Colorado shooting....

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The guy was a lunatic.

He even booby trapped his home - wanted to take out as many people as he could.

These are not actions of a sane person - gun control would have made no difference. This thread should be about the poor people who have lost their lives or been injured or psychologically damaged for life by the actions of a crazy person. Gun, knife, bomb - doesn't matter. This guy would have killed people anyway.

If members start getting too aggressive towards other members, the thread will be closed. You know we don't like to do it but we will.

Thoughts are with the victims - even in Australia. They need our attention, not the gunman.
I apologize if I was a bit brash. Maybe I should put the beer down haha. Sorry been away from this forum for a while. It's rough out there in internetland.


Edit: which reminds me, why does the password here expire after X amount of days? Seriously that was the one and only reason I stopped posting for a little while there. I couldn't be bothered to remember another password. I've changed it a bunch of times on this forum now. I'm not going to reset it next time I'm going to make a new account so I can keep using the one password I use everywhere. I hate having to remember multiple passwords.

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Here let me lay it out for you...if i was in that situation this is what would happen....

I would continuously return fire until one of the following things happen...I was dead...I ran out of ammo (15-45rd depend on occasion)...or the SOB was stopped...

How would I be able to accomplish this you ask...practice...just like riding motorcyles...practice...

I'm not LE but I am more practiced than 98% of LE...the other 2% being swat as they practice everday for a living...I practice 4-6 times a month...

The above statement does imply I can out shoot 98% of who's more able to handle a situation like that...a well practiced armed citizen or your average beat cop?...i'm sure you can figure out who i think is....
So you practice in darken rooms filled with CS gas? Wow I'm impressed.
For someone who takes on the responsibility of CC you sound pretty clueless?
There are a large number of CC who clearly state that in this instant they could not have done anything other than add to the body count.

So you practice in darken rooms filled with CS gas? Wow I'm impressed.
For someone who takes on the responsibility of CC you sound pretty clueless?
There are a large number of CC who clearly state that in this instant they could not have done anything other than add to the body count.


Come on now man. Seriously, you're being WAY too rough here. Tone it down a notch Nelly. I don't think anybody here cares for your tone in that post.

Give the man credit where credit is due. He is a level 6 prestige player in CoD. He has trained long and hard for just such an event.

But in all seriousness, this is a pretty horrible occurence. Our being bad with this particular poster is just as bad as his saying he could have Rambo'd the situation. This was a real life occurance and a pretty bad one with devastating consequences and some people's lives have been changed forever for the worse. A kid was killed. There is something about people coming out to relax and watch a movie with their families and having this happen that is especially disturbing. This is why I am somewhat riled by silly posts.

Edit: I'm not going to post in this thread anymore. It's just going in a negative and unproductive direction.
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Come on now man. Seriously, you're being WAY too rough here. Tone it down a notch Nelly. I don't think anybody here cares for your tone in that post.

Give the man credit where credit is due. He is a level 6 prestige player in CoD. He has trained long and hard for just such an event.

But in all seriousness, this is a pretty horrible occurence. Our being bad with this particular poster is just as bad as his saying he could have Rambo'd the situation. This was a real life occurance and a pretty bad one with devastating consequences and some people's lives have been changed forever for the worse. A kid was killed. There is something about people coming out to relax and watch a movie with their families and having this happen that is especially disturbing. This is why I am somewhat riled by silly posts.

Edit: I'm not going to post in this thread anymore. It's just going in a negative and unproductive direction.
I am just trying to say it doesn't matter how many stress free rounds you put down a clear range.
Unless you are a special forces trained operative, you cannot practice for this type of lunacy.
I mean no malice toward any of the members on this thread. Perhaps we should all go back to discussing motorcycles? And agree that Gun lobby for or against posts have no place on this international forum.

My thoughts remain with the victims, families and emergency personal all caught up in this.
I am just trying to say it doesn't matter how many stress free rounds you put down a clear range.
Unless you are a special forces trained operative, you cannot practice for this type of lunacy.
I mean no malice toward any of the members on this thread. Perhaps we should all go back to discussing motorcycles? And agree that Gun lobby for or against posts have no place on this international forum.

My thoughts remain with the victims, families and emergency personal all caught up in this.

Apologies. I could have been more clear.


But +1 to the content suggestion. People pushing a religious or certain political mindset results in people who disagree posting to counter. Then it just turns negative. We should cut it off at the source. Certain things should just be left alone. There's plenty of places on the net to do all that. This is a riding forum. Unity, peace, love, vroom, vroom.
/real last post
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The people who shouldn't have guns are going to get them illegally anyways. Stricter gun control only takes guns away from the honest people.

Always wondered why civilians can buy assault rifles and machine guns legally from shops?? Hardly hunting guns are they.
They are excellent hunting guns. And not just anybody can buy a "machine" gun. Semi-auto, yes. Full auto, no. I use an AR for coyote hunting and it's amazing. Think about all of the semi auto weapons owned by civilians, and then consider what % of them have been used in a bad way like this shooting. Probably something like .0000001%...
A 12ga shotgun with 5shells can cause the same amount of damage that a .223 AR with a 100rd beta mag can. For that matter so can a .22LR revolver. Its not the weapon but how it is used. Yes assault rifles generally look more "deadly" but looks don't hurt people, people hurt people.
A 12ga shotgun with 5shells can cause the same amount of damage that a .223 AR with a 100rd beta mag can. For that matter so can a .22LR revolver. Its not the weapon but how it is used. Yes assault rifles generally look more "deadly" but looks don't hurt people, people hurt people.

Exactly. If guns killed people then I suppose we can blame pencils for misspelled words..
Unless you were in the front row at the beginning of the shooting, I don't think anyone with a concealed weapon would have been able to do anything. People were being trampled, jumping and climbing over eveyone in the dark.

Like Neil said, unless you're in special forces or law enforcement, it would have been very difficult for anyone regardless of how familiar they are with their weapon to react. Remember how dark a movie theater is? Plus add smoke and gas?

Nobody knows exactly how they will react in real life situations even if they practice. Case in point, we teach everyone to practice emergency braking in an open parking lot. But 9/10 times, riders will crash due to improper braking in a real emergency situation before they even reach the hazard.
Unless you were in the front row at the beginning of the shooting, I don't think anyone with a concealed weapon would have been able to do anything. People were being trampled, jumping and climbing over eveyone in the dark.

Like Neil said, unless you're in special forces or law enforcement, it would have been very difficult for anyone regardless of how familiar they are with their weapon to react. Remember how dark a movie theater is? Plus add smoke and gas?

Nobody knows exactly how they will react in real life situations even if they practice. Case in point, we teach everyone to practice emergency braking in an open parking lot. But 9/10 times, riders will crash due to improper braking in a real emergency situation before they even reach the hazard.

Plus if you were in the front row you have likely been one of his 1st targets...
I don't know how he could have bought a ballistic vest and ballistic helmet. What possible use can a civilian have for that? Surely when you go hunting the animals are not packing! I surely hope they outlaw the sales of them.

As for the magazine capacities, 100!!!?? Why would any hunter need more than 5 rounds? There absolutlely is not need for a 100 round magazines, period! Not even 30! I think it should be limit to 5. When he reloads the people in the theatre could have tackled him.

There seriously need to be something done about this and as tragic as this tragedy is, I hope something good come out of it. Like a ban of ballistic vest/helmets and limits on magazine capacities. And maybe a limit of 2 guns per person. You only need one pistol for home protection and a shotgun or rifle for hunting. Why would anybody need anymore. Doesn't make any sense. The government should get involved right now! I hope Romney doesn't get elected, he won't do anything. I'm going to vote for Obama again and hopefully he has the Democrats in senate and house and pass some common sense laws. I hope Obama gets to choose the next 2-3 supreme court justices. The second amendment need to be looked at closely, time has changed people! This is not the 1700s anymore.
There seriously need to be something done about this and as tragic as this tragedy is, I hope something good come out of it. Like a ban of ballistic vest/helmets and limits on magazine capacities. And maybe a limit of 2 guns per person. You only need one pistol for home protection and a shotgun or rifle for hunting. Why would anybody need anymore. Doesn't make any sense. The government should get involved right now! I hope Romney doesn't get elected, he won't do anything. I'm going to vote for Obama again and hopefully he has the Democrats in senate and house and pass some common sense laws. I hope Obama gets to choose the next 2-3 supreme court justices. The second amendment need to be looked at closely, time has changed people! This is not the 1700s anymore.

First off I'm all for talking about guns and gun rights but please leave Washington out of it, the thread will surely get closed then.

Second regular civilians are not supposed to be able to purchase body armor unless it is expired. Only law enforcement or similar persons can purchase them new IIRC.

Third if everything you suggested was to be put in place, nothing would have changed. Like I said earlier a AR style assault rifle with a 100rd mad can cause the same damage as a 5rd revolver, and the revolver is easier to conceal.
Like I said earlier a AR style assault rifle with a 100rd mad can cause the same damage as a 5rd revolver, and the revolver is easier to conceal.

I hope you are joking. Are you joking? Yeah, it might do the same damage to 5 people, but when there's a 100 people? In the case of the 100 rounds AK (7.62) you would have 100 dead people. In case of a 5 shot revolver, you will have 5 dead people. When he goes to reload, the 95 other people can tackle him and take the gun from him. How long do you think it takes to reload a revolver? It takes a good 10 seconds my good friend. The point of a 100 round magazine is that you don't have to reload. Nobody should be allowed to have that, except the military. 5 round limit to magazines makes the most sense here, don't you agree?
No I don't agree. For one people who hunt, sport shoot, or just shoot for fun such as myself should not be punished for something 1 in 1,000,000 people do with these things. Also, have you ever fired a semi automatic in very fast succession? If you have you know just how hard it is to hit your targets that way so 100rds does not mean 100hits. Even if all guns were limited to 5 shots it still would not change anything. They make speed clips for revolvers extra mags for semis and someone halfway decent can reload and chamber much quicker than you could think to yourself, "wait the shooting stopped, yeah time to tackle him" or people would do just what they did back before semis were made and carry multiple guns if they planned on going crazy. Then you say "that's why they should make it to where people can only have 2 guns" if criminals don't abide by the laws we already have in place what makes you think they will obey and new one.
I hope you are joking. Are you joking? Yeah, it might do the same damage to 5 people, but when there's a 100 people? In the case of the 100 rounds AK (7.62) you would have 100 dead people. In case of a 5 shot revolver, you will have 5 dead people. When he goes to reload, the 95 other people can tackle him and take the gun from him. How long do you think it takes to reload a revolver? It takes a good 10 seconds my good friend. The point of a 100 round magazine is that you don't have to reload. Nobody should be allowed to have that, except the military. 5 round limit to magazines makes the most sense here, don't you agree?

Not the expert here but you know that most new guns already have those laws in place in the US. Shot guns and pistols limit capacity not sure about others. It doesn't stop free trade and people will find what they want regardless of the laws imposed. Others will simply go to the net and mod the gun from a post in a forum.
No I don't agree. For one people who hunt, sport shoot, or just shoot for fun such as myself should not be punished for something 1 in 1,000,000 people do with these things. Also, have you ever fired a semi automatic in very fast succession? If you have you know just how hard it is to hit your targets that way so 100rds does not mean 100hits. Even if all guns were limited to 5 shots it still would not change anything. They make speed clips for revolvers extra mags for semis and someone halfway decent can reload and chamber much quicker than you could think to yourself, "wait the shooting stopped, yeah time to tackle him" or people would do just what they did back before semis were made and carry multiple guns if they planned on going crazy. Then you say "that's why they should make it to where people can only have 2 guns" if criminals don't abide by the laws we already have in place what makes you think they will obey and new one.

so your right to hunt and shoot for fun is more important than peoples lives and welfare? How selfish of you. Is it so inconvenient for you to have to reload every 5 rounds? If the government steps in and pass this law and ENFORCE the 5 rounds magazine law, then these tragedy will be REDUCED. Notice i said reduced not prevented. High capacity magazine will not be produced here in the US and it will be against the law to import from other countries. Yeah, yeah you say the criminals will find a way to get the high capacity mags somewhere, somehow. But the point of it is the make it HARD for them to do it. Make sense now? Get on the bandwagon man, you are in the minority here. Change is coming. Hope and Change.
Taking away a law-abiding citizen's rights who did everything properly & legally to purchase a firearm in order to persue a hobby he/she enjoys (target shooting, skeet shooting, competitive shooting, hunting) or to protect his family against a criminal who undoubtedly would LOVE to see weapons taken up from victims would NOT prevent crazy people from doing crazy things. Remember, there were murders & serial killers BEFORE guns were invented. If someone breaks into my house with my beloved wife & cats at home with me, I can retrieve my AK-47 with 30 rounds of scumbag repellant a lot faster than the police can possibly respond. Even if they took up all guns from all citizens, even criminals, I still wouldn't feel as safe as when I am packing. 2 or more criminals armed with knives/ice picks/razor blades/clubs/baseball bats/hairy fists could probably overpower me (although I would fight to the death to protect my family). With a firearm, on my turf, I, the victim, have an advantage. What's wrong with that? Anyone who has ever been broken in on while home will tell you they would have rather had a gun than a phone in their hand. Anyone who is for disarming victims has not been attacked as such.
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