Cat and Fiddle crash

Interesting one for me. In the late 1950s my Dad had a Norton 500 side valve, with a Watsonian double adult sidecar attached.

One Sunday afternoon the family set off for a ride. We were living in Manchester at the time. Four of us kids in the sidecar and my Dad riding the bike, with my Mum on the pillion.

Travelling on the Cat and Fiddle road between Buxton and Macclesfield, the anchor bolt between the bike and sidecar snapped as were were going round a curve. Fortunately, the bike and sidecar did not separate, but leaned in towards each other. The combination overturned. We were very lucky, only minor cuts and bruises and my Mum had a couple of cracked ribs.

I was only 5 or 6 at the time, but I still remember the accident.