm definitely not a perfect person here) **** him. The only person that's going to tell me to stop riding my bike in the morning is the cops. I wouldn't suggest saying that to the neighbor, but I would ride my bike every damn day, rain or shine - regardless. If you know you're riding safely, that's all that matters. Don't let a dunce of a neighbor tell you how to live, mail them a pair of ear plugs and say "these should help."

Just try to baby it until you're a a mile away - that's what I try to do now.
Just try to baby it until you're a a mile away - that's what I try to do now.

That's the right attitude, if you absolutely must have a loud aftermarket exhaust. Shift to second as soon as you can, and get out of the neighborhood at an engine speed barely above idle.

Since I also leave the house well before the sun comes up, I'll just keep the stock exhaust.
You must live on my street! I got one of those letters saying my bikes are too loud AND my dogs are too loud too! While I do want universal harmony, I dont really care too much what many think or say anymore. I've learned over the years that the only people whose oppinions and thoughts REALLY matter are the ones I live with and love. Ok maybe my boss sometimes too, but I respect others wishes when I can but if some busy body gets offended and thinks I should live exactly the way they do, pi55 on them. Live your life and as long as your not hurting others, go for it!