CLC Gloves from Home Depot!


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Jun 4, 2009
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I don't know if there is any cheapskates like me here but, after looking at the dealer(s) for gloves I was a little shocked at $39 - $59 gloves!!!!! I checked at Walmart but nothing good so I went Home Depot today after a ride and they had about 40 different work gloves! I tried on a lot of them and settled on the CLC Handyman XL for a whopping $9.97!!! I can't tell any difference between them and at the dealer(I'm new so I know there must be a difference) They are nylon back and soft leather front. I haven't used them yet so I don't know what they'll feel like but for $10 bucks what the hell. They will work for the summer and into fall. This brand also had similar models for $14.97, $19.97 and $21.97.
Did you buy your bike new from a dealer? If so, you should have gotten him/her to throw in some gloves, helmet, jacket, etc. My dealer threw in gloves, helmet & a nice reflective vest that military installations are starting to make mandatory. All in all, it was about $400 worth of freebies. I know it's nothing compared to what I spent but I didnt't even ask for it.
I would guess the main difference would be in the strength of the stitching that holds the gloves together in case of an accident. Plus with more expensive gloves you can get perforated leather for better breathability, armor in the knuckles for extra protection, reflective piping for night time visibility, gel in the palm to reduce vibrations, some are waterproof, and pre-formed to a grip like fit.

If they look strong enough to you then great! It's definitely better then no gloves at all. You're right though...some of the prices are ridiculous. Try ebay for good deals on slightly used gloves!
I did buy it from the dealer. It's an '08 that was marked down from $6999 to $6299. Then he only charged $90 for freight and setup which is normally over $400 I think. This is the second bike plus one Grizzly from the same dealer. I do get a free hat!!!! LOL. I thought it was an OK price. BTW the dealer is Bobby J's in albq. The OLDEST Yamaha dealer in the US started in 1958!
But you're going to get actual protective motorcycle gloves for riding your motorcycle, right? I'm glad you found some cheap gloves but you have to ask yourself what exactly you're trying to accomplish by wearing any gloves at all.

Appropriate gear is expensive, but so is the ER. The gloves you purchased will do next to nothing...seriously, next to nothing at anything over 15 MPH. Even some lower end moto gloves fail during get what you pay for when it comes to protecting your body.
Thank you Defy, I just wanted something for warm weather. Been wearing only jersey gloves with my TW. These CLC gloves will not offer the protection of padded leather ones I know, but I never really thought about how much my hands would be affected in a fall? Do they take a lot of damage? I have a nice armored Cortech jacket and pants. Still learning.
But you're going to get actual protective motorcycle gloves for riding your motorcycle, right?


I may sound like an ass, but I'm not going to apologize for just saying it outright. Unless you don't rely on your hands for everyday life, you owe it to yourself to go get some real gloves.

Look for:
  • Full leather construction
  • Armor in the knuckles + wrist
  • Long gauntlet coverage
  • High burst strength rating
  • Multiple leather layers in impact areas
Motorcycle gloves are going to do a better job of protecting your hands than work gloves.

But a good set of work gloves should protect you from road rash on your hands, since they're designed to protect you when you accidentally stick your hand into the angle grinder. But they won't do as much to protect you from broken bones as some good hard armored riding gloves.

It's a good compromise for now, but save up for some better gloves.

Thank you Defy, I just wanted something for warm weather. Been wearing only jersey gloves with my TW. These CLC gloves will not offer the protection of padded leather ones I know, but I never really thought about how much my hands would be affected in a fall? Do they take a lot of damage? I have a nice armored Cortech jacket and pants. Still learning.

Thing about those workglove syou bought, they aren't made to stay on your hadn while it is sliding across pavement. If you're actually moving when you fall, they'll be sitting back on the road where you fell, not on your hands where you are after you're done sliding and tumbling. Thank the Lord I haven't slid across the pavement yet!!!
Thing about those workglove syou bought, they aren't made to stay on your hadn while it is sliding across pavement. If you're actually moving when you fall, they'll be sitting back on the road where you fell, not on your hands where you are after you're done sliding and tumbling. Thank the Lord I haven't slid across the pavement yet!!!

Agreed. The biggest problem with most work gloves is that they don't have a strap on them to positively hold the gloves on your hand. Most of them just slip on easily and will slip off just as easily. Some impact protection is good, but I wouldn't have any problems wearing a sturdy work glove as long as it won't slip off when I need it most.
One of the nicest motorcycle gloves I have is a pair of tan deer skins. The leather is very supple and super comfortable. No armor but they fit well appear they would stay on well in a crash. I'd think a good pair of work glove would be fine commuting, etc.
Between a pait of gloves specifically designed for motorcycling and a pair of work gloves, I'll take the former. Nothing is 100% guaranteed to hold up under an unexpected asphalt surfing incident, but why take the chance?

I'll take the gloves that are purpose built.
Those CLC Gloves will last about 1.35 seconds sliding on ashpalt. If you're going to get those, why even bother with gloves at all in the first place? You're just fooling yourself if you think you have any hand protection. But hey, it's your body and your decision.

On a side note, I hear skin grafts are making a comeback in the fashion world this summer...

You invested a lot in your machine, so don't be so cheap when it comes to protecting what's truely important - yourself! You can get perforated leather riding gloves for the summer months for under $100.
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Not sure the name of the gloves but for 35 bucks they held up pretty damn well, still wearing them after a wreck. Buy real gloves man, you will be a very sad panda if you wreck without them. The scars on my wrists where the button snapped off of my coat exposing flesh, enough said?

Also, if gloves are an issue, I would be fairly certain you ride in your every day shoes? This is a free lesson, if only I knew how important ankle protection was. I am currently riding in a cast because of this, good riding boots aren't cheap and you seem to be strapped for cash. Well, get a loan or something. Costing me over 3 grand because I was stupid and let my health insurance lapse, discovering had I been wearing boots instead of shoes I wouldn't even be in the hospital at all. Well it was just what I needed to hear.

Learn from others mistakes so you don't have to learn from your own.