Cycle City Burlington Bankrupt!


Junior Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Any of you riders in the Hamilton-Burlington area will know this place. It's been at the corner of the QEW and Guelph line for years. Well, it's gone now. The bankruptcy sale started this morning and doors close tomorrow afternoon.

Sad event, the owners and employees were there today happily helping people out as the clear out sale went on. They kept up a brave face, but, you know there were feeling the pain.
There were good deals, but, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the people who worked there. Hopefully, things will work out for all of them.
I just came across this post while searching on google.

I just want to point out that NONE of the employees were at the bankruptcy sale helping out. That was the owners Family, who screwed the employees, i have yet to talk to one employee who has anything good to say about them. So i doubt very highly that they would show up to help out.

For those of you who don't know, The bank didn't shut the doors, the owners did, a month before christmas, with no warning to any of the guys. They could have closed earlier, so the employees could have some time before christmas to bounce back on their feet, but the owners went about it the crappy way.

I feel sorry for the guys there, and NO sorrow for the owners