Challenged the law. Got $113 ticket for my trouble.

I propose sportbikes be given a 30% leeway with speed limits.

Also, white Pontiac Grand AMs.

Lol, but seriously though, not all 60 zones are 60 zones. I can concede to your logic in its entirety, because it is not a flawed argument.

But not all 60 zones are 60 zones.

My personal opinion is that VERY few 60 zones are actually 60 zones.....even if human perception is what it is.

LMAO. I would probably agree with you on a lot of those zones...but then again, I don['t have a badge so that and a bag of chips will raise your cholesterol. ;)

I am genuinely incapable of doing 60 in a 60 zone. It is just retarded. I am sorry but it is. I pick a speed based on conditions. 60 is a "safe" speed when 78 is not? I don't accept that given proper awareness, technique, and current-gen braking technology.

lone, I am completely agree with you man

I think and act exactly the same as you

and yes...look at my location...I am from the third world...I am not civilized at all :D:D

Cheers to everyone, enjoy the ride!
They play their games, we play ours --so it goes....

Governments all over the world are hard up for money, so be extra cautious out there, especially when you're on your epic ride through Cali !!!!
police dont like getting passed. Especially by bikes.

That's usually my goal everytime I see one ahead, I try to pass them sloooowly. I like to show off to everyone in traffic how brave I am. I'm not going to let a cop dictate the pace of traffic, at least for me.

One of the most ridiculous things I see on the highways is when I see a string of vehicles who don't dare to pass the state trooper. Looks like a funeral procession, or whatever you call those things that go on for miles.
That's usually my goal everytime I see one ahead, I try to pass them sloooowly. I like to show off to everyone in traffic how brave I am. I'm not going to let a cop dictate the pace of traffic, at least for me.

One of the most ridiculous things I see on the highways is when I see a string of vehicles who don't dare to pass the state trooper. Looks like a funeral procession, or whatever you call those things that go on for miles.

+1 to that mate , im sure the coppers out here do it on purpose :thumbup:
lone, i'm both for and against you on this one.

here's the deal... you broke the law. doesn't matter if the law makes since to you. you can't say that you did nothing wrong. you broke the law. that is doing something wrong. being a law abiding citizen is obeying even when it doesn't make since. obedience by it's very nature requires disagreement. otherwise, you're not obeying, you're agreeing. if you want the laws changed you need to vote for the people that will change those laws.

having said that...
many speed limits are simply wrong. and where the world economy is... well, you got the honor of paying extra taxes. studies have been shown that most if left to our own judgement, 80% of the people will go just about the same safe speed limit when no limit is posted. 10% will go slower and 10% will go higher. yet we still throw up speed limit signs that often times don't make since for the road conditions. it frustrates me to see the main speed trap we have in our little town always being occupied by on officer. glad to know he's keeping my town safe by getting the person coming down a hill right when the speed limit drop by 10 miles per hour. since he's there everyday i think i can start going to bed and leaving my front door wide opened.

as a side note, 18k is about 11 miles over. that's just borderline around here. 10 over really isn't that far over. i have no problem passing a cop going 5 or 6 over. i know a trouper that told me he won't hand out a ticket unless someone is going like 12 or 13 over because the judge would get ticket at him for "wasting his time" with something as small as that.

if you're still reading... i had something similar happen to me. i was on a divided 4 lane taking my kids to an easter egg hunt. i'm driving the minivan in the left lane (fast lane for those that drive on the wrong side of the road ;) ) and i'm going about 62 in a 55 - this is the flow of traffic. up ahead of me is a trouper, and i know it's a trouper. right next to me is a pickup truck. the cop is going incredibly slow. so i decide to get in front of the truck. i had enough room that i could have continued on at my speed and gotten over directly in front of the truck. to me that is rude and unsafe. i give the minivan a smidge of gas to give a safe (and polite) buffer between the truck and me when i get over. as soon as i do i slow back down.

well, must have been a bad day to test the trouper. i got pulled for going 68 in a 55... which i still find highly suspect. and to point out that it's not just me... when i started slowing down to pull over my wife asked me what i was doing. i told her i was getting pulled and she was shocked.

anyway, i went to court. in NC we a little thing called prayer for judgement, and that's what i was going to ask for. i get up to the DA's table, the DA looks at the ticket, then looks at me and says, "who doesn't go 68 in a 55? i can't stand this trouper. he always gives frivolous tickets. i have to give you something because you got a ticket. how does improper equipment sound?" i said it sounded great, paid my fine and got out. that took me from a moving violation that would ding my insurance to simply paying a stupid tax.

so lone, you were wrong. doesn't mean it wasn't the best course of actions, but you were wrong. but i feel your pain. i was wrong, but i believe it was the best course of actions. i was still wrong.
Saw a cop car on way to work. Wasn't riding very aggressively, just filtering through traffic at around 65-70kph as a cruising speed in a 60kph zone.

Went to pass the cop car in the same fashion. Lights flash, I pull over. She is SHOCKED when I ask what the problem is.

"You were doing 78 in a 60 zone!"

I see immediately she is the "I actually have a penix" type of lady-cop. She is not friendly and gets me to show my indicators and all that jazz. She goes back to car, comes back with $113 ticket.

I ask her nicely, "So, how am I supposed to pass someone who is doing 55-58kph? Do I pass them at 60kph and hang around their blind spot for hours on end? Or do I roll on the throttle and pass when there is little likelihood of them quickly changing lanes to make a turn-off?"

She responds, "Stay behind them, then."

The convo is summarized a bit but that's pretty much how it went.

I kicked her in the shin. Well, I didn't. But I wanted to.

Thing that irks me is she is going to go home today thinking she served her city somehow.

I swear, next time a cop is pulling me over for going over the limit when I'm not riding aggressively, I am going to EMERGENCY STOP and get them to rear end me. When I'm laying on the ground I'll writhe in pain and explain how I am going to sue them. Also, I will ask them, in feet or metres whichever they prefer, how much shorter my braking distance is than their's.



Cops have rear-facing radar/laser in their cars. Bastards!


I had to do the math, to put this in perspective for myself. The posted limit you were riding at works out to 36 MPH (60KPH x .6); and she clocked you at
46.8 MPH.

Basically a 10 MPH overage.

If you didn't light off the pipe, and you weren't on one wheel, you just 'got lucky' with having pulled that particular officer. Maybe she didn't like your super bright HID lamps, or something and was looking for an excuse.
I think everybody is missing the point here. First thing Lonesoldier84 should've done upon her approach is compliment the officer on her uniform sex appeal and suggest that they "talk the issue over" this evening over a haute cuisine venue.
...(and no, I do NOT have a penix. well, unless I get to count my husbands) :BLAA:

Oh yeah?? Then what's that pink thing in your avatar :spank: Oh, wait a sec...that's a dog's tongue :BLAA:

Sorry, I now return you back on topic :D
I was in a "rebel without a cause" mood this morning.


The day was essentially volunteer day at work as a result of it.

Seems like you're "in a rebel without a cause mood" EVERY time you post on here (LOL) :D :BLAA: :spank:
I'm nearing $900 this year including car and bike.

I don't have the discipline and don't think I want it. I'd rather pay my road tax and hold my head up high with that feeling of moral superiority and martyrdom.

$900 in performance awards!!!! holy crap I would hate to see your insurance premiums!!!

I'm also surprised you have any points left on your license... or do they not do it that way up in the north country?
My rules around cops: Never pass cops (unless they're going really slow and it is expected that they be passed); never let yourself stick out when in traffic with cops. Having a cop stop you or focus on you is just never good -- unless she is (and started out) female, hot, and blowing you kisses :D.

Passing a cop just makes you stick out. Heck, passing at all makes you stick out. I try not to pass at all around cops.

Either way, sorry to hear about the ticket. I think most of us speed. I also believe that some level of speeding is absolutely necessary to stay out of danger. Every time I've ever ridden conservatively in traffic, I've always found myself in a tough situation. Folks are aggressive around here and if you're a whimp on the road, they will eat you alive :eek:.

So what did the lady cop look like :D?

Its all bad luck and a bunch of BS that you have to put up. You didnt deserve it and it does not matter how they justify it.
Next time any of you have to pass a cop going 58, go by at 60 but hold your horn button down the whole time, so they know you're there. Simple!

:Sport: :ban:
To answer questions:

I pay $425 a month on my car for insurance.

I pay $700 for the year on the bike for insurance.

I pay between $600-1000 a year on speeding tickets on most years (one year a couple years ago I paid $2500 for 3 tickets over a 3 month period).

I pay...I pay...I pay...I pay...I pay...I pay...

So that is why I feel as though I have fairly and rightfully purchased the right to do as I bloody well please. Still, I do try to keep things closer to the "safe" end of the spectrum.

Also, the cop-lady was indeed very fit and attractive and had a cute face. And, yes, she had a billy club. :D