Car parks 4" from bike... what is that all about?


Member Minimus
Aug 3, 2008
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Revelstoke, BC
OK, why does this seem to always happen to me? Why do cage drivers not understand us at all? I was going to church on my motorbike this morning, and I have learned my lesson previously not to park my motorbike anywhere where someone could park in front of me on the street and subsequently back in to my bike when they are leaving and tip it over. This actually happened to me the same day I just bought my brand new FZ6. I had owned it for 4 hours. Someone backed in to it and it almost went right over. I saw it from the window of a coffee shop. Anyway, so this morning I park it on the street, and what is in front of me is someone's driveway, and then an alley. Perfect, nobody can park in front of me. Think again! Before the service started, I had this weird feeling so I went out to check on my bike. I am a little paranoid after the previous incident. I go outside, and this lady that I know has parked within 4 inches of my bike. Backed up to it so her car is in front. I am not kidding. She is retired, about 70 years old so my first thought is that she may have hit it - how could she get so close? I asked her what she was doing and she said she needed to park there because she had her dog in the car and needed the shade where I was parked. I pointed out to her that she was also parking in front of someone's driveway! She said, "Well, if they have a problem with it, they'll come out and tell me". I was livid. She told me it would be fine to leave it and I said no way, she may come out from church and forget it was there! So I moved my bike. But the worst part is, I don't think she got it. I mean, I didn't raise my voice or anything, I tried to explain my concerns to her and she just couldn't see a problem with it. Is it not a universal "rudeness" to park so close to someone, bike or cage or whatever? Never mind totally blocking someone's driveway.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just worked me up and I was wondering how often this happens to others and what your parking strategies might be.
sry to hear that man... but at least your bike is ok. I dont know about anyone else but i park on sidewalks and cross hatched places whenever possible. Very rarely do i park in a regular spot because cagers dont care. They are bigger so they think they can get away with anything. Anyways, i feel for you but hopefully the service was at least a good one or were u so peeved u didnt listen ;) i wouldnt blame you if u didnt listen lol
OK, why does this seem to always happen to me? Why do cage drivers not understand us at all? I was going to church on my motorbike this morning, and I have learned my lesson previously not to park my motorbike anywhere where someone could park in front of me on the street and subsequently back in to my bike when they are leaving and tip it over. This actually happened to me the same day I just bought my brand new FZ6. I had owned it for 4 hours. Someone backed in to it and it almost went right over. I saw it from the window of a coffee shop. Anyway, so this morning I park it on the street, and what is in front of me is someone's driveway, and then an alley. Perfect, nobody can park in front of me. Think again! Before the service started, I had this weird feeling so I went out to check on my bike. I am a little paranoid after the previous incident. I go outside, and this lady that I know has parked within 4 inches of my bike. Backed up to it so her car is in front. I am not kidding. She is retired, about 70 years old so my first thought is that she may have hit it - how could she get so close? I asked her what she was doing and she said she needed to park there because she had her dog in the car and needed the shade where I was parked. I pointed out to her that she was also parking in front of someone's driveway! She said, \"Well, if they have a problem with it, they'll come out and tell me\". I was livid. She told me it would be fine to leave it and I said no way, she may come out from church and forget it was there! So I moved my bike. But the worst part is, I don't think she got it. I mean, I didn't raise my voice or anything, I tried to explain my concerns to her and she just couldn't see a problem with it. Is it not a universal \"rudeness\" to park so close to someone, bike or cage or whatever? Never mind totally blocking someone's driveway.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just worked me up and I was wondering how often this happens to others and what your parking strategies might be.

I've noticed a basic philosophy of some people here on this planet: "After me, you come first."

Maybe it's the area you are in:don'tknow:
It is definitely a rudeness in the US, probably in Canada, but not in the EU. I remember being in spain and watching a car literally park in a spot that was too small. The driver put his car in by pushing the car in front and in back just enough to crank the wheel and get two inches closer to the curb.

Anyway, I agree that you have a right to be pissed not only because she parked blocking a driveway but also because she parked so close to your bike. People can't say they'll remember it's there because they won't. How many times have you said "I'll remember to do it in ten minutes" and then completely forgot about it? Moving your bike was the best thing to do. It's a shame to ever damage a Yamaha motorcycle.

Here's that car I was talking about, taken from the balcony of my hotel room (the car in the middle got there last):
It is definitely a rudeness in the US, probably in Canada, but not in the EU. I remember being in spain and watching a car literally park in a spot that was too small. The driver put his car in by pushing the car in front and in back just enough to crank the wheel and get two inches closer to the curb.

Anyway, I agree that you have a right to be pissed not only because she parked blocking a driveway but also because she parked so close to your bike. People can't say they'll remember it's there because they won't. How many times have you said \\"I'll remember to do it in ten minutes\\" and then completely forgot about it? Moving your bike was the best thing to do. It's a shame to ever damage a Yamaha motorcycle.

Here's that car I was talking about, taken from the balcony of my hotel room (the car in the middle got there last):

That is ridiculous:disapprove:(the picture)
I would love for someone to come block my drive way with a damn car. Thats when the chains will come out and hooks. Once I have her front axle hooked to my truck by chains it will be time to burn her tires flat lol. I will also make sure to drag that sob some where no one will ever find it. Then I will sit out on my porch and smoke a few and wait. When she gets out of church or were ever just smile politely and say sry I havent seen a car after she ask. :Flip:
I would love for someone to come block my drive way with a damn car. Thats when the chains will come out and hooks. Once I have her front axle hooked to my truck by chains it will be time to burn her tires flat lol. I will also make sure to drag that sob some where no one will ever find it. Then I will sit out on my porch and smoke a few and wait. When she gets out of church or were ever just smile politely and say sry I havent seen a car after she ask. :Flip:

That's awesome! :cheer:
I am laughing she thinks I would come looking for her to ask her to move her car because she has just parked blocking my drive way. The same disrespect she just handed me I would have to return to her and her dog along with the car. I don't know though I don't think the animal control would like the fact she just left her dog in her car while she sits in church. I would have to think about what I would do, but I'd assure you it want be come looking for her. LOL. PPL:rolleyes:
bro, 4" is alot of room. Try parking in NYC for a day. with a cage, it's almost mandatory that you fulfill the full terminology of the "bumper" to get a spot on most streets. Avenues tend to have much more widely spaced parking, and recent meter installations have been well spread out to try and get congestion eased up, but still it's all bumpers within 2" in most places.

but parking in front of a driveway...that's just rude and wrong.
first off i would have called and had it towed... were i live no one could block the driveway or i should say there would be absolutly no sense in blocking it. anyway if they did they would get a f250 with a 8foot snow plow into the side of it and push it out of the way then the plow would be lifted and drive into the car and lower... then back up.... wouldnt be pretty. but as far as your situation knowing her... thats a tough one, espeically where u were headed.... I am not very religious at all so i wouldnt think twice about it.... Hit my bike and you will have two ripped off mirrors sitting on your car as well as the windshield wipers and arms license plates and front holder. and radio antenna would be shoved through the radiator.....sorry i hate ignorant idiots... makes me wonder how many people have been hurt by their idiotic mistakes....
bro, 4\" is alot of room. Try parking in NYC for a day. with a cage, it's almost mandatory that you fulfill the full terminology of the \"bumper\" to get a spot on most streets. Avenues tend to have much more widely spaced parking, and recent meter installations have been well spread out to try and get congestion eased up, but still it's all bumpers within 2\" in most places.

but parking in front of a driveway...that's just rude and wrong.

I suppose you are right for NYC, there people know how to drive and they are used to parking like that so I would be more apt to trust their driving/parking ability. Same with many European countries. They park wherever they want. However I live in a remote (Canadian) mountain town of only 8,500 people. Let's just say it's not quite the same. Especially since the last time someone backed in to and hit my bike I was actually about 6 feet behind them! If they drove/parked like that in NYC they sure wouldn't last long! But here, unfortunately, they do. :(
I totally feel for ya... I had the exact same thing happen to me here in France, when my bike was ~8 hours old.

Usually here people are great when it comes to bikes. They are used to lunatics on scooters in every city, so to see a 'proper' biker is always better for people, and they generally show a lot of respect. The only problem is, sometimes the standard of driver observation, especially in small villages, is abysmal... for example, I posted this in my 'just bought' post;

\"Had an interesting incident today though when I parked up in a garage to fill up with fuel, and a woman thought it was wise to reverse her battered Toyota without looking first! She hit my front wheel, thankfully at only 2 or 3 mph, and was steadily pushing the bike backwards when I ran over to her car and 'politely' pointed out that she was about to topple it! A friend ran over, jumped on my bike and kept it upright! When I took a closer look, she only seemed to put pressure on the front wheel, and pushed it back a few centimeters.\"

All in all, you did nothing wrong, and you had a right to be upset.
Can't believe there isn't anyplace for you to park your bike but the street. What about sidwalk, near the entrance of the church, anywhere, but the street. Parking lots are for cagers. Anyway, since you were at church, I would have just prayed for the safety of your bike rather than moving it.
In Paris they say that's why cars have bumpers...


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OK, why does this seem to always happen to me? Why do cage drivers not understand us at all? I was going to church on my motorbike this morning, and I have learned my lesson previously not to park my motorbike anywhere where someone could park in front of me on the street and subsequently back in to my bike when they are leaving and tip it over. This actually happened to me the same day I just bought my brand new FZ6. I had owned it for 4 hours. Someone backed in to it and it almost went right over. I saw it from the window of a coffee shop. Anyway, so this morning I park it on the street, and what is in front of me is someone's driveway, and then an alley. Perfect, nobody can park in front of me. Think again! Before the service started, I had this weird feeling so I went out to check on my bike. I am a little paranoid after the previous incident. I go outside, and this lady that I know has parked within 4 inches of my bike. Backed up to it so her car is in front. I am not kidding. She is retired, about 70 years old so my first thought is that she may have hit it - how could she get so close? I asked her what she was doing and she said she needed to park there because she had her dog in the car and needed the shade where I was parked. I pointed out to her that she was also parking in front of someone's driveway! She said, "Well, if they have a problem with it, they'll come out and tell me". I was livid. She told me it would be fine to leave it and I said no way, she may come out from church and forget it was there! So I moved my bike. But the worst part is, I don't think she got it. I mean, I didn't raise my voice or anything, I tried to explain my concerns to her and she just couldn't see a problem with it. Is it not a universal "rudeness" to park so close to someone, bike or cage or whatever? Never mind totally blocking someone's driveway.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. Just worked me up and I was wondering how often this happens to others and what your parking strategies might be.
Well mate you make very valid points all round. In the UK numerous dogs die in cars where the owner has left them in it. In my book that is cruelty. Even in the shade the temperature inside can raise pretty dam hot and distress the animal.

That lady parker will go to hell (plenty of parking) for sure. Next time, park bike---yeah---inside church in the rear area. No one will ask anything!
sry to hear that man... but at least your bike is ok. I dont know about anyone else but i park on sidewalks and cross hatched places whenever possible. Very rarely do i park in a regular spot because cagers dont care. They are bigger so they think they can get away with anything. Anyways, i feel for you but hopefully the service was at least a good one or were u so peeved u didnt listen ;) i wouldnt blame you if u didnt listen lol

Parking in the cross hatched sections is fine, but be aware that it is considered a no parking zone. I have gotten tickets for this in Ohio. So, check the local laws, GRUMPY
Parking in the cross hatched sections is fine, but be aware that it is considered a no parking zone. I have gotten tickets for this in Ohio. So, check the local laws, GRUMPY

I am assuming you parked a motorcycle in the cross hatch. I do that all the time , here in Alabama (home of Forrest,Forrest Gump). When you got the ticket did you just pay it or go to court to explain to the judge that you left big parking places for the cars that needed them and that you didn't block or interfeer with traffic in any way?
The woman took a dog to church , then left it in the car. She blocked your bike and someone elses drive way and feels perfectly justified in doing it. The world is full of people like that. You can't kill em all, there are to many of em. All you can do is accept that that is the way they are and save your self some ulcers and grey hair.
The woman took a dog to church , then left it in the car. She blocked your bike and someone elses drive way and feels perfectly justified in doing it. The world is full of people like that. You can't kill em all, there are to many of em. All you can do is accept that that is the way they are and save your self some ulcers and grey hair.

Good point! SOOOOO TRUE!