Close call

Mac fz6n

Junior Member
Jun 2, 2009
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Newcastle Australia
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I'm heading home from a long day at the office, pull into a right turn lane at the lights (about 6 cagers in front).
The light goes green and all start to move except the slow a$$ right in front of me! I start to check traffic as I was thinking of going around. (i know, bad move :spank:)

As we finally get to the lights they turn yellow, cager hits the brakes!
I check the mirrors, no one there, so I decide to go around the left and through the yellow light.

As i start to turn right the fun begins, first thing i notice is the bars are at full lock right and the bike is still going straight ahead :eek:

many years in the dirt saved me, i feed the throttle on slightly as i tried to pull the bars straight. I carried the front end for about 2 metres before i started to feel grip again at which point i fed the throttle a bit harder and proceeded around the corner.

slow controlled trip home from there with heart in mouth and sh*t in pants.
Damn glad your alright, always good to take note when something like that happens!

I've been noticing alot of people driving REALLY slowly lately (esp around corners), it must be something in the air. I watched the taxi in front of me almost tail end a rather stupid driver in one of those little cars who was taking a sharp left turn off the main road and decided, HEY lets slam on the brakes right before the corner because coordinating steering and acceleration at once is too hard!

Being able to recognise bad drivers is an invaluable riding skill, but its always hard to pick them at a set of lights!
once i got home and cleaned out my pants i had a good think about it, yes the cager was going too slow but i was a bit quick to jump around him.

i think i slid on the dirt build-up between the turn lane and straight through. lesson learned.

traffic isn't as bad here as in Sydney, but we do still have the same un-aware cagers rolling around not paying any attention to the road, on the phone or playing with the stereo/mp3/gps/etc. etc...

guess we have to take safety into our own hands eh!
Yea the first warning sign is something driving visibly badly, with the GPS screen visible through the back window. Get ready for instant changes of lane/direction/speed