Colorado shooting....

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And it will be another reason to call for more gun control!! Sad happenings!!


The people who shouldn't have guns are going to get them illegally anyways. Stricter gun control only takes guns away from the honest people.
The other side of events of this nature; we have witnesses who saw he acted alone. There is no mistake who did it and what they did. Another 45 cents would save millions and lay it to rest this instant. Yet our FU'd system will extend this for years. It's not like its about DNA or a bunch of facts to gather. We have the who, what, when, where, Why(will never make sense to any of us), so make it swift and end it. He lost his rights the second the mask went on.

Families of Colorado, I'm sorry for your losses. . .
This sentiment I do agree with.

The other side of events of this nature; we have witnesses who saw he acted alone. There is no mistake who did it and what they did. Another 45 cents would save millions and lay it to rest this instant. Yet our FU'd system will extend this for years. It's not like its about DNA or a bunch of facts to gather. We have the who, what, when, where, Why(will never make sense to any of us), so make it swift and end it. He lost his rights the second the mask went on.

Families of Colorado, I'm sorry for your losses. . .
FinalImpact, you just don't understand. The shooter, himself, is possibly a "victim." We have to examine his homelife, the "cause" for his irrational behavior. With enough counseling (and attorney fees) we can strive to eliminate this kind of aberrant behavior with future individuals. Furthermore, we need now to have a long, drawn out (with appeals) jury trial at taxpayer expense to get to the bottom of this. Also, there needs to be a change of venue because the media attention has already "contaminated" the local jury pool. Was the "alleged" perpetrator advised of his Miranda rights? There are so many unanswered questions. I'm so glad that he didn't shoot himself because now society can study "where we went wrong."
Some Men just want to watch the world burn....... you can only control yourself,and there is nothing wrong with being prepared.... and as American's we have the choice........ as of now anyway...... but the criminal will always have the option of being armed no matter who say's what about it.
The theater in Colorado does not allow firearms, so having a CCW would have been useless because you couldn't carry.

This kid was a neuroscience PhD candidate that was withdrawing from the University of Colorado. It's entirely possible that this kid purchased his weapons (yes, he had multiple) legally. Chalk this one up to yet another strike against the 2nd amendment. And no, that's NOT a good thing. As they say, when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.
You just have to wonder what gets in the heads of these people. It is just mind boggling!!

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The people who shouldn't have guns are going to get them illegally anyways. Stricter gun control only takes guns away from the honest people.

I hope you did not think that I am calling for more con control. NO WAY. It will happen at some point I am afraid, but I don't want it to!! I feel that everyone, as long as they are mentally stable, should have the right to carry!!

I don't normally get involved with the gun debates and the "Right to bare arms" issues.
But seriously WTF do you think you are going to do in a dark movie theater with CS gas in your eyes, among a stampede of escaping people.
You do not want any public place filled with so called responsible citizens all packing.
How many dead people would there be if everyone was carrying a concealed weapon?

How could you tell I was a responsible citizen when I'm baring my gun down in your general direction because I have seen a threat you haven't?
You see me, see my gun and shoot me a second before your shot.

RIP People of Denver

If I could give you another Rep I would.

Very well said.

It is madness to think the solution is having the public running around with guns in their back pocket. This would have been a MUCH worse incident if it turned into an outright shootout with nobody having too much idea what's going on.

You know who else makes mistakes in heated situations involving firearms?


Citizens who take a written test are all of a sudden less prone to mistakes than TRAINED POLICE? The same citizens that screw up orders working as waiters. The same citizens that can't figure out how to turn their car around in a parking lot. Yeah, let's give them all M-16s and have them patrol the streets.

Great idea. Just spot on the money with that one. Good job!

Come on this is retarded. "Give everyone guns" Americans are just -not going to say it-

Seriously. You know who else was carrying?

If I could give you another Rep I would.

Very well said.

It is madness to think the solution is having the public running around with guns in their back pocket. This would have been a MUCH worse incident if it turned into an outright shootout with nobody having too much idea what's going on.

You know who else makes mistakes in heated situations involving firearms?


Citizens who take a written test are all of a sudden less prone to mistakes than TRAINED POLICE? The same citizens that screw up orders working as waiters. The same citizens that can't figure out how to turn their car around in a parking lot. Yeah, let's give them all M-16s and have them patrol the streets.

Great idea. Just spot on the money with that one. Good job!

Come on this is retarded. "Give everyone guns" Americans are just -not going to say it-

Seriously. You know who else was carrying?


I've said it a couple times now but will say it again, in this situation there is probably nothing that could have been done once the shooting started. But there are literally thousands of cases where armed citizens have prevented crimes against themselves and others with less then ~1% of them having some sort of "collateral damage". In no way am I saying everybody should be armed but for those who can be proven responsible enough and go through some serious training can and have prevented some things like this from happening or at least minimize the damage. In a lot of places I think the CCW process is a joke and think I should be tougher to be able to get one with mandatory training including some sort of training on using deadly force. Look up some info about places with that require guns, for instance the town next to me, Kennesaw Georgia. If you own a home within the city limits you must own a firearm and have it in your house. When that law went into effect crime rates dropped by about 86% and have stayed low ever since. Also check this out about Switzerland

Also I may just be ignorant to wether it happens or not but I can't ever recall reading about anything like this happening in Canada, I'm sure something had but I imagine if it does it occurs a lot less frequently which is a good thing. But what I'm getting at is this is not Canada, people can't leave there house unlocked when they leave or even when they are there for that matter, hell my truck got broken into while I was in the laundry room about 15ft away from it in broad daylight with neighbors in their yards all around, so what may work for y'all doesn't mean it will work for us or visa versa.
2 pisstols, a shotgun and a AK 47. in a dark room. I myself wouldn't have fire back unless I was 100% sure. Im ex military can hit 29 out of 30 with my pistol and 34 out of 40 with my rifle. I would rather be a human shield than hit a innocent person.
we shouldn't have more gun laws. IMO.

Prayer going out for the victims and families. This isn't the place or time to discuss politics.
Prayer going out for the victims and families. This isn't the place or time to discuss politics.


This is precisely the time and place to talk about it. Talking yields action. Prayer yields little more than an appeased conscience on the part of the person praying (without actually having to really do anything).

Or should we wait until the general public go back to caring more about what happened last night on Glee than real life issues before actually dealing with it?

EDIT: (and gun laws restricting possession of firearms by citizens in public is what I'm advocating. Canada FTW. Hope you guys get your country sorted out sooner rather than later. It's a lovely place filled with great people. )
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To discuss gun laws? That's what I ment pal. Start a thread and call it IDK. why we need more or less gun control? But of course it was the governments doing all along.

Thinks someone has a chip on there shoulder. And I've seen alot of non action yielding talk in my day

Way to go attacking some peoples way of grieveing. :thumbup:
^made an edit above.

And you can grieve in any manner you want. But that doesn't mean it should in any way replace things which have any real bearing on this incident (or any other for that matter).

Prayer is internal for those that do it. It should remain there.

Not ragging on you per se, just rubbed me the wrong way when I read that. Seemed like you were trying to turn off discussion and turn it into 7 pages of "prayers to the victims families" instead.

I will say that if any of those family members were to see this thread it is good to show support in that method if those family members are themselves religious. But it ends there for real world usefulness.

I apologize if you took it the wrong way I can rephrase it yet more delicately.
EDIT: (and gun laws restricting possession of firearms by citizens in public is what I'm advocating. Canada FTW. Hope you guys get your country sorted out sooner rather than later. It's a lovely place filled with great people. )

I seriously doubt that would solve anything. Reason being is the criminals are not going to abide by any law like that so I don't see how taking guns away from the law abiding citizens would help anything.
FinalImpact, you just don't understand. The shooter, himself, is possibly a "victim." We have to examine his homelife, the "cause" for his irrational behavior. With enough counseling (and attorney fees) we can strive to eliminate this kind of aberrant behavior with future individuals. Furthermore, we need now to have a long, drawn out (with appeals) jury trial at taxpayer expense to get to the bottom of this. Also, there needs to be a change of venue because the media attention has already "contaminated" the local jury pool. Was the "alleged" perpetrator advised of his Miranda rights? There are so many unanswered questions. I'm so glad that he didn't shoot himself because now society can study "where we went wrong."

If someone doesn't kill him in prison (assuming we didn't botch it and he rides on a technicality) he will likely rot in our justice system for the next 80 years at our expense and those families who were just torn apart will watch him get free meals, education, and entertainment while they struggle. It's just not right.
Much like if you violate the door of my home and I somehow fail to take your life, I'm now liable for civil charges by you even though "you" broke into my home with intent to harm me/my family, carrying a weapon and all that. It is my vote that you lost your rights as soon as you violated mine by entering without consent. . . I'll stop - but our system is broke when it comes to shooters like this one.
In no way am I saying everybody should be armed but for those who can be proven responsible enough and go through some serious training can and have prevented some things like this from happening or at least minimize the damage. In a lot of places I think the CCW process is a joke and think I should be tougher to be able to get one with mandatory training including some sort of training on using deadly force.

EXTENSIVE training. If there was a situation in which a stranger had a firearm in a heated situation and your kids or wife or mother or whatever were present, how much training would be enough?

I don't disagree with your sentiments. Your country has a stupendously high crime rate in many places and having a sort of militia to assist the police is something other countries have done.

For example, Afghanistan....
simmer down with the arguments. For those of us in the US of A the "right to bear arms" is in the bill of rights ie. the first 10 amendments which the country was founded on, ITS NOT GOING ANYWHERE (neither supporting or criticizing any religious or political party here). nobody is forcing you to own or dispense of weapons, unless there's a major discrepancy on your record. And at least around here, I think everybody would be amazed to know how many people carry concealed. I know of plenty of people who do it LEGALLY and almost %100 of the time while riding. Also, just because you have your CCP doesn't mean that you will be packing for that 1 time that it might actually matter. and remember a vehicle counts as a homestead (you can be packing but the weapon has to be at least 5-steps from firing positon.) Know the laws, respect the laws, and aim carefully.:thumbup:
I seriously doubt that would solve anything. Reason being is the criminals are not going to abide by any law like that so I don't see how taking guns away from the law abiding citizens would help anything.

Ok. 3 out of 5 people in the theatre are packing. They are law abiding citizens, but without proper and extensive training on how to use them to shoot ACTUAL PEOPLE if the situation arises, that's a bit of a volatile situation wouldn't you say?
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