Clutch Switch


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Mar 30, 2007
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Atascadero, CA
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I was covering my bike and just noticed that the clutch switch connector looks like it is disconnected.

I ride the bike to work and back every day. Is it possible that it has been like this for some time?

I don't know what the switch does, so I am not sure of the consequences.

I suppose it should be plugged in right???
Im not sure what is does either... I have the full service manual for the 2004 fz6 and plan to add it to the site.... But It prob should be plugged it... where is the connector located... post a pic and Ill look at mine on my bike.


Here is the picture, it is the empty connector in teh center of the picture.

Right below the clutch lever (actually attached to it).

I didn't ride the bike to work today because rain is expected.

If I had to guess, I would say this must have been disconnected since I got the bike from the dealer.

I can't imagine it has no importance.

Like you I have a copy of the shop manual for my bike. Mostly just diagrams though, no explanations of function.

Thanks for your input.
Ok mine is plugged in, and is a two wire plug coming out of the little slit in the black wire overwrap seen in your picture. Is the wire inside, cut off, hidden or what?

The connector splits off from the main wire bundle through a slit as you described. The connector is just sitting there. It's just unplugged.

I really can't believe that this came apart on it's own, there is even a locking hook on the connector.
Um mine turns a light on and off in Fidel Casto's closet. I hope it keeps him up nights. LOL
I dont know for sure what it is supposed to do, I know what I hope it does anyway.
Kill switch

So if the bike is not in neutral and you put down the kick stand it checks to see if the clutch is in before deciding to kill? Does it let you lower the kick stand with the bike in gear if the clutch lever is in?

Seems like it would kill the engine if the stand was lowered and the bike was not in neutral regardless of the clutch lever.

But the function can't be critical to operation because I am certain it has been disconnected ever since I purchased the bike (about 2 mo. ago).

It was very difficult to make the connectors reach each other, which makes me think they haven't been in close proximity recently.
Mine dies clutch in clutch out stand down the instant its in gear.
When I got my '07 from the dealer, it was unplugged. Had to put it in neutral if I killed it at a light or something. Plugged it in, now in gear I can start it with the clutch pulled in. I couldnt imagine why it was unplugged from the factory? Maybe some safety law or something? Who knows.
Clutch switch question

It appears that there is some confusion on what your clutch switch does?
What it does, is allows you to re-start your motorcycle in Gear, with the clutch pulled in ( such as, stalled at the stoplights,etc ).
This saves you of fumbling around trying to find Neutral while the cars fall in line behind you at the stop light.
And it is very easy to disconnect it accidentally when cleaning etc.
The other feature mentioned is the "side stand switch"...what this little guy does, is shuts off the motor if you pull the bike in gear and forget to retract the side stand. This is a very good safety feature.

Great, exactly the specific info I think we were all looking for.

Since you are a dealer. I wanted to ask you what you think about the criticism of dealer recommendations and the suggested method of engine break in posted at:

I was not aware of this controversy (presumed) before I had completed the manuf. recommeded method so no decision for me to make. I was just curious.
Fixed my Problem

I just bought an '07 FZ6 and stalled it at a left turn light. After several car horns and people giving me the finger I thought my bike was defective since I could not get it to restart until I eventually put it in neutral. I got home and rechecked this scenario to prove to myself that I had not done something wrong in the heat of the moment. However, I agree with dako81 my clutch sensor wire was not hooked up from my dealer (KY). This situation nearly got me killed (cars swerved by me to close for comfort). I think I will drive back to my dealer and let them know they NEED to hook up this wire.

Thanks to this forum for such a trivial fix...


386 miles and lovin’ my FZ6
This is a common occurence with these bikes as it is mentioned frequently in another forum. The dealer is supposed to connect this, and it is often forgotten.
I just had a look at the PDI Checklist that came with my new FZ6. There is no mention on the Yamaha PDI Checklist about connecting the clutch connector. It's obviously a generic PDI form for all Yamaha models (YMC-PDIEN-00-MC), but it should have items on it that are specific to certain that instance, the Technician performing the PDI would simply write "N/A" next to the check box if it doesn't apply to the model that they are PDI'ing.
This is worth mentioning to Yamaha, I think...
Please Inform Yamaha

Mine was the same ... dissconnected ... caused lots of issues when I stalled with oncoming traffic !!

Could the Admin staff possibly report this issue to YAMAHA. I have reported it to my dealer and also to YAMAHA in my after sales survey sheet. I reckon they would take more notice from an established forum like this though :)