Clearance Issue


The Great Destroyer
Aug 27, 2009
Reaction score
Redmond, WA
Hey all, I need some help with a clearance issue with my new exhaust. There's maybe a millimeter of clearance on one side and... well pretty much none on the other. I tried like hell to get them that far apart, but couldn't get any more space. Anything I can do, or can I ignore it? I took it out for a spin, maybe a 3/4 - 1 mile ride, and there weren't any issues. Thoughts? Thanks.

Are they oval cans? If so you may be able to rotate them and get the required clearance.
Yeah they're ovular (Leo Vince Aluminums), but they're as manipulated as they can be. Earlier they were closer together and i took it all down to the decat pipe to get some more space, but I think I've done all I can. It took me about 4-5 hours to get them this well-spaced. Maybe I could add some more washers to the brackets, or grind down the metal piece a bit?

I also lost some screws, and a couple washers, like an idiot. But those are easily replaceable. Anyways, first time I've done anything mechanical, was fun, but damn I just want to be done. :)
Wow, that is close. I just had a look at mine, but with the fender and eveything on, cant really see the gap. I don't remember mine being that close when I fitted them though.

I'm at a loss for how to fix it though. Maybe slide the left can out a bit from the "Y" pipe???

Wow, that is close. I just had a look at mine, but with the fender and eveything on, cant really see the gap. I don't remember mine being that close when I fitted them though.

I'm at a loss for how to fix it though. Maybe slide the left can out a bit from the "Y" pipe???

Do the exhaust hangers hang off something like this? If so, just get some slightly longer bolts and put some thick washers in between the hangers and the end of the T-piece. That will push them further apart. My picture shows me chopping the ends off to get my oval cans to fit in with my Givi rack! ;)
Ahh, good point. To the OP, have you got the spacers inbetween the hangers and the top bracket???

parts schematic


I agree, looks like he's missing the spacers. If he isn't, add a washer or two to the spacers and he should be good to go.

I wouldn't leave them rubbing, If that bracket is steel, it'll wear thru the pipes..
nope no spacers missing

i had this EXACT issue with my leos

i basically cut a U shape out of each side the hieght of the cans to allow for clearance
has not mad eit any less week
Hm, think I'll try a little bit of both here, I'll grind a little bit into the bracket and add some more washers on a bigger bolt. Thanks all!

Edit: ooo rubber... Also a great idea. Hm... To the hardware store!
Do the exhaust hangers hang off something like this? If so, just get some slightly longer bolts and put some thick washers in between the hangers and the end of the T-piece. That will push them further apart. My picture shows me chopping the ends off to get my oval cans to fit in with my Givi rack! ;)

Ahh, good point. To the OP, have you got the spacers inbetween the hangers and the top bracket???

parts schematic


That could be the ticket. See if you can shim it out with washers. Also if it's not posible to get a little more rotation on the oval cans. You could grind a little of that vertical strap right where the can touches.
I had a nightmare with my Leos - see this thread.

Ended up with longer bolts... was very frustrating tho....

Thanks cyprusgrump, good to know I'm not alone.

Longer bolts is the most efficient solution, for sure, but the prospect of having to take off and refit those godforsaken clamps again makes me shudder. I needed my roommate to help me with it. I took the bracket out and am now grinding those edges down in 5 minute increments every half hour... drill's battery keeps dying. There's much less rage involved this way.

I think that between the two pipes and two cans, a slight misalignment in one spot can throw things off the whole way through, I took it down to the decat once myself and when I put it back together it came back a little better aligned, and I was able to get the gap to a reasonable size, though not as good as yours.
After I ground down a couple millimeters on both sides of the bracket and fitted it with the fender, I decided that the bracket and the cans are so tight that they won't ever touch. Furthermore, I really wasn't confident in anything I saw at the hardware sustaining the kind of heat that'll be passing through there, or the epoxy that'd be holding them on.

At any rate, thanks everyone, they're on and all is well now. Sounds great, best improvement is in the sound at idle. It definitely gets overpowered by the wind at anything above 50 or so.

Any reason my idle speed would increase at all? I think mine was up a couple hundred RPM, but I haven't really run it for a full ride yet, just a couple runs around the block in the rain to give it a listen.

Any reason my idle speed would increase at all? I think mine was up a couple hundred RPM, but I haven't really run it for a full ride yet, just a couple runs around the block in the rain to give it a listen.


Well done mate, looks great. :thumbup:

As for the idle, have you disconnected the battery for a few minutes. If not, do that, then re-connect and run the bike. The onboard computer will re-adjust itself to run with the new cans.
