Chipped engine block. JB weld?

Crash cages are great for engine protection but not necessarily good at protecting the rest of the bike. I have used decent sliders in the past and after slow speed drops have had very minimal damage with just superficial damage to the sliders.
Like you I was concerned with protecting the cases so installed engine bars and stubby sliders. Unfortunately they do not protrude out as far as sliders. A flop and drop the resulted in a smashed fairing and scratched up grab rail. These had previously been saved by the sliders. I have kept the cage but abd have also installed my old sliders for good measure.


Neil, can you post a link and a pic of those engine bars, those were what I was referring to earlier. Your engine "cage' likely would have saved all of kenken's damage..

Thanks, Scott
well everyone the job is finally finished. the welder did a great job and im sure it will be a much more permanent fix, i certainly wont have to worry about the jb weld coming off at a bad time. overall for parts, the weld, oil, and paying my buddies to help me tow it around, it came to around 550. there were a couple times I got pretty hopeless but all you guys on here kept helping me out. Thanks a bunch and i'll definitely be on here more often now. im just thankful that i didnt get to badly injured and that i was able to get my bike running again, that moment of pressing the starter and hearing her kick on again was sheer elation!