Cop abusing taser...can you say power trip?

not enough?

this guy throws around an old lady before zapping her. quality policework at its finest.

[ame=]YouTube - 72 Yr Old Grandmother Tazed[/ame]
the thing with videos is that you never get the full story, the fact of the matter is that you either listen to police, or you get tasered... end of story, i don't care if they could ave waited longer or not, when they say jump you say how high.... If you break the law you have no excuse to waste their time to boot.
there are ways to get control of the situation without resorting to a taser. it is just laziness to push the "I win" button the way they do now. if you arent willing or able to do what needs to be done or dont know what to do that is appropriate then dont be a cop. tasers should only be used in cases of potential cop-injury. 72 year old woman is not going to judo-chop the cop then throw him 50 yards across the road.
this ones just crazy

[ame=]YouTube - Oklahoma Highway Patrol OHP Trooper dash cam[/ame]
the thing with videos is that you never get the full story, the fact of the matter is that you either listen to police, or you get tasered... end of story, i don't care if they could ave waited longer or not, when they say jump you say how high.... If you break the law you have no excuse to waste their time to boot.

I agree a lot of the videos posted don't show the entire scenario. Driving carries a lot of responsibility. The drivers license is not a right. The drivers license is property of the state. We have a system where you have the right in a court to challenge and seek damages for what is happening. He's got a gun, a tazer, and a lot of times an attitude. No doubt some of these officers have personality problems. Most are probably like you or me. That may be the only day in their life they're having an issue and don't need you to tell them how they should do their job. That may be the only day in your life to not give him a hard time. This public official is responsible for your safety as well as their own safety. There are canons on which stopping a car are based. By the way,when you're stopped, your freedom has been taken away and you are technically under arrest. As far as your rights under Miranda you can search for a lot of enlightening info on when an officer doesn't need to read you your rights.
Please don't misunderstand this and equate it with siding with any authority. If something's broken we should fix it and I believe if we have a better understanding as apposed to emotional reaction we can have a better quality of life together. Stopping a stranger in a car takes a lot more than we see on the surface...

I agree a lot of the videos posted don't show the entire scenario. Driving carries a lot of responsibility. The drivers license is not a right. The drivers license is property of the state. We have a system where you have the right in a court to challenge and seek damages for what is happening. He's got a gun, a tazer, and a lot of times an attitude. No doubt some of these officers have personality problems. Most are probably like you or me. That may be the only day in their life they're having an issue and don't need you to tell them how they should do their job. That may be the only day in your life to not give him a hard time. This public official is responsible for your safety as well as their own safety. There are canons on which stopping a car are based. By the way,when you're stopped, your freedom has been taken away and you are technically under arrest. As far as your rights under Miranda you can search for a lot of enlightening info on when an officer doesn't need to read you your rights.
Please don't misunderstand this and equate it with siding with any authority. If something's broken we should fix it and I believe if we have a better understanding as apposed to emotional reaction we can have a better quality of life together. Stopping a stranger in a car takes a lot more than we see on the surface...


fair enough. but taser's are used inappropriately on a regular basis. when you have a male 30-something cop and a 72 year old woman you dont need 10k volts of electricity to level the playing field. you just dont.

same goes for when you have 6 cops and one unarmed suspect.

some things are just inappropriate. my point is that to be a cop you need to display superior standards. you cant be "just like you and me" in your approach to the job. thats ludicrous. they need to be held to a higher standard than the guy who builds office furniture for display at your local IKEA.
the thing with videos is that you never get the full story, the fact of the matter is that you either listen to police, or you get tasered... end of story, i don't care if they could ave waited longer or not, when they say jump you say how high.... If you break the law you have no excuse to waste their time to boot.

I also agree.....but Police Officers are trained to diffuse situations not provoke attacks. I saw the video of the 72 year old lady when it first came out and the PO clearly ignited a situation that was not neccessary. I don't know if it is law to sign these tickets in the US but seriously folks they are on camera which would be admissable in the court room. There is no reason to use tasers on helpless people. They are only to be used instead of a gun for protection of the Officer not to shoot at someone just because they are having a boring day!!!:rockon:
how different would the video have been had any one of them (including the 72 year old woman) had a gun and decided to press their "I win" button?

That is the mentality that officers need to take in some arts of this country and i am sure many others.

dealing with an officer of the law is not and should never be treated as a game, you have already lost round 1 if you are being confronted. Any issues you have with the situation are only able to be brought up in round 2, which is court.
I also agree.....but Police Officers are trained to diffuse situations not provoke attacks. I saw the video of the 72 year old lady when it first came out and the PO clearly ignited a situation that was not neccessary. I don't know if it is law to sign these tickets in the US but seriously folks they are on camera which would be admissable in the court room. There is no reason to use tasers on helpless people. They are only to be used instead of a gun for protection of the Officer not to shoot at someone just because they are having a boring day!!!:rockon:

Did you watch the entire video of where this escalated from?
When this came out on the news my wife ran in the room and told be about it. Knowing it was on the news and the news is really about selling soap and very often geared towards emotion and not human intelligence. I mentioned to my wife that it's edited and I'd like to see the whole video. Later someone posted the patrol car video. She was getting a ticket for a violation and she, using the excuse of being an elderly person proceeded to make every move she could to interfere with his responsibility for the safety of the both of them. When my wife saw the entire video she was mad at the local news for the very biased edit. Hey they're selling soap! Be careful out there!

This one is funny![ame=]YouTube - Cop Tasers Himself[/ame]
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Did you watch the entire video of where this escalated from?
When this came out on the news my wife ran in the room and told be about it. Knowing it was on the news and the news is really about selling soap and very often geared towards emotion and not human intelligence. I mentioned to my wife that it's edited and I'd like to see the whole video. Later someone posted the patrol car video. She was getting a ticket for a violation and she, using the excuse of being an elderly person proceeded to make every move she could to interfere with his responsibility for the safety of the both of them.

This one is funny!YouTube - Cop Tasers Himself

i am not sure if this is the same video or not, but there was a video with a similar situation that the woman kept trying to walk out into traffic and putting others in danger. I personally would want my grandmother tasered rather than wandering out into the street and getting hit by a semi and causing a pile up (putting more people in danger).
how different would the video have been had any one of them (including the 72 year old woman) had a gun and decided to press their "I win" button?

That is the mentality that officers need to take in some arts of this country and i am sure many others.

dealing with an officer of the law is not and should never be treated as a game, you have already lost round 1 if you are being confronted. Any issues you have with the situation are only able to be brought up in round 2, which is court.

whoa whoa're essentially suggesting that an officer cannot deal with a situation as it is on a case by case basis. if you are suggesting he should deal withj the 72 year old woman swearing at him and all that as htough she had a gun....thats just insane.

he could have easily grabbed her and put the cuffs on her. no need for the 10k volts of electricity.
whoa whoa're essentially suggesting that an officer cannot deal with a situation as it is on a case by case basis. if you are suggesting he should deal withj the 72 year old woman swearing at him and all that as htough she had a gun....thats just insane.

he could have easily grabbed her and put the cuffs on her. no need for the 10k volts of electricity.

It's not that he couldn't wrestle her to the ground, get her in a full nelson and bite her ear off. I think they study this stuff and figure the best case scenario. Older people are especially easy to hurt when you wrestle with them. Better a taser than a club or a bullet. It would be nicer if we had better understanding but for the better part, we as a species, tend to lack understanding, responsibility, and survival instincts.
Oh yeah give some kids like us a taser and I bet you we'll be trying that thing on ourselves as well as each other! LOL! It's not fun but unless you try to really hurt some one......

Also in the normal mental state she's in do you want her driving next to your wife and kids? Try to imagine that because she was issued a citation she's willing to assault a police officer. Please watch the police car video of where this is escalating from. Look at where both are located. It's not a playground. That officer is responsible for his and her safety. I don't like abusive situations. Never did never will. I don't think this is one of them. My opinion is that she was being abusive and that doesn't warrant a taser but when she crossed the physical barrier that was a different story. As to where and when we diffuse the situation is another, but remember he's not there for her mental therapy. He's there to enforce the law and keep the peace.:thumbup:
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It's not that he couldn't wrestle her to the ground, get her in a full nelson and bite her ear off. I think they study this stuff and figure the best case scenario. Older people are especially easy to hurt when you wrestle with them. Better a taser than a club or a bullet. It would be nicer if we had better understanding but for the better part, we as a species, tend to lack understanding, responsibility, and survival instincts.
Oh yeah give some kids like us a taser and I bet you we'll be trying that thing on ourselves as well as each other! LOL! It's not fun but unless you try to really hurt some one......

Also in the normal mental state she's in do you want her driving next to your wife and kids? Try to imagine that because she was issued a citation she's willing to assault a police officer. Please watch the police car video of where this is escalating from. Look at where both are located. It's not a playground. That officer is responsible for his and her safety. I don't like abusive situations. Never did never will. I don't think this is one of them. My opinion is that she was being abusive and that doesn't warrant a taser but when she crossed the physical barrier that was a different story. As to where and when we diffuse the situation is another, but remember he's not there for her mental therapy. He's there to enforce the law and keep the peace.:thumbup:

1) how is shocking a 72 year old woman and possibly giving her a heart attack more safe then just giving her a bear hug and handcuffing her?

2) he was the one who turned it into a physically abusive situation. not her.

3) her normal mental state when she is driving is not the same mental state she is in when being thrown around by a police officer.

sorry man, this cop was on a power-trip and too willing to use his "I win" button in the form of the taser. IF there is a risk of the cop being injured at all...then bring it out. you dont need a taser in most cases they are deployed. its just cops being lazy and not wanting to get their hands dirty.

poor policy making on the parts of the senior brass imho.
so is your point to show that cops are corrupt? i can find video of sport bike riders that are idiots and breaking the law. i'm sure i could find some of fz6 riders if i looked hard enough. but i'm not. do you want to take a few isolated cases and turn them into the rule?

i'm not going to join in on saying the cops were wrong and i'm not going to defend them. i wasn't there and didn't see the whole thing unfold. nor were you. but congratulations, yes there are corrupt cops. but for every corrupt cop there are plenty that go unnoticed and unthanked for the jobs they do and sacrificing their safety for the well being of others. not to mention their families that have to worry every time they walk out the door to go to work because they never know if that night will be the night that they get a call to a demestic disturbance where they get shot at.... or pull over someone on a routine traffic violation to find a gun pointed at them because they pulled over the "wrong" guy.... or the list could go on.